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"# Se$%n&ary Level '"# COMPETENCIES TO BE TESTED 1. ENGLISH - 25% 1.1 1.2 1." 1.' Use English language correctly Communicate in English e ecti!ely Com#rehen$ %ritten te&ts Inter#ret messages o an$ $eri!e lessons rom literary #ieces

2. (ILI)IN*- 15% 2.1 2.2 2." 2.' Use the (ili#ino language correctly Communicate in (ili#ino e ecti!ely Com#rehen$ %ritten te&ts Inter#ret messages o an$ $eri!e lessons rom literary #ieces

". +,-HE+,-ICS- 2.% ".1 Use o our un$amental o#erations in #ro/lem sol!ing ".1.1 ".1.2 ".1." ".1.' ".1.5 *#erations %ith %hole num/ers0 $ecimals0 raction an$ integers Least common multi#les1 greater common actor 2i!isi/ility rules 3atio an$ #ro#ortion )ercentage rate an$ 4ase


+easurement an$ units o measure ".1.5.1 )erimeter ".1.5.2 ,rea ".1.5." 6olume ".1.5.' Ca#acity ".1.5.5 7eight


Num/er -heory ".1.8.1 )rime0 com#osite an$ $enominate num/ers ".1.8.2 )rime actori9ation

'. N,-U3,L SCIENCES - 2.% '.1 Utili9e scienti ic :no%le$ge in the #reser!ation o human li e an$ conser!ation o the earth;s resources '.1.1 '.1.2 '.1." '.2 '." 3elate scienti ic theories to actual ha##enings an$ natural an$ may in$uce$ calamities Utili9e /iological :no%le$ge an$ theories in the im#ro!ement at #reser!ation o the <uality o li e ,##ly :no%le$ge an$ theories o #hysical sciences in the im#ro!ement o the <uality o li e

,##ly scienti ic :no%le$ge an$ #rinci#les or the im#ro!ement o human resources an$ socio-economic $e!elo#ment I$enti y #ro/lems an$ suggest solutions relate$ to #ersonal an$ Community

5. S*CI,L SCIENCES = 2.% 5.1 Human 3ights 5.1.1 Com#rehen$ /asic conce#ts a/out rights to li e0 human $ignity0 #hysical integrity0 e&tent an$ limits o state authority0 goo$ name an$ honor o human #erson0 etc.


+ani est :no%le$ge o !arie$ #ers#ecti!es as a mem/er o society %hose rights an$ $uties a ect him>her in the amily0 in ci!il0 #ro essional an$ religious society0 an$ international relations.


)eace an$ Glo/al E$ucation 5.2.1 5.2.2 I$enti y glo/al tren$s an$ realities an$ analy9e i they acilitate #eace ul0 ?ust an$ sustaina/le %orl$ or$er. 4ecome amiliar %ith :ey conce#ts0 s:ills an$ !alues in #eace an$ glo/al e$ucation.


6alues Ethics>+oral E$ucation 5.".1 5.".2 Increase one;s a%areness o himsel an$ the other signi icant actors aroun$ him E&#lain the e!olution o /asic human !alues as #ro$ucts o the ongoing $ynamics o amily li e in general an$ the (ili#ino amily in #articular. E&amine the #rocesses o !alues trans ormation in the human li e cycle /oth rom the theoretical literature an$ rom #ersonal e&#eriential :no%le$ge.



Economics @-a&ation. Lan$ 3e orm0 Coo#erati!esA 5.'.1 5.'.2 4e e&#ose$ to the un$amental #rece#ts o ta&ation0 the la%s on Lan$ 3e orm an$ its a##lications. ,##ly these un$amental #rece#ts to the coo#erati!e mo!ement as !ie%e$ %ithin the )hili##ine control.


Sociology an$ Culture 5.5.1 Gain a%areness to !arious social issues as #o!erty0 $rugs0 #rostitution0 an$ ho% these can e!aluate$ rom our o%n culture an$ %ithin the cultural #ers#ecti!e o other countries.

)* FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN GRO+TH AND DE,ELOPMENT-'.# 1.1 ,##ly #hiloso#hical #sychological an$ sociological #rinci#les in teaching learning Situations 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1." I$enti y the rele!ant #hiloso#hies o e$ucation o#erating in #articular situations I$enti y the #sychological #rinci#les o#erating in #articular situations Inter#ret teaching-learning situations in the light o sociological orces #re!alent in )hili##ine culture

1.2 Inter#ret e$ucational #ro/lems in the light o historical an$ legal oun$ations o )hili##ine e$ucation 1.2.1 1.2.2 I$enti y signi icant e$ucational $e!elo#ment that in luence certain e$ucational #ractices Inter#ret )hili##ine e$ucational legislations in!ol!e$ in certain school #ractices an$ #ro/lems

1." Utili9e theories an$ #rinci#les o human gro%th an$ $e!elo#ment at !arious stages 1.".1 3esol!e #articular classroom #ro/lems using theories an$ #rinci#les o human gro%th an$ $e!elo#ment at !arious le!els '.#


2.1 Use #rinci#les o teaching>learning associate$ %ith instructional o#erations an$ curricular management 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1." 2.1.' 2.1.5 Instructional #lanning Classroom management ,rt o <uestioning )re#aration an$ utili9ation o instructional materials Selection o acti!ities to achie!e o/?ecti!es

2.1.5 2.2

+anagement o change

Select an$ a##ly teaching strategies a##ro#riate or #articular teaching>learning solutions 2.2.1 2.2.2 -eaching metho$s an$ techni<ues Generally acce#te$ metho$s o teaching

/* MEASUREMENTS AND E,ALUATION '.# ".1 ,##ly #rinci#les o e!aluation an$ research in classroom testing an$ measurements ".1.1 ".1.2 ".1." ".1.' ".1.5 ".1.5 ".2 2iagnosing learning $i iculties an$ strengths Constructing test items Inter#reting test result Using measures o central ten$ency ,ssigning mar:s rating Using tools or research @calculators an$ com#utersA

,##ly #rinci#les0 metho$s an$ techni<ues an$ gui$ance an$ counseling in classroom situations ".2.1 ".2.2 ".2." Using gui$ance tools to im#ro!e #ersonal relationshi# Using /asic gui$ance ser!ices Using gui$ance techni<ues '.#

!* SOCIAL PHILOSOPHIES '.1 '.2 '." '.' '.5

I$enti y Eastern an$ 7estern #hiloso#hies that in luence )hili##ine e$ucation ,##ly /asic #rinci#les in situations $e#icting moral $ilemma +anage con licting situations to /e a/le to /ring out !alues that %ill enhance nationhoo$ 4alance rights an$ authority1 res#onsi/ility an$ accounta/ility ,##ly ethical #rinci#les an$ situations in!ol!ing teacher;s relationshi#s %ith !arious grou#s o #eo#le

LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET) Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n


1. 1.1 1.2 1." 1.' 2. 2.1 2.2 2." 2.' ". ".1 ".2 '. '.1 '.2 '." 5. 5.1 5.2 )hiloso#hical an$ +oral (oun$ations o 6alues (ormation @15%A E&#lain the #hiloso#hical an$ moral oun$ations o !alues ormation. 3ecogni9e the $istinction /et%een su/?ecti!e cultural !alues an$ o/?ecti!e moral !alues 2escri/e the nature o human /eings. E&#lain the ormation o the intellect an$ the %ill 6alues 2e!elo#ment an$ (ormation @15%A 2escri/e the nature o !alues an$ the morally-oriente$ #erson0 2emonstrate re lecti!e s:ills in e&amining one;s #otential or sel -$e!elo#ment 2emonstrate enhance$ :no%le$ge o !alues o intros#ection to%ar$ a%areness o human $e!elo#ment ,##ly s:ills in #romoting sel -change. -he Goals o 6alues E$ucation in the )hili##ines @1.%A E!aluate the goals o !alues e$ucation in the )hili##ines ,ssess the e ects e&#lanations o !alues e$ucation in the )hili##ines Sources o 6alues an$ (actors in 6alues 2e!elo#ment @15%A I$enti y sources o !alues 2escri/e ho% amily0 me$ia0 church0 community an$ society a ect the !alues o chil$ren E!aluate the e ects o the !alue sources ,##roaches an$ Strategies in !alues 2e!elo#ment @15%A I$enti y the ma?or a##roaches in !alues $e!elo#ment E&#lain the strategies an$ techni<ues in !alues $e!elo#ment an$ the a##lication in s#eci ic !aluing situations

5." 5. 5.1 5.2 5." 5.'

2escri/e the a##roaches in the !aluing #rocess -he +oral 3eco!ery )rogram @1.%A 2escri/e the +oral 3eco!ery )rogram E!aluate the strengths an$ %ea:nesses o the (ili#ino !alues )resent e ecti!e strategies in the +3) that are a##lica/le in s#eci ic situations 2emonstrate s:ill0 in integrating an$ e!aluating the conce#t an$ the core !alues as #ractice$ -he im#act o the In ormation an$ -echnology-2ri!en Society an$ the Gro%ing Glo/al 6illage in !alues o the )eo#le @5%A

8. 8.1 8.2 B. B.1 B.2 C. C.1 C.2

Com#rehen$ the im#act o the in ormation an$ technology-$ri!en society an$ the gro%ing glo/al !illage on the !alues o a #eo#le. 2emonstrate a##reciation an$ res#ect or glo/al ecumenism. Commitment to Social 3es#onsi/ility an$ ,ccounta/ility @5%A 2emonstrate enhance$ com#etencies in acilitating an$ managing !aluing #rocess 2emonstrate commitment to social res#onsi/ility an$ accounta/ility in !alues e$ucation an$ in moral reco!ery #rogram. E!aluation o the , ecti!e *utcomes o Learning @1.%A I$enti y e ecti!e e!aluation instruments or e!aluating the a ecti!e outcomes o learning 2emonstrate a/ility to e!aluate the a ecti!e outcomes o learning.

LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET) Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n

FILIPINO !"# 1. 1.1 ),NI-ID,N = '.% +a/a:as ang simu-simula at #ag-unla$ ng i/a;t-i/ang anyo ng #aniti:ang (ili#ino sa i/a;t-i/ang #anahon simula noong #anahon ng /ago $umating ang Dastila hanggang sa :asalu:uyan @1.%A +a:ilala ang mga a:$ang #am#aniti:an at mga may-a:$a na :inata%an ng /a%a;t #anahon na nag-i%an ng tata: sa /uhay na :a#ili#inuhan @1.%A +a/igyang-:ahulugan ang #araan ng #amumuhay ng mga tao na ini lalara%an ng #aniti:an sa /a%a;t #anahon @1.%A +atu:oy ang mga #ag#a#ahalagang )ili#inong taglay ng mga a:$ang :inata%an ng /a%a;t #anahon na narara#at #anatilihin @2%A +asuri ang mga a:$ang /atay sa mga #amantayan ng #agsusuri @5%A +a#ili at magamit ang mga uri at halim/a%a ng #aniti:ang #am/atang ang:o# linangin sa mga :a/ataan @2%A LINGG7IS-ID, = '.% 2.1. +atala:ay ang simula at #ag-unla$ ng %i:ang #am/ansa @1.%A 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1." 2.2 E/olusyon ng Surian ng 7i:ang )am/ansa @2%A E/oluyson ng al#a/eto @'%A +ga /atas #ang%i:a @'%A

1.2 1." 1.' 1.5 1.5 2.

+agamit ang mga /atayang :aalaman sa lingg%isti:a sa ma/isang #ag#a#ahayag @2.%A 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2." 2.2.' +asuri ang mga #angungusa# ang mga #angunguea#>sugnay>#arirala>salita>#antig>titi: @'%A +agamit nang %asto ang mga salita>#arirala sa #angungusa# @'%A +a/isang magamit ang mga matalinghagang #ananalita>tayutay sa #a:i:i#agtalastasan @'%A +a:ilala at matala:ay ang i/a;t-i/ang /ahagi ng #ahayagang #am#aaralan /ilang /ehi:ulo>:omuni:asyong #asulat @'%A


+agamit ang mga simulain sa #agsasaling-%i:a ng mga #angungusa#>#arirala>:asa/ihan @5%A

2.' ". ".1 ".2 '. '.1 '.2 '."

+a#ili ang #ina:ama/isang halim/a%a ng mga #angungusa# sa #ag#a#ahayag @5%A ),3,,N>),+,+,3,,N NG ),G-U-U3* = @1.%A +asuri at magamit ang mga #araan ng #agtuturo ng (ili#ino /ilang1 una at #angala%ang %i:a @5%A +atu:oy ang %aastong #ag:a:asuno$-suno$ ng mga ha:/ang ng mga #araan ng#agtututro @5%A ),GH,H,N2, NG +G, D,G,+I-,NG ),+),G-U-U3* S, (ILI)IN* @1.%A +a:ilala at ma#ahalagagan ang i/a;t-i/ang uri ng :agamitan sa #agtuturo ng %i:an at #aniti:an @2%A +a#ili at magamit nang %asto ang i/a;t-i/ang :agamitang #anturo na ang:o# sa mga aralin sa i/a;t-i/ang /aiting @'%A +asuri ang mahuhusay na aytem ng #agsusulit at #agsasanay /ilang :agamitang #amagtuturo sa %i:a at #aniti:an @'%A

LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET) Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n


Se$%n&ary Level ---- !"#

1. 1.1 1.2 )hili##ine Go!ernment an$ Constitution =15% 4e amiliar %ith the !arious orms o go!ernment esta/lishe$ each its o%n time rom the /arangay to the #resent system 2iscuss the nature an$ #ro!isions o the #resent Constitution0 its a$!antages>#ossi/le $isa$!antages o!er the others /e ore it an$ its unction as un$amental la% o the state Dno% one;s rights an$ res#onsi/ilities as a citi9en in a $emocratic state 2iscuss the unctions o the three /ranches o the )hili##ine Go!ernment )hili##ine Geogra#hy = 1"% 2.1 2.2 2." 2.' ". ".1 '. '.1 '.2 E&#lain the signi icance o location0 si9e an$ sha#e o a region in relation to its $e!elo#ment 2escri/e an$ com#are the $i erent regions o the )hili##ines as to their #hysical an$ cultural characteristics an$ $e!elo#ment E&#lain ho% the natural resources in $i erent regions in the country contri/ute to $e!elo#ment I$enti y the $istincti!e eatures o three most $e!elo#e$ an$ three least $e!elo#e$ regions in the )hili##ines. )hili##ine History E 15% -race the $e!elo#ment o the history o the )hili##ines rom the #re-colonial0 colonial an$ contem#orary #erio$s 3i9al an$ *ther Heroes = 8% Sho% a##reciation or the %or:s o 3i9al /y @aA /eing amiliar %ith them an$ @/A choosing the eatures in his character %orth emulating E&#lain ho% 3i9al;s li e an$ %or:s ha!e ma$e the (ili#inos @aA a%are o socio#olitical #ro/lems o their society an$ @/A increase their nationalistic er!or an$ lo!e or ree$om

1." 1.' 2.

'." 5. 5.1 5.2

E!aluate the contri/ution o )hili##ine Heroes an$ heroines to the course o )hili##ine in$e#en$ence Economics @-a&ation0 Lan$ 3e orms0 Coo#erati!esA = 1.% 4e amiliar %ith )hili##ine economic con$itions %ith res#ect to ta&ation0 lan$ re orms0 an$ coo#erati!es as %ell as the gro%ths o the gross national #ro$ict Com#rehen$ an$ a##ly the un$amental economic #rinci#les0 es#ecially those rele!ant to current economic con$itions in the )hili##ines Sociology an$ Culture = 1.%

5. 5.1 5.2 5." 5.' 8. 8.1 8.2 8." 8.' B. B.1 B.2 B." C.

Com#rehen$ the /asic conce#ts0 theories an$ #ers#ecti!es !ital in un$erstan$ing society an$ culture E&#lain %hy #eo#le o $i erent grou#s or societies ha!e $i erent cultures an$ /eha!e $i erently 3ecogni9e cultural elements that are $istinctly (ili#ino0 an$ choose those that are %orth #er#etuating I$enti y social issues an$ concern a ecting the )hili##ine Society 7orl$s Geogra#hy = 5% 2escri/e the #hysiogra#hic eatures o $i erent regions in the %orl$ 3elate the signi icance o geogra#hy to social0 cultural0 economic an #olitical $e!elo#ment o a state 2iscuss the glo/al con$itions o the en!ironment0 its #rotection0 conser!ation an$ #ro#er management E&#lain ho% Natural an$ cultural #atterns o the earth oster glo/al inter$e#en$ence 7orl$ History = 5% -race the $e!elo#ment o %orl$ ci!ili9ation ,naly9e the in luences o ,sian an$ 7estern ci!ili9ations in (ili#ino li e an$ culture 2iscuss the in!ol!ement o the )hili##ines on im#ortant international an$ regional organi9ations Economics @+icroeconomics F +acroeconomicsA = 5%

C.1 C.2 C." 1..

Com#rehen$ the /asic #rinci#les o economics as %ell as the nature an$ unctions o the economic system Inter#ret economic conce#ts such as su##ly an$ $eman$0 $iminishing marginal utility0 income e ect !s. su/stitution e ect0 etc. ,##ly conce#ts on the nature an$ /eha!ior o cost an$ the theory o #ro$uction to current economic situations in the )hili##ines ,nthro#ology =5%

1..1 1..2 1.." 1..' 11.

Com#rehen$ the /asic conce#t in anthro#ology /oth #hysical an$ cultural -race an$ analy9e the e!olution o man Stu$y the relationshi#s /et%een culture an$ the /iological traits o human /eings E&amine the $i erent techni<ues an$ tools in the stu$y o man

)hiloso#hy @Social )hiloso#hy an$ LogicA = 5% 11.1 11.2 11." +ani est :no%le$ge o the nature o the (ili#ino0 the (ili#ino Society an$ the emerging (ili#ino )hiloso#hy 2iscuss an$ analy9e the !arious la%s an$ #rinci#les go!erning correct thin:ing (orm a critical an$ analytical attitu$e to%ar$ s#eci ic issues an$ #ro/lems n $aily li e


,sian Stu$ies = 5% 12.1 -race the historical roots an$ $e!elo#ment o e!ents a ecting the %hole ,sian region anchore$ on the #attern o %orl$ $e!elo#ments through an o!er!ie% o the country;s #olitical0 economic0 religious0 an$ socio-cultural systems.

LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET) Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n

PH7SICAL EDUCATION8 HEALTH AND MUSIC !"# COMPETENCE TO BE TESTED6 1. 1.1 1.2 1." 1.' 2. 2.1 2.2 2." ". ".1 ".2 "." '. '.1 '.2 '." '.' 5. 5.1 5.2 (oun$ations in )hysical E$ucation0 Health an$ +usic E$ucation 5% 3ecall the history0 #hiloso#hy an$ $e!elo#ment o )EH+ ,##ly the #hiloso#hy o )EH+ in relation to li e I$enti y the $i erent systems o the /o$y 2iagnose the e ects o the #sychological an$ socio-cultural as#ects o )EH+ to one;s li!ing )hili##ine (ol:0 Ethnic an$ (oreign 2ances =1.% I$enti y the $ance terms an$ ste#s use$ in )hili##ine ol: an$ oreign $ances Classi y $ances accor$ing to their rhythmic #atterns I$enti y $i erent )hili##ine ol: an$ oreign $ances *rgani9ation0 ,$ministration an$ Su#er!ision o )E = 5% ,##ly conce#ts o organi9ation an$ management o intramurals ,##ly the $i erent tournament ormats )hysical (itness>S#ecial S#orts>,thletic +anagement In$i!i$ual0 2ual an$ -eam S#orts = 1.% 3ecall the history0 /o$y mechanics0 e<ui#ment an$ acilities o the $i erent s#orts ,naly9e the /io-mechanics o the $i erent s:ills an$>or mo!ements ,##ly the #rinci#les an$ rules o the games to actual o iciating ,naly9e e&ercises that may hel# im#ro!e itness o an in$i!i$ual )hysical (itness an$ Gymnastics = 1.% I$enti y tests or the $i erent com#onents o #hysical itness ,naly9e e&ercises that may hel# im#ro!e itness o an in$i!i$ual

5." 5.' 5. 5.1 5.2 5."

I$enti y the $i erent s:ills in gymnastics ,##ly a##ro#riate mechanics in the #er ormance o $i erent s:ills School Health an$ ,##lie$ Nutrition =5% ,naly9e the #rinci#les0 #lans an$ organi9ation o school health #rogram ,ssess the roles an$ res#onsi/ilities o the school an$ the community or a more harmonious an$ healthy relationshi#s ,naly9e the nutritional nee$s o athletes

8. 8.1 8.2 8." 8.' B. B.1 B.2

Consumers Health an$ 2rug E$ucation - %5 I$enti y the o/?ecti!es0 health in ormation an$ #ro/lems o consumers an$ <uac:ery Classi y the health #ro$ucts sol$ commercially an$ health ser!ices that may /e harm ul>use ul 3ecogni9e the $i erent classi ications o $rugs an$ ho% an$ %hy they are use$ an$ a/use$ Inter#ret #olicies an$ #rograms un$erta:en /y #ri!ate an$ go!ernment agencies to%ar$s $rug $e#en$ents )ersonal0 Community an$ En!ironmental Health =5% I$enti y the actors a ecting the health o the community I$enti y the $i erent en!ironmental #ollutions such as %ater0 air0 noise0 ra$iations0 #estici$es0 oo$ sanitation0 an$ housing %hich are ha9ar$ous to the health o the #eo#le ,##ly the #re!enti!e an$ control measures $one /y an in$i!i$ual0 Gos an$ NG*s on en!ironmental #ollution Sa ety E$ucation an$ (irst ,i$ =5% C.1 C.2 I$enti y the roles0 o/?ecti!es an$ general $irections o irst ai$ ,##ly #ro#er han$ling o the sic:0 in?ure$ an$ !ictims o acci$ents (oun$ation0 )hiloso#hy o +usic =B% 1..1 1..2 2e ine the $i erent musical elements 3ecogni9e sim#le rhythmic #atterns synco#ation0 sim#le an$ com#oun$ meters

B." C.


1.." 1..' 1..5 1..5 1..8 1..B 1..C 11.

3ecogni9e the $i erent orms o music through actual score rea$ing 3ea$ an$ %rite music I$enti y the $i erent tonal relationshi# ,naly9e $i erent chor$s I$enti y $i erent con$ucting #attern o songs Classi y the $i erent emale an$ male !ocals I$enti y music sym/ols o the $i erent musical elements

3ecogni9e +usic -heory = B% 11.1 11.2 11." 11.' 11.5 3ecogni9e the $i erent scales>melo$ies @7estern>,sianA I$enti y the %or:s o re#resentati!e )hili##ine0 ,sian0 7estern0 an$ Euro#ean ,naly9e the $i erent chor$sG ma?or0 minor0 augmente$ an$ $iminishe$ chor$s 2istinguish the styles o $i erent musical #erio$s 2i erentiate the musics o ,sian countries @Ha#an0 China0 Dorea0 -hailan$0 In$onesia0 In$iaA


,##lie$ +usic = '% 12.1 12.2 12." 12.' I$enti y the $i erent #arts o the /o$y in!ol!e$ in singing I$enti y techni<ues in singing an$ #laying $i erent musical instruments I$enti y musical instruments o $i erent grou#s @/an$0 ron$alla0 orchestraA ,naly9e the ol: songs rom $i erent regions in the )hili##ines an$ other countries

1". 1'. 15.

,naly9e !isual arts an$ its elements =5% 3ecogni9e Great )hili##ine %or:s in !isual arts =B% 3ecogni9e ,sian an$ master %o:s o arts = 8%

LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET) Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n

MATHEMATICS 2escri#tionG !"# -his Licensure o test consists o 2.. items co!ering to#ics rom these 1. su/?ects areasG 1. 2. ". '. 5. 5. 8. B. Secon$ary Le!el ='.% ,. *4HEC-I6ES EI)EC-,-I*NSG -he Licensure E&aminee shoul$ /e a/le toG 1. 2. ". '. 5. Sho% a %or:ing :no%le$ge o /asic terms an$ conce#ts in arithmetic0 alge/ra0 geometry0 trigonometry0 analytics0 calculus0 #ro/a/ility an$ statistics Sol!e0 e!aluate0 an$ mani#ulate sym/olic an$ numerical #ro/lems in the a/o!e mathematics areas /y a##lying un$amental rules0 #rinci#les an$ #rocess. Sol!e !er/al #ro/lems in each o the a/o!e mathematical areas Inter#ret gra#hic0 sym/olic an$ %or$ #ro/lems Sho% a/ility to a##ly theories an$ #rinci#les o teaching an$ learning to mathematics teaching ,rithmetic an$ Num/er -heory 4asic an$ ,$!ance$ ,lge/ra )lane Geometry Circular an$ -rigonometric (unctions )ro/a/ility an$ Statistics ,nalytic Geometry 4usiness +athematics Calculus @4asicA

4. 4,SIC C*N-EN- *U-LINE (*3 +,-HE+,-ICS +,H*3 1. ,rithmetic an$ Num/er -heory @.% - '. itemsA 1.1 1.2 *#eration on signe$ num/ers Least Common +ulti#les0 Greatest Common (actor

1." 1.' 1.5 1.5 2.

2i!isi/ility 3ules 3atio an )ro#ortion )ercentage0 3ate an$ 4ase +easurement an$ units o measure

4asic an$ ,$!ance$ ,lge/ra @25%- 5. itemsA 2.1 2.2 2." 2.' ,lge/raic o#erations an$ #rocess La%s o e&#onents or multi#lication an$ $i!ision o alge/raic e&#ressions *#erations %ith monomials an$ #olynomials 3elations0 unctions an$ their 9eros @linear an$ <ua$raticA 2.'.1 2.'.2 2.'." 2.'.' 2.'.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 2e inition o $omain an$ range Linear e<uations Jua$ratic e<uations Systems o e<uations 3a$ical e<uations

S#ecial #ro$ucts an$ actors *#erations on rational e&#ressions *#erations on ra$ical e&#ressions 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8." E!aluating #o%ers Negati!e an$ (ractional e&#onents Imaginary an$ com#le& num/ers

2.B 2.C 2.1. 2.11

E&#onential an$ logarithmic unctions Ine<ualitiesG linear0 <ua$ratic an$ systems ,rithmetic an$ geometric se<uences an$ series 6ariation 2.11.1 2irect !ariation

2.11.2 In!erse !ariation 2.11." Hoint !ariation 2.12 )olynomial unctions o higher $egree 2.12.1 Synthetic $i!ision 2.12.2 -he 3emain$er -heorem0 3ational 3oot -heorem an$ the (actor -heorem ". )lane Geometry = @15%-".A ".1 Coor$inate geometry ".1.1 ".1.2 ".1." ".1.' ".1.5 ".2 -he length o a line -he mi$#oint o a line Gra#h o a linear e<uation -he e<uation o a straight line )arallel an$ #er#en$icular lines

,ngles an$ straight lines ".2.1 ".2.2 ".2." ".2.' -y#es an$ measures o angles @com#lementary0 su##lementary0 linear #airA 2i!i$ing a !ertical line into a num/er o e<ual #arts Construction o #er#en$icular F #arallel lines an$ their #ro#erties ,ngle /isection


-riangles ".".1 ".".2 -y#es o triangles0 their #ro#erties )ythagora;s -heorem


Jua$rilaterals an$ *ther )olygons ".'.1 ".'.2 ".'." )ro#erties o rectangles0 s<uares0 rhom/i0 tra#e9oi$s Sum o the interior angles o a #olygon Sum o e&terior angles o a con!e& #olygon

".'.' ".5

Symmetry o regular #olygons

-he Circle ".5.1 ".5.2 ".5." ".5.' ".5.5 Circles an$ circle conce#ts Central angles an$ arcs Chor$s0 tangents an$ secants Sectors an$ segments +easures o angles orme$ in0 on an$ outsi$e a circle


-riangle Congruence ".5.1 ".5.2 ".5." Corres#on$ing #arts o triangle S,S0 SSS0 S,,0 an$ ,S, -heorems )ro!ing triangles congruent


Similarity an$ )ro#ortionality ".8.1 ".8.2 ".8." ".8.' )ro#erties o #ro#ortions )ro#ortional segments 4asic #ro#ortionality F relate$ theorems S#ecial angles>triangles


Circular an$ -rigonometric (unctions @1.%-2. itemsA '.1 '.2 '." '.' '.5 '.5 '.8 '.B Circular unctions -rigonometric ratios o re erence angles Gra#hs o circular unctions 2egree-ra$ian con!ersion -he eight /asic trigonometric i$entities )ro!ing i$entities -he )ythagorean i$entities Sine an$ cosine la%s

'.C 5.

Solution o triangles

)ro/a/ility an$ Statistics @1.%- 2. itemsA 5.1 Counting -echni<ues 5.1.1 5.2 -heoretical an$ E&#erimental )ro/a/ility

)ro/a/ility o E!ents 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2." )ermutation In$e#en$ent F $e#en$ent e!ents +utually e&clusi!e an$ non-mutually e&clusi!e e!ents

5." 5.' 5.5

Gra#h rea$ing an$ inter#retation Com#uting measures o a!erage mean @mean0 me$ian0 mo$eA Com#uting measures o !aria/ility 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5." 3ange an$ Inter<uartile 3ange ,!erage $e!iation Stan$ar$ $e!iation


Correlation an$ 3egression 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5." )earson r an$ S#earman rho -he regression line Linear regression


Statistical In erence 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8." Normal cur!e Null Hy#othesis Le!els o Signi icance

5.B 5.

Common -est o Signi icance @t0 (0 K0 &2A

,nalytic Geometry @ 1.% - 2. itemsA 5.1 Slo#e o a line


E<uations o linesG tangents F normal 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2." 5.2.' 5.2.5 )oint slo#e orm Slo#e interce#t orm )arallel an$ #er#en$icular lines +i$#oint o a line 2istance ormula

5." 8.

E<uations an$ gra#hs

4usiness +athematics @5% - 1. itemsA 8.1 8.2 2iscountsG commission Sim#le an$ com#oun$ interest


Calculus @4asicA @5%-1. itemsA

LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET) Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n


Secon$ary Le!el ---- '.% COMPETENCIES TO BE TESTED

1. LI-E3,-U3EG 1.1 1.2 1." 1.' 1.5 2. "5%

I$enti y the literary #ieces an$ igures that le t signi icant mar:s in the li/rary o nations an$ #eo#les 2ra% out uni!ersal an$>or #articular !alues rom %orl$-reno%ne$ literary selections Inter#ret the %ay o li e0 culture an$ as#irations o #eo#les rom li/rary #ieces that they #ro$uce$ (ormulate logical conclusions a/out li e rom select literary #ieces ,##ly i$eas $eri!e$ rom amous literary #ieces to current issues o uni!ersal concern 25%

LINGUIS-ICSG 2.1 2.2 2." 2.' 2.5

+ani est amiliarity %ith the theories o language learning an$ their e ect on language teaching ,##ly the :no%le$ge o linguistic theories to the teaching o grammar0 com#osition0 rea$ing0 an$ literature ,##ly techni<ues in teaching listening an$ oral interaction ,##ly the :no%le$ge o the structure o English language to the teaching o communication arts an$ literature E!aluate the a##lica/ility o English instruction a##roaches>metho$s>techni<ues 2.%


3E,2INGG ".1 ".2 "."

I$enti y the rea$ing strengths an$ %ea:ness o stu$ents Illustrate im#ortant rea$ing $iagnosis techni<ues 2etermine the a##ro#riateness o teaching an$ testing material to /e use$ in rea$ing reme$iation

".' ".5 '.

2i erentiate the !arious le!els o rea$ing Inter#ret the central i$eas an$ themes o rea$ing selections

IN-3*2UC-I*N -* +,SS C*++UNIC,-I*N 1.% '.1 '.2 '." '.' '.5 Illustrate the interrelationshi# among communication me$ia0 the in$i!i$ual0 an$ society I$enti y the $i erent orms o mass communication 2o sim#le e$iting0 o/?ecti!e analysis an$ critical a##raisal o a #rint e&cer#t E&#ress rele!ant an$ soun$ o#inions a/out /roa$cast materials E!aluate current me$ia tren$s


)3E),3,-I*N *( INS-3UC-I*N,L>E6,LU,-E +,-E3I,LS (*3 ENGLISH 1.% 5.1 5.2 5." 5.' 5.5 I$enti y>a##ly #rinci#les in the $i erent ty#es o instructional material in English ,##ly soun$ #rinci#les o teaching in the #re#aration o teaching ai$s> $e!ices +ani est amiliarity %ith the use o technology in the #re#aration o au$io-!isual materials in English ,##ly #rinci#les o test construction or measuring English com#etencies ,##ly !ali$ation #rinci#les in the #re#aration o instructional materials

,NNEI L,M LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS Ma0%r F1el& %2 C%n$entrat1%n3S4e$1al15at1%n HOME ECONOMICS C%m4eten$1e9 T% Be Te9te& 1. Home Economics an$ Li!elihoo$ E$ucation 15 1.1 I$enti y the actors that $etermine housing nee$s 1.2 Un$erstan$ the #rinci#les in!ol!e$ in /eauti ying the e&terior an$ interior o the home 1." +ani est unctional :no%le$ge o home management 1.' ,##ly the #rinci#les o %or: sim#li ication 1.5 */ser!e %ise /u$geting o the amily income 2. Clothing 1 @Selection0 )urchase0 Care F Construction o ClothesA 15% 2.1 I$enti y the #rinci#les in!ol!e$ in the #ro#er selection0 care an$ construction o clothes 2.2 Choose %ith taste style an$ color o clothes 2." )urchase clothes ?u$iciously 2.' Care or clothes %isely 2.5 2emonstrate the ste#s in constructing sim#le unise& garments using the unit metho$ o construction ". (oo$ an$ +an 1 @(oo$ )ro$uction an$ )re#aration %ith NutritionA 2.% ".1 2e ine common terms in oo$ selection0 #re#aration an$ coo:ery ".2 Un$erstan$ the $i erent #rinci#les in oo$ #re#aration "." E&#lain the $i erent metho$s o nutrient conser!ation ".' U#hol$ $esira/le attitu$es an$ !alues in oo$ selection an$ #re#aration

".5 )re#are a lo% cost /ut nutritious meal ".5 2e!elo# a%areness on the #ro#er %ays o han$ling oo$0 mar:eting0 storing0 #re#aring0 coo:ing an$ ser!ing ".8 I$enti y the causes o oo$ s#oilage ".B 2i erentiate i!e %ays o #reser!ing oo$ ".C Un$erstan$ the essentials o oo$ #reser!ation ".1. 2emonstrate :no%le$ge an$ s:ill in /a:ing

'. Home an$ (amily Li!ing '.1 E&#lain the $e!elo#mental tas: o an a$olescent '.2 ,naly9e the rights an$ $uties o each mem/er o the amily '." ,naly9e the role o $ecision ma:ing in the management o amily goals '.' +ani est eelings o $e!elo#ing $esira/le #ersonal !alues '.5 Suggest %ays o contri/uting to a satis ying home li e 5. Han$icra ts 2.% 5.1 2iscuss the im#ortance o han$icra ts in the economic gro%th o the country 5.2 E&#lain the characteristics o in$igenous materials use$ in han$icra t #ro?ects 5." 2iscuss the contents o a #ro?ect #lan 5.' */ser!e sa ety #recautions %hen %or:ing 5. Entre#reneurshi# 1.% 5.1 2e ine terminologies commonly use$ in /usiness management 5.2 E&#lain the ten entre#reneurial com#etencies or characteristics o an entre#reneur 5." )er orm the accounting style 5.' )re#are a sim#le /usiness letter

AGRICULTURE AND FISHER7 ARTS C%m4eten$1e9 T% Be Te9te& 1. (unctional ,##lication o Dno%le$ge 25% 1.1 ,##ly unctional :no%le$ge in #lant an$ ish #ro#agation 2. 4ree$s o (arm ,nimals an$ (ish 15% 2.1 Get ac<uainte$ %ith the $i erent /ree$s o )hili##ines arm animals an$ ish raise$ in the

". )ests an$ 2iseases , ecting ,nimals an$ (ish )ro#agation 2.% ".1 2e!elo# amiliarity %ith the $i erent #ests an$ $iseases a ecting animal an$ ish #ro#agation ".2 3eme$ial measures against #ests an$ $iseases '. +ar:eting Strategies in the In$ustry>Entre#reneurshi# 2.% '.1 2emonstrate :no%le$ge o the unctions0 #rinci#les an$ theories o management '.2 2e!elo# mar:eting strategies %hich /ene it the in$ustry '." +ani est $esira/le attitu$es an$ !alues in retail selling '.' E&#lain the $i erent #arts o a /usiness #lan>#ro?ect> easi/ility stu$y 5. )ro#er Care an$ +anagement o ,gricultural an$ (ishery )ro$ucts 2.% 5.1 E&#lain the signi icance o inancial statements0 i.e. /alance sheet0 income statement0 ca#ital statement 5.2 3eali9e the im#ortance o #ro#er care an$ management in the iel$ o agricultural an$ ishery #ro$ucts 5." 2iscuss the im#ortance o agricultural an$ ishery arts in the economic gro%th o the country

INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND RELATED DISCIPLINES C%m4eten$1e9 T% Be Te9te& 1. Electricity 15% 1.1 E&#lain the sources an$ :in$s o electricity 1.2 E&#lain the electron theory an$ the *hm;s La% 1." I$enti y the #arts o a com#lete electrical circuit 1.' (ollo% #ro#er #roce$ures in electrical house%iring 1.5 Dno%le$ge o /asic com#uter conce#ts 2. 3e rigeration an$ ,ircon$itioning @3,CA 15% 2.1 I$enti y the /asic tools an$ e<ui#ment on 3,C 2.2 E&#lain the #rinci#le o re rigeration cycle 2." E&#lain the unction o re rigeration an$ co##er tu/ing 2.' I$enti y the sym/ols in the schematic $iagram ". 2ra ting 1.% ".1 Enumerate an$ e&#lain the al#ha/etic o lines ".2 2e ine an$ #er orm orthogra#hic #ro?ection an$ an isometric $ra%ing "." E&#lain the $i erent techni<ue in reehan$ an$ mechanical $ra%ing ".' ,##lication o com#uter :no%le$ge in $ra%ings '. 7oo$%or:ing 1.% '.1 2iscuss the $i erent uses an$ maintenance o %oo$%or: '.2 Construct common %oo$ ?oints '." E&#lain the #rinci#les o mensuration an$ layout

'.' E&#lain the im#ortance0 uses0 an$ maintenance o $i erent %oo$%or:ing machines 5. ,utomechanics 1.% 5.1 2emonstrate un$erstan$ing o /asic sho# #rinci#les0 #ractices0 an$ un$amental as#ects o automoti!e 5.2 +ani est un$erstan$ing o engine classi ication 5." 2emonstrate un$amental o#erations o engine uel system 5.' 2emonstrate a/ility to a##ly :no%le$ge o ignition system 5. 3a$io +echanics 1.% 5.1 2emonstrate :no%le$ge o the un$amentals o electronics 5.2 2emonstrate unctional :no%le$ge an$ s:ills in the a##lication o the #rinci#les o magnetism an$ electromagnetism 5." Inter#ret electronic schematic $iagram 5.' E&#lain the #rinci#les in!ol!e$ in the )C4 $esign layout an$ etching 8. +etal 7or:s 1.% 8.1 2emonstrate unctional :no%le$ge an$ s:ills in /en$i%or: 8.2 ,##ly :no%le$ge o an$ s:ills in sheet metal%or: 8." ,##ly unctional :no%le$ge o an$ s:ills in electric %el$ing 8.' */ser!e sa ety #recautions in /ench metal %or: B. Entre#reneurshi#>4usiness an$ 2istri/ute ,rts 1.% B.1 2escri/e the role o entre#reneurshi# in economic gro%th B.2 I$enti y the $i erent ty#es o /usiness organi9ations B." Un$erstan$ the #ros#ects o the in$ustrial arts in economic gro%th

C. Instructional +etho$s an$ E!aluation o Learning 1.% C.1 -eaching Strategies C.2 E!aluation o -eaching an$ Learning

L,NNEI ,M L1$en9:re E;am1nat1%n 2%r Pr%2e991%nal Tea$<er9 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (B1%l%=y8 Env1r%nmental S$1en$e) C%m4eten$1e9 t% >e te9te& 1. ,##ly #rinci#les0 la%s an$ theories in e&#laining conce#ts regar$ing li e an$ the emerging technologies that are /iology-/ase$ such asG ne%er treatment o $iseases0 com/ating the ill-e ects o #ollution an$ a$!ances in genetic engineering. 2. 4e a%are an$ a##reciate the e&istence o /iological $i!ersity among li!ing things0 there/y recogni9e their a$a#ti!e structures0 characteristics an$ economic im#ortance. ". 2escri/e the $ynamic interrelationshi#s that occur in /oth natural an$ man-ma$e ecosystems in or$er to /e a/le to trace energy lo% an$ con!ersion0 %ith em#hasis on inter$e#en$ence. '. -race the !ital cycles o oo$ nutrients0 %ater0 gases an$ other materials that occur in nature. 5. 2iscuss the sources an$ utili9ation o organic an$ inorganic com#oun$s. 5. 2iscuss the anatomy an$ #hysiology o the sim#lest to the highest orms o organisms an$ ho% the #rocesses an$ their health ul unctions can /e maintaine$. 8. 2emonstrate s:ill in analy9ing +en$elian #atterns o un$amental role o chromosomes an$ genes. here$ity inclu$ing the

B. 2iscuss the theories regar$ing the $irect an$ in$irect e!i$ences o e!olution. C. U#$ate onesel a/out $isco!eries0 in!entions an$ /rea:throughs that ha!e im#ro!e$ the <uality an$ longe!ity o li e. 1.. 2emonstrate a%areness an$ $ee# concern or the en!ironmental #ro/lems %hich are /rought a/out /y ast gro%th o #o#ulation0 %aste ul consum#tion o energy an$ $estruction an$ neglect o ha/itat. Course *utline 7eight I. Intro$uction 5%

,. Nature o 4iology 4. 4ranches C. Characteristics o Li e

II. ,. 4. C. 2.

)lant 4iology Characteristics Classi ication Structure an$ (unctions o )arts Gro%th an$ 3e#ro$uction

Licensure E&amination or -eachers )HNSIC,L SCIENCES @General Science0 Chemistry0 )hysics0 Earth ScienceA Com#etencies to /e teste$ 1. 2etermine the sources o the $i erent orms o energy an$ ho% they occur naturally o arti icially in the en!ironment. 2. ,##ly #rinci#les0 theories an$ la%s go!erning the $ynamics o orces0 motion0 #o%er an$ energy. ". In!estigate energy con!ersion0 trans er an$ conser!ation o energyG %a!es0 heat0 electricity an$ nuclear. '. Con$uct in!estigation an$ ormulate in erences regar$ing #hysical an$ chemical #ro#erties o matter. 5. Construct mo$els o atoms an$ molecules. 5. Classi y matter into #ure su/stances an$ mi&tures an$ $escri/e their com#osition. 8. Inter#ret re#resentations o elements an$ the #erio$ic la%0 com#oun$s an$ chemical e<uations an$ chemical change. B. 2etermine the sources an$ utili9ation o organic com#oun$s o li eG car/ohy$rates0 ats an$ oils an$ #roteins. C. -race the origin an$ use o synthetic #olymers. 1.. U#$ate onesel regar$ing rene%a/le an$ nonrene%a/le sources o energy0 /ene icial uses o nuclear energy an$ the ra#i$ a$!ances in communication an$ in ormation technology.

11. Suggest %ays o lessening the occurrence o the $eteriorating <uality o lan$0 %ater an$ air aroun$ us an$ the $egra$ation o our natural resources %hich are continuously /eing /rought a/out /y #ollution an$ neglect. 12. 2iscuss the characteristics0 location an$ motions o the mem/ers o the solar system an$ the uni!erse. 1". 2escri/e the earth as a #lanet0 its motions in relation to the sun an$ the moon0 thus /ringing a/out seasons0 %eather an$ geological scul#turing o its sur ace. 1'. 2iscuss a$!ances in s#ace e&#lorations an$ their in$ings. Course *utline I. Intro$uction 5% I II ,. Nature o Science III 4. In<uiry )rocesses I6 C. Scienti ic +etho$ 6 2. Science an$ -echnology

II. +echanics 1.% 6I 6II ,. (orce an$ +otion 6III 4. S#ee$0 6elocity0 ,cceleration II C. La%s o +otion I 2. +omentum II E. La% o Gra!itation III (. Sim#le +achines III. Energy 5% IIII II6 ,. )otential an$ Dinetic I64. (orms I6I C. Con!ersion I6II 2. Conser!ation I6III E. -rans er III (. Energy Sources -o$ay

I6. II

Heat an$ -em#erature 1.% III IIII IIIII ,. -em#erature 4. Heat -rans er C. -hermo$ynamics


7a!es III6 II6 ,. Soun$ 7a!es 1.% 6elocity Characteristics +usic an$ Noise II6I II6II ,. Light 7a!es 1.% )ro#erties -ra!el 3e lection an$ 3e raction 2is#ersion an$ Color


Electricity II6III IIII ,. Electric Charge III 4. Static Electricity IIII C. Electric Current IIIII 2. Circuits IIIIII E. +agnetism IIII6 (. Electromagnets III6 6II. +atter0 Structure an$ Com#osition 25% III6I III6II ,. )ro#erties III6III 4. )hase an$ Changes IIIII C. ,toms IL 2. +olecules ILI ILII E. Classi ication Elements an$ )erio$ic La% Com#oun$s an$ Chemical Change +i&tures ILIII (. Chemical (ormulas an$ E<uation ILI6 G. Chemical 3eactions IL6 H. Nuclear Energy IL6I 6III. -he Uni!erse 15%

IL6II IL6III ,. Stars ILII 4. Gala&ies L C. -he Solar System an$ +em/ers LI 2. Sun an$ +oon LII E. Earth an$ +otions Sur ace Changes 7eather Elements LIII (. S#ace -ra!el -otal 1..%

,NNEI L,M BUSINESS TECHNOLOG7 1. * ice +anagement0 )roce$ures an$ 4usiness Ethics ".% 1.1 E&#lain the /asic #rinci#les an$ conce#ts o management.. organi9ational structure an$

1.2 E&#lain the theories an$ tas:s o moti!ation an$ lea$ershi#. 1." 2i erentiate organi9ation as a #rocess an$ organi9ation as a structure. 1.' E&#lain the recruitment0 maintenance0 an$ conser!ation o human resources. 1.5 ,##ly /asic #rinci#les o o ice communications an$ /usiness ethics. 1.5 I$enti y ty#es o storage metho$s an$ storing #roce$ures. 2. 4asic In ormation an$ Communications -echnology ".% 2.1 2iscuss the conce#ts o In ormation an$ Communication -echnology 2.2 I$enti y the com#onents o the com#uter system. 2." +ani est unctional :no%le$ge an$ s:ills in 7or$ )rocessing. 2.' +ani est unctional :no%le$ge an$ s:ills in S#rea$sheets. 2.5 I$enti y ty#es o com#uter gra#hic #ac:ages. 2.5 E&#lain the e ects o IC- in the socio-economic gro%th o the country. ". Entre#reneurial )rinci#les an$ ,##lications 2.% ".1 I$enti y an$ a##ly theories o /asic management0 an$ #rinci#les o lea$ershi# styles to management unctions. ".2 ,naly9e the characteristics o entre#reneurs an$ entre#reneurial com#etency. "." I$enti y com#onents o a #ro?ect easi/ility stu$y /usiness #lan.

".' ,##ly en!ironmental scanning0 #ro$uction0 an$ mar:eting #rinci#les an$ #romotion strategies. ".5 ,naly9e an$ e!aluate #ricing strategies an$ results o /rea:e!en analysis. ".5 I$enti y the rules an$ regulations a ecting small scale in$ustries an$ the im#lications o these to the economic contri/utions o the in$ustries. '. 4oo::ee#ing an$ ,ccounting '.1 I$enti y /asic ty#es o accounting>/oo::ee#er. inancial statements or /usiness an$ roles o

'.2 Classi y each account accor$ing to assets0 lia/ilities0 ca#ital0 income0 e&#ense an$ $ra%ing. '." Sol!e #ro/lems or accounting e<uation. '.' ,##ly the rules o 2e/it an$ Cre$it to /usiness transactions. '.5 ,##ly /asic accounting>/oo::ee#ing cycle #rinci#les or ser!ice an$ merchan$ising /usiness.

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