91098-Sam-2012 1

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(A'3LE 3A3E0

Level 2 English
91098 (2.1): Analyse specified aspect(s) of studied w itten te!t(s)" suppo ted #y evidence
Credits: Four

You should write an essay on ONE of the topics in this booklet only. If you need more space for your answer, use the pa e!s" pro#ided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the $uestion. Check that this booklet has pa es %&'( in the correct order and that none of these pa es is blank. $%& '&() *A+, )*-( .%%/LE) )% $%&0 )EA1*E0 A) )*E E+, %2 )*E ALL%))E, )-'E.

) New *ealand +ualifications ,uthority, %('' ,ll ri hts reser#ed. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New *ealand +ualifications ,uthority.

% You are ad#ised to spend -( minutes plannin and writin an essay on your chosen topic. -+()0&1)-%+(
.rite about ,/ 0E,1/ ONE written te2t type you ha#e studied. /he te2t type can be any of the followin : no#el non3fiction print media drama short story poetry 4 son lyric di ital 4 online te2ts O5 a combination of these te2t types.

En lish 6'(67 !%.'"

Choose ONE of the followin essay topics !'&7" below and complete the bo2 at the top of pa e 8. 9ake sure you answer your chosen essay topic fully. 1upport your answer with specific e#idence from the te2t!s" of your choice. .rite an essay of ,/ 0E,1/ :;( words for your topic.

)%3-1( (1hoose %+E) !'" ,nalyse how a main character O5 indi#idual matures and takes action in a te2t !or te2ts" you ha#e studied. ,nalyse how the rowth O5 breakdown of a relationship!s" affects the clima2 in a te2t !or te2ts" you ha#e studied. ,nalyse how the writer!s" has influenced your opinion of a choice made by a character O5 indi#idual in a te2t !or te2ts" you ha#e studied. ,nalyse how the settin of a te2t !or te2ts" you ha#e studied influenced your understandin of the ideas in the te2t !or te2ts". !Note: 1ettin may include reference to time, place, historical or social conte2t, or atmosphere." ,nalyse how an idea is de#eloped in a te2t !or te2ts" you ha#e studied. ,nalyse how the writer!s" has created impact in a section of studied te2t !or te2ts". ,nalyse how symbols are used to de#elop an idea in a te2t !or te2ts" you ha#e studied. ,nalyse how techni$ues of a enre or te2t type make a te2t!s" particularly effecti#e for you. !Note: =enres and te2t types may include short story, no#el, types of poetry and son , drama script, print or non3fiction te2ts."




!;" !-" !<" !7"

En lish 6'(67 !%.'"

/opic number: Circle your chosen written te2t!s": novel short story /itle of te2t!s": ,uthor 4 creator!s": ?se the space below to map or plan your ideas. @e in your essay on pa e ;. A0,NNIN= Your essay mi ht include: non-fiction print media drama

,ssessor>s use only

poetry / song lyric

digital / online text

En lish 6'(67 !%.'"

an int oduction that states the focus of your essay 4ey points related to the topic, supported by e2amples and $uotations a conclusion that focuses on the main idea of your essay.

,ssessor>s use only

@e in your essay here:

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,ssessor>s use only

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,ssessor>s use only

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'( E!t a pape fo continuation of essay" if e5ui ed.

,ssessor>s use only

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'' E!t a pape fo continuation of essay" if e5ui ed.

,ssessor>s use only

En lish 6'(67 !%.'"

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