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Carl S. Bosco D.C.

Chiropractor - Naturopath
P.O. Box 1653 Coarsegold, Ca 9361 559-!6"- 199

Are We Being Told The Truth About The Very Real Deadliness Of Chemotherapy?

You'll have to pardon me . . . but I'm very angry today. I'm angry because, like so
many others, I have stood by and said nothing while yet another sick person I know was killed with chemotherapy. She died not from cancer, but by the poisons used to treat it. I'm angry because I bent to the pressure put on anyone who uestions the system. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to be accused of giving false hope to someone,when false hope is e!actly what is dished out by the purveyors of to!ins. Fact: Hundreds of thousands of people die every year taking properly

prescribed drugs, prescribed by their doctors. They don't die at the hands of herbalists, acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, or doctors using natural therapies.

I'm angry because people are misled by weasels and demagogs like "r. Steven #arrett $.". , a one man, self%appointed uack watch, a sociopath and mouthpiece for &harmaceuticals, who lies and slanders legitimate natural therapies that work, and of which he knows absolutely nothing. '(I)* &+,*-.S +,* S/ 0+,*12) to keep lead paint away from their children,

keep mercury saturated fish out of their dinners, fluoride out of our water and wash pesticides off our foods, they then voluntarily submit to an intravenous in3ection of deadly to!ins into their already sick bodies. I'm angry because popular media is totally bought and paid for and will allow no one to contradict this madness.

#et$s %i&d Out 'hat (i&d O) People *&)est +he Drug Cartels
,ere$s - ,eadli&e.

/erc0 %alsi)ied 1acci&e Data, Spi0ed Blood Sa2ples

a&d 2ore, sa3 )or2er e2plo3ees. 4/erc0 is o&e o) the 5iggest drug co2pa&ies 6ith cou&tless lo553ists i& 'ashi&gto& D.C.7 -ccordi&g to )or2er /erc0 8irologists Stephe& (rahli&g a&d 9oa& 'locho6s0i, the co2pa&3.
: ;%alsi)ied test data to )a5ricate a 8acci&e e))icac3 rate o) 95 perce&t or higher.; : Spi0ed the 5lood test 6ith a&i2al a&ti5odies i& order to arti)iciall3 i&)late the appeara&ce o) i22u&e s3ste2 a&ti5odies. : Pressured the t6o 8irologists to ;participate i& the )raud a&d su5se<ue&t co8er-up.; : =sed the )alsi)ied trial results to s6i&dle the =.S. go8er&2e&t out o) ;hu&dreds o) 2illio&s o) dollars )or a 8acci&e that does &ot pro8ide ade<uate i22u&i>atio&.; : *&ti2idated the scie&tists, threate&i&g the2 6ith goi&g to ?ail u&less the3 sta3ed sile&t.

*) 3ou thi&0 this corruptio& is rare, o&l3 co&)i&ed to a )e6 5ad apples, 3ou$re 8er3 6ro&g. +he3 all do it, i&cludi&g such co2pa&ies as @laxoS2ith(li&e a&d P)i>er. ,o6 do the3 get a6a3 6ith itA 'ho$s stoppi&g the2A 'h3 not )alsi)3 - ha&d accide&tall3 splashed a&d 5ur&ed clai2s 6he& 3ou ca& 2a0e huge 6ith che2o that is 2ea&t )or 3our i&sidesB pro)its a&d the& pa3 a relati8el3

s2all )i&e a)ter the )act. And best of all, nobody ever goes to jail! Maybe I'm still being too subtle? Senators and congressmen and presidents are in the pay and the pockets of and beholden to !ig "harma#

+he @erso& +herap3 ,as

Bee& - Success)ul, Natural +reat2e&t %or Ca&cer Si&ce +he 19D"sB But +here *s No /o&e3 +o Be /ade 'ith %ruits -&d 1egeta5les, 9uices -&d Supple2e&ts

$he %nly "eople &ho 'o $o (ail Are $hose )sing *atural Means $o +ure +ancer#

Che2otherap3. Death B3 Poiso&i&g How Effective Is Chemotherapy?

,old %nto -our ,at .ailure /ate is 012! 'hat ho&est doctors sa3 a5out Che2otherap3

cientists based at $c4ill 0ancer 0entre 5$ontreal, 0anada6 sent a uestionnaire to

778 lung cancer doctors to determine what degree of faith these cancer physicians placed in the therapies they administered. .hey were asked to imagine that they had cancer and what they would do for themselves. 9: doctors responded, of which ;< would not consent to be in any trial containing Cisplati& % one of the common chemotherapy drugs that they were testing on their patients. 'orldwide sales of this drug are about =77>,>>>,>>> a year. 5C o) the !9 doctors )ou&d that all drug trials i& <uestio& 6ere u&accepta5le due to the i&e))ecti8e&ess o) che2otherap3 a&d its u&accepta5l3 high degree o) toxicit3

Patie&ts Not +old +he +ruth 'hen the cancer patient hears the doctor say ?effective,? he or she thinks, and logically so, that ?effective? means it cures cancer. But all it means is temporary tumor shrinkage at the cost of damage to healthy cells and the immune system generally . .o most it is 3ust common sense that a drug that makes you throw up, and lose your hair, and wrecks your immune system is not improving your uality of life. 0hemotherapy can give you life%threatening mouth sores. &eople can slough the entire lining of their intestines@ One longer-term effect is particularly tragic: people who've had chemotherapy no longer respond to nutritional or immunologically-based approaches to their cancers. +nd since chemotherapy doesn't cure :;A to :8A of all cancers anyway, people who take chemotherapy have sadly lost their chance of finding another sort of cure. Doctors 'o&$t +a0e +he Poiso& It's especially telling that in a number of surveys most chemotherapists have said they would not take chemotherapy themselves or recommend it for their families. 0hemotherapy drugs are the most to!ic substances ever put deliberately into the human body. .hey are known poisons, they are designed poisons. .he whole thing began with e!periments with ?mustard gas,? the horrible chemical%warfare agents from 'orld 'ar I. Dr. 9oh& Bailar, the chief of epidemiology at $c4ill 2niversity in $ontreal and former editor of the 9our&al o) the Natio&al Ca&cer *&stitute, and "r. *laine Smith, a colleague from the 2niversity of Iowa % published an article in the Ne6 E&gla&d 9our&al o) /edici&e statingB "Some 35 years of intense and growing efforts to improve the treatment of cancer have not had much overall effect on the most fundamental measure of clinical outcome - death. The effort to control cancer has failed so far to obtain its ob ectives.! Dr. 9oh& Cair&s, a professor of microbiology at (arvard, published his view in Scientific +merican in 7:8C, ?that basically the war on cancer was a failure and that chemotherapy was not getting very far with the vast ma3ority of cancers.? +s far back as 7:9C, -obel )aureate 9a2es 'atso& of "-+ fame was uoted in the -ew York .imes saying that the +merican public had been ;sold a &ast3 5ill o) goods a5out ca&cer.; #iostatistician at the 2niversity of (eidelberg, Dr. =lrich -5el, concluded that chemotherapy did not prolong survival in advanced epithelial cancer. ,e co&cluded that che2otherap3 o8erall is i&e))ecti8e. + recent search turned up e!actly Dero reviews of his work in +merican 3ournals, even though it was published in 7::>. .he belief is that this is not because his work was unimportant %% but because it's irrefutable.

+here is a 5lac0out o& the truth a5out che2otherap3.

(onest, sensitive, caring oncologists are in a very difficult position because they've devoted many years to reaching a very high level of e!pertise in the knowledge of poisonous, deadly compounds. .hey went into oncology to help the cancer patient, yet the tools they've been given don't work. -&d the3 see 6hat happe&s to ph3sicia&s 6ho "step out of line" a&d treat ca&cer 6ith alter&ati8e 2ea&s. +he S'-++ +ea2 Co2es -)ter Natural +herapies +rmed raids, loss of licensure, professional smearing and ostracism are some of the conse uences. "r. )undberg, editor of the Eournal of the +merican $edical +ssociation, at a recent Natio&al *&stitute o) ,ealth meeting said of chemotherapyB ""t#s a marvelous opportunity for rampant deceit. So much money is there to be made that ethical principles can be overrun sometimes in a stampede to get at physicians and prescribers." You never heard that on the evening news. .he economics of cancer treatment are astounding. 0ancer treatment is close to =7>> billion annually 5=7>>,>>>,>>>,>>>6.

3iagnosed 4ith cancer, you are suddenly 4orth 5677,777#77 to the cancer industry# Cancer Doesn't Kill, Traditional Treatments Do!
Please watch this short interview with Dr. Michael Farley, who talks about the dama e cancer treatments like chemothera!y and radiation do. "e also shares a sur!risin statistic re ardin cancer and causes o# death!

$ee the interview here% htt!%&&!' v()*C+F,C-.D/012,+,.)3).+1/+.F,3,)

Lets hear from some physicians and doctors who have not yet succumbed to the heavy hand of the cancer industry:
+s a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.? % -la& C Nixo&, PhD, former president of the +merican 0hemical Society.
Dr. %arle3

'alter #ast, writing in .he *cologist, reported recentlyB +fter analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, "r (ardin Eones, &rofessor at the 2niversity of 0alifornia, concluded ...patients are as well, or better off untreated.? EonesF disturbing assessment has never been refuted. Pro)essor Charles /athe declaredB If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. 0ancer victims who live far from such centres have a better chance. $any medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure, -l5ert Bra8er2a& /D 7::7 $ancet 7::7 GG9 p:>7 $edical /ncology in the :>s. F/ost ca&cer patie&ts i& this cou&tr3 die o) che2otherap3. 0hemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. .his fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors, +llen )evin, $" 20S1 The %ealing of &ancer. "espite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 9> years, +ho2as Dao, /D '()* $ar 7:9C H:H p 9>9. +dditionally, Irwin #ross, a biostatistician for the -ational 0ancer Institute, discovered that many cancers that are benign 5though thought to be malignant6 and will not metastasiDe until they are hit with chemotherapy. In other words, he's found that many people who've been diagnosed with metastatic cancer did not have metastatic cancer until they got their chemotherapy.

Che2otherap3 )or colorectal, gastric, pa&creatic, 5ladder, 5reast, o8aria&, cer8ical a&d corpus uteri, head a&d &ec0, ?ust does &ot i2pro8e 3our sur8i8al rate. Inowing this, oncologists still recommend a regimen of chemotherapy. Co&sider +his.
'hen &resident ,onald ,eagan had his colon cancer successfully removed by surgery, his health was reported daily as he recovered. /n his return to work, a spokesperson appeared, proclaimed him cured, and that was that. However, very nearly every

patient who undergoes surgery for colon cancer gets put on chemotherapy afterwards. Why not Present Reagan?

Chemotherapy has a FAILURE RATE of ninetyseven percent (9 !"# or a c$re rate of a mere three percent (%!"&

Most people just find this hard to believe. You mean oncologists almost always fail to heal their cancer patients? Nawwww. Weve heard this skepticism over and over again. I know several people who have recovered from their cancers using chemotherapy. We have heard these comments repeatedly. An article was published in 'cientific American in 1 !" which talks about the #$ success rate of chemotherapy. %r. &ohn 'airns( a professor of microbiology at )arvard( published his view( *that basically the war on cancer was a failure and that chemotherapy was not getting very far with the vast majority of cancers.*
A study completed in +,,- by three Australian researchers looked at about

.#(,,, cancer cases in Australia and 1""(,,, cancer cases in the /.0. from 1 , to +,,-. Their overa(( fin)in*s were that chemotherapy improve) the +-year cancer s$rviva( rate ,y an avera*e of -!& 1he e2act average percentages were +.1$ in the /.0. cases and +.#$ in the Australian cases.
1he actual percentages are much lower for common cancers. 1his is because a couple of rare cancers have a much higher rate. )odgkins %isease has a -,.#$ improvement rate3 testicular cancer 4that of the 5ance Armstrong poster boy6 for chemo7 has a #...$ improvement rate. 1hese two( even though rare( raise the average. 8or the most common cancers( the rates were9 breast cancer 1.-$3 prostate cancer ,.,$3 lung cancer +.,$3 and colon cancer 1.,$. 1he study was published in the &ournal of 'linical :ncology in +,,- 41;9"- <";,7. =t is available to all oncologists who want to do some serious study. =f = had a !$ failure rate in my profession( =d look for something else to do. 1hey choose to ignore it and motor on with their warnings that>if you dont do this chemo, youll die. It ehooves !ll "f #s $o egin $o %&plore 'or "urselves, "ur 'riends !nd 'amilies. Your (octor Is Not !llowed $o $alk !)out Nutrition !nd *upplements !s ! +eans "f $reating ,ancer. It's a 3ungle out there and doctors are entangled in a dirty game of politics, from

which only the bravest and most honorable escape. "octors know that going against the system will get them in deep trouble.


$he -erson Institute

$.% -%/*"N $.%/!0Y '"/ ,!N,%/ is among the most successful and comprehensive non1to&ic approaches to ridding yourself of cancer. $here are

others, and they all have their merit, )ut -erson has had an e&cellent track record ever since the 2345s. $he -erson $herapy can )e done at home. It is a very la)or intensive therapy. !t least a do6en glasses of fresh 7uice must )e pressed every day. $here are supplements that need to )e taken. 0roper food must also )e prepared. ,offee enemas are administered for pain relief as well as flushing the liver of to&ins. +uch mis1placed fun is made of this important procedure. !dministering su)stances rectally is a legitimate medical procedure. (uring 88I it was found that 9 in the a)sence of morphine 9 coffee given rectally afforded much pain relief to victims of shrapnel and )ullet wounds and amputations. -o here to the -erson Institute. http:;;;gerpress;gerson1)asics1workshop; $his )ook will give you a lot of information .here are people in our community who have been healed applying natural therapies. .he 4erson .herapy happens to be one with which I am intimately familiar. .here are others, but they all emphasiDe one conceptB #uild up the body's own immunity and ability to heal. +ll influence that would break down the body are eliminated. 'hen you hear about people who tried a natural healing therapy and subse uently died, the rumors fly. If they'd only gone for the 'orthodo!' treatment. /ne usually doesn't know the details of their case, whether they followed the protocols thoroughly, the severity of their illness and other factors. 'hen someone dies while taking chemo it's attributed to their own weakness or that they went for treatment too late. I won't go into great detail about the 4erson .herapy this month. I will cover it in a later edition. $eanwhile please read and watch the films that are available free on You.ube, as well as on -et1li!. 5"ying .o (ave InownJ .he 4erson $iracleJ 1ood $atters.6

! ,ase .istory
<In =uly of >55?, at the age of @A, I found a mass in my a)domen. 0%$ and ,$ scans showed my spleen had grown to the si6e of a foot)all. I had my spleen removed and after a )iopsy received a diagnosis of stage IB mantle cell, non1.odgkins lymphoma. +y oncologist at (ana 'ar)er recommended a cocktail of four different chemotherapy drugs. .e hoped these drugs would put my cancer into remission for a couple of years. <I had learned a)out (r. +a& -ersons therapy 45 years earlier when we lived outside of New York ,ity near his medical practice. !s a long1time su)scri)er to the -erson newsletter, I had always planned to start the -erson $herapy if I got cancer. *o, I turned down the chemotherapy and told my oncologist that I would do -ersons holistic cancer $herapy instead. .e reminded me that my cancer was stage IB. Nutrition wouldnt hurt, )ut it wouldnt help. I had read (r. -ersons )ook and the many patient cases in the newsletters over the years. $he oncologists warnings were no deterrent for me. <Now retired, my hus)and 0ete and I felt up to the task of re)uilding my )ody with hourly fresh vegeta)le 7uices and doing all that is reCuired )y the $herapy. !long with the hard work involved, there was some humor. 0ete told me that one time the grocery clerk, ringing up the >51pound )ag of carrots, commented, <I know. You have a horseD <8e were )oth over7oyed as my la) results )egan showing the healing taking place. I had not )een on the -erson $herapy long when I took my latest la) reports with me to an appointment with my oncologist. +y oncologist took a look at the la) results and e&claimed, <$hese are a)solutely fantasticD I soon received a letter from him saying <Eeep doing what you are doing. The chemo would not have cured your cancer anyway. <!lthough the lymphoma specialist at (ana 'ar)er ,ancer Institute in oston was in charge of my case, ,$ scans, )lood tests and cancer marker tests were done at our local cancer center and I met regularly with my local oncologist for interpretation of the results. $he local oncologist told me at the end of five years that there was no need for me to keep coming to see herF however she said she didnt want to lose touch with my case. <*he said she thinks of me often as she prescri)es for others the drugs that had )een recommended for me. *he said <.ad you taken the recommended chemo, I dou)t youd )e alive today. *he asked if I would )e willing to send her a copy of the annual la) results ordered )y my internist for my future physicals. I told her Id welcome that. <*eriously, she said, <we doctors need to know a)out your success.

<$he following week, I went to my internist for my annual physical. !fter the e&am, she commented, <You could )e a poster girl for how a woman of G4 should )e eating. In my annual report, she wrote: Mrs. Forsythe has cured her own cancer following Gerson Therapy to the T. Joyce Forsythe !ecem"er #$

0atients have asked me a)out my )ook. I had no more of them for a while )ut I got some in lately. In .%!H$. IN $.% /!8 I wanted to familiari6e people with the illustrious history of the so1called Natural .ealth +ovement, the dedicated men and women who wanted to )ring health knowledge to the people in a world dominated )y essentially medieval and dangerous medical procedures. 8ithout e&aggeration, the famous +ayo ,linic canIt hold a candle to the amount of true healing that has taken place in the health retreats, health spas and sanitoriums run )y naturalists around the world. It is a crime that this history has )een Cuashed and slandered )y the proponents of the world of drugs. $o get a copy, send J25 Kwhich includes postageL check or money order to: ,arl *. osco (.,. , 0." o& 2@?4 ,oarsegold, ,a 34@2M

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