House Rental Contract

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House Rental Contract

KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This House Rental Contract, made and entered into this 20th day of May 2007 at Manila by and between: Antonio Levy S !n"les# $r an%&or Mary Rose C !n"les# of legal age, with residence and postal address at Unit 2006 EG Taft Tower 2!!" Taft #$en%e, Malate, Manila, #nd herein referred to as the O'ner(s)# *** An% *** +ERAL,!NE - +AL!NATO, of legal age, with residence and postal address at 6 Manganese &oad, 'ilar (illage, )as 'inas, Metro Manila, #nd herein referred to as the Resi%ent(s)# W!TNESSETH: n consideration of the agreements of the &esident*s+, ,nown as: +ERAL,!NE - +AL!NATO# the -wner*s+, ,nown as: Antonio Levy S !n"les# $r and.or Mary Rose C !n"les# hereby rent their the dwelling.ho%se located at Lot .# Bloc/ 01# Royal Sout2 To'n2o3es# Marcos Alvare4 Avenue# Talon 5# Las Pi6as City# Metro Manila for the period commencing on the 01t2 %ay o7 May# 0118# and monthly thereafter %ntil the 01t2 %ay o7 May# 0119# at which time this #greement is terminated/ &esident*s+, in consideration of -wner*s+ permitting them to occ%py the abo$e property, hereby agrees to the following terms: : RENT: To pay as rental the s%m of S!; THO<SAN, =!>E H<N,RE, PESOS (P .#511 11) per month, d%e and payable in ad$ance from the 01t2 %ay o7 every 3ont2 0 =A!L<RE TO PAY ON T!ME: 0ail%re to pay the rent will res%lt in being ser$ed a 1otice to End &esidential Tenancy/ This 1otice may be ser$ed if the &esident*s+ has an o%tstanding balance from fail%re to pay the rent/ This 1otice may also be ser$ed from being habit%ally late in paying the rent regardless of the balance owed/ -nce the 1otice to End &esidential Tenancy is recei$ed, the &esident*s+ will ha$e a prescribed time to pay all of the amo%nt o$erd%e on the rent/ A t2ree*%ay "race ?erio% 'ill @e allo'e% 7or late ?ay3ent / 2owe$er, fail%re to pay the monthly rental within the grace period is s%b3ect to 0 (E *45+ 'E&6E1T interest per month of delay as penalty/ 2abit%al fail%re of the &esident*s+ to pay within the prescribed time shall res%lt in the -wner*s+ ta,ing immediate legal action to e$ict the &esident*s+ from the premises and sei7e the sec%rity deposit/ A SEC<R!TY ,EPOS!T: &esident*s+ agrees to pay a deposit in the amo%nt of S!; THO<SAN, =!>E H<N,RE, PESOS (P .#511 11) to sec%re &esident*s+8s pledge of f%ll compliance with the terms of this agreement/ 1ote: T2E 9E'-: T M#; 1-T <E U:E9 <; TE1#1T T- '#; T2E &E1T 9U& 1G T2E TE1#16;/ The sec%rity deposit will be %sed at the end of the tenancy to compensate the -wner*s+ for any damages or %npaid rent or charges, and will be repaired or replaced at &esident*s+8s e=pense with f%nds other than the deposit/ B METHO, O= PAYMENT: The initial ad$ance payment of rent and deposit %nder this contract be '# 9 1 6#:2 at least 7 days before the date of mo$ing>in/ Thereafter, monthly rent payments m%st be paid by '-:T 9#TE9 62E6?: payable to ANTON!O LE>Y S !N+LES# $R %ntil a first chec, is dishonored and ret%rned %npaid/ &egardless of ca%se, no other additional payments may afterwards be made by chec,/ 6hec,s ret%rned will not be redeposited/ The &esident*s+ will be notified by a ! day notice, and will be re@%ired to pay the amo%nt d%e in cash/

5 SCHE,<LE O= PAYMENT: :e@/ 1o/ A 9%e 9ate 4.20.2007 0rom 4.20.2007 0rom 6.20.2007 7.20.2007 C.20.2007 ".20.2007 A0.20.2007 AA.20.2007 A2.20.2007 A.20.2007 2.20.200C !.20.200C B.20.200C :ec%rity 9eposit *in cash+ 'hp 6,400/00 Monthly &ental #d$ance 'ayment *in cash+ To 6#:2 6.20.2007 'hp 6,400/00 'ayment in '96s To '96s 7.20.2007 'hp 6,400/00 C.20.2007 6,400/00 ".20.2007 6,400/00 A0.20.2007 6,400/00 AA.20.2007 6,400/00 A2.20.2007 6,400/00 A.20.200C 6,400/00 2.20.200C 6,400/00 !.20.200C 6,400/00 B.20.200C 6,400/00 4.20.200C 6,400/00


! 6.20.2007 B 7.20.2007 4 C.20.2007 6 ".20.2007 7 A0.20.2007 C AA.20.2007 " A2.20.2007 A0 A.20.200C AA 2.20.200C A2 !.20.200C A! B.20.200C

. S<BLETT!N+: Ditho%t first re@%esting permission from the -wner*s+, &esident*s+ agrees not to assign this agreement, nor to s%b>let any part of the property, nor to allow any other person to li$e therein other than the following: A/ :%rname, 1ame of the &esident: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2/ :%rname, 1ame:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE &elation to the &esident :EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !/ :%rname, 1ame:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE &elation to the &esident :EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE B/ :%rname, 1ame:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE &elation to the &esident :EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4/ :%rname, 1ame:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE &elation to the &esident :EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6/ :%rname, 1ame:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE &elation to the &esident :EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 0%rther, that co$enants contained in the 2o%se &ental 6ontract, once breached, cannot afterward be performedF and that e$iction proceedings may be commenced at once witho%t notice/ 8 OWNERCS STATEMENTS: #ll rights gi$en to the -wner*s+ by this agreement shall be c%m%lati$e in addition to any other laws which might e=ist or come into being/ #ny e=ercise or fail%re to e=ercise, by the -wner*s+ of any right shall not act as a wai$er of any other rights/ 1o statement or promise of -wner*s+ as to tenancy, repairs, alternations, or other terms and conditions shall be binding %nless specified in writing and specifically endorsed/ 9 CO<RT COSTS: This agreement shall be go$erned by the laws of the &ep%blic of the 'hilippines/ n the e$ent that any portion of this agreement shall be fo%nd to be %ns%pportable %nder the law, the remaining pro$isions shall contin%e to be $alid and s%b3ect to enforcement in the co%rts witho%t e=ception/ D ,E=A<LT BY RES!,ENT: #ny breach or $iolation of any pro$ision of this agreement by &esident*s+ or any %ntr%e or misleading information in &esident*s+8s application shall gi$e the -wner*s+ the right to terminate this contract, e$ict the &esident*s+ and to ta,e possession of the residence/ The &esident*s+ agrees to a forfeit%re of the sec%rity deposit and -wner*s+ may still p%rse any remaining amo%nts d%e and owing/ D ACCEPTANCE O= PROPERTY: &esident*s+ accepts the EAS !SE condition of the property, wai$ing inspection of same by -wner*s+ and agrees to notify -wner*s+ of any defects/ &esident*s+ f%rther agrees to indemnify or ass%re -wner*s+ against any loss or liability arising o%t of &esident*s+8s %se of the property/

:1 MA!NTENANCE: &esident*s+ agrees to maintain the premises d%ring the period of this agreement/ This incl%des woodwor,, ceilings, walls, floors, f%rnishings and fi=t%res, appliances, windows, screens doors, fences, pl%mbing, electrical, and mechanical systems/ Tac,s, nails, or other ob3ects nailed or screwed into the walls or ceilings or floors will be remo$ed at the termination of this agreement/ 9amage ca%sed by tac,s, nails, or other ob3ects nailed or screwed into the ceilings or walls or floorsF damage ca%sed by rain and wind as a res%lt of lea$ing windows or doors open, or damage ca%sed by o$erflow of water, or stoppage of waste pipes, brea,age of glass, and damage to screens, whether ca%sed by ab%se or neglect is the responsibility of the &esident*s+/ :: RES!,ENTCS OBL!+AT!ONS: The &esident*s+ agrees to meet all of &esident*s+8s obligationsF incl%ding:
#/ Ta,ing affirmati$e action to ins%re that nothing e=ists which might place the -wner*s+ in $iolation of applicable b%ilding, ho%sing and health codes/ </ ?eeping the dwelling.ho%se clean, and sanitaryF remo$ing garbage and trash as they acc%m%lateF maintaining pl%mbing in good wor,ing order to pre$ent stoppages and or lea,age of pl%mbing, fi=t%res, fa%cets, pipes, etc/ 6/ -perate all electrical, pl%mbing, sanitary, and other appliances in a reasonable and safe manner/ 9/ #ss%ring that property belonging to the -wner*s+ is safeg%arded against damage, destr%ction, loss, remo$al, or theft/ E/ 6ond%cting him.herself, his.her family, friends, g%ests and $isitors in a manner which will not dist%rb others/ &esident*s+ warrants that he.she will meet the abo$e conditions in e$ery respect, and ac,nowledges that fail%re to do so will be gro%nds for termination of this agreement and loss of all deposits witho%t f%rther reco%rse/

:A CLEAN!N+: &esident*s+ accepts premises in its c%rrent state of cleanliness and agrees to ret%rn it in a li,e condition/ :B REMO>AL O= PROPERTY: &esident*s+ agrees not to remo$e or alter in any way -wner*s+8s property witho%t first re@%esting permission from the -wner*s+/ #ny remo$al or alteration of -wner*s+8s property witho%t permission shall constit%te abandonment and s%rrender of the premises, and termination by the tenant of this agreement -wner*s+ may ta,e immediate possession and e=cl%de &esident*s+ from the property, storing all &esident*s+ possessions at &esident*s+8s e=pense pending reimb%rsement in f%ll for -wner*s+8s loss and damages/ :5 REPA!RS: The &esident*s+ sho%ld contact the -wner*s+ for emergencies or for %rgent and ma3or repairs/ n the e$ent repairs are needed beyond the competence of the &esident*s+, he.she is %rged to arrange for professional assistance/ #ny impro$ement made by the tenant shall become the property of the -wner*s+ at the concl%sion of this agreement/ :. <T!L!T!ES: &esident*s+ shall be responsible for payments of all %tilities, electricity, water and sewer charges, association d%es, telephone or other bills inc%rred d%ring their residency/ They specifically a%thori7e the -wner*s+ to ded%ct amo%nts of %npaid bills from their deposits in the e$ent they remain %npaid after the termination of this agreement/ :8 PHONE: &esident*s+ may install and maintain telephone ser$ice, and agrees to f%rnish to the owner the phone n%mber, and any changes, within ! days after installation/ :9 >EH!CLES: &esident*s+ agrees to par, ONLY ON THE PA>E, ,R!>EWAY PRO>!,E, his.her a%tomobile described as follows: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE &esident*s+ agrees that no $ehicle may be repaired in the pa$ed dri$eway/ :D PETS: The &esident*s+ specifically %nderstands and agrees:
#/ 1o pet which is attac,ed>trained or $icio%s, with a history of biting people or other animals, or of property damage will be ,ept on the premisesF </ That the &esident*s+ is solely responsible for any and all damage to the -wner*s+8s property incl%ding, b%t not limited to the premises, blinds, wall, f%rnishings and appliancesF 6/ That in a li,e manner, he.she is responsible for any and all damage or loss to persons or property of others ca%sed by the &esident*s+8s pet*s+ and in this regard does hereby agree to hold the -wner*s+ harmless for any s%ch damageF 9/ That all pet*s+ sho%ld be maintained in a h%mane and lawf%l mannerF E/ That all pet waste shall be remo$ed and disposed of promptly, incl%ding waste in neighbor8s yards distrib%ted by &esident*s+8s petsF 0/ That all pets shall be maintained so as to not ca%se annoyance to others/

01 RES!,ENTCS ABAN,ONMENT: f &esident*s+ lea$es said premises unoccu?ie% 7or :5 %ays '2ile rent is %ue an% un?ai%, -wner*s+ is granted the right here%nder to ta,e immediate possession thereof and to e=cl%de &esident*s+ there fromF remo$ing at his.her e=pense all his.her property contained therein and placing it into storage at &esident*s+8s e=pense/ 0: TERM!NAT!ON: #fter one month8s rental payment has been recei$ed, this contract may be terminated by m%t%al consent of the parties, or by either party gi$ing 'ritten notice o7 at least :5 %ays ?rior to t2e en% o7 any 3ont2ly ?erio% / #ll parties agree that termination of this agreement prior to the 01t2 %ay o7 May# 0119 regardless of ca%se will constit%te a breach of the tenancy as agreed on page A and all deposits shall be forfeited in fa$or of the -wner*s+ as f%ll li@%idated damages at the -wner*s+8s option/ 0A RET<RN O= ,EPOS!T: Thirty days after termination of occ%pancy, the -wner*s+ will send the balance of the deposit to the address pro$ided by the &esident*s+, payable to the signatories hereto, or -wner*s+ will impose a claim on the deposit and so notify the &esident*s+ by certified letter/ f s%ch written claim is not sent, the -wner*s+ relin@%ishes his right to ma,e any f%rther claim on the deposit and m%st ret%rn it to the &esident*s+ pro$ided &esident*s+ has gi$en the -wner*s+ notice of intent to $acate, abandon, and terminate this agreement proper to the e=piration of its f%ll term, at least 7 days in ad$ance/ 0B RELEASE O= ,EPOS!T: &elease of sec%rity deposit is s%b3ect to the pro$isions as follows:
#/ The f%ll term of this agreement has been completed/ </ 0ormal written notice has been gi$en/ 6/ 1o damage or deterioration to the premises, str%ct%res, or gro%nds is e$ident/ 9/ The entire dwelling.ho%se, appliance and closets are clean and left free of insects, and all debris and garbage ha$e been remo$ed from the propertyF walls, ceilings and floors are cleaned and left odorless/ E/ #ny and all %npaid charges, delin@%ent rents, %tility charges, etc/, ha$e been paid in f%ll/ 0/ #ll ,eys ha$e been ret%rned, incl%ding ,eys to any new loc,s installed while &esident*s+ was in possession/ G/ # forwarding address has been left with the -wner*s+/

0. OWNERS A+ENTS AN, ACCESS: The -wner*s+ may be represented by an agent who will carry identification/ &esident*s+ specifically agrees to permit the -wner*s+ or agent*s+ access to the premises for the p%rposes of inspection, repairs, or to show the property to another person at reasonable ho%rs, on re@%est/ 08 RENEWAL TERM: #t the end of initial term herein, -wner*s+ may elect to renew for another term b%t at a rental increase o7 =!>E H<N,RE, PESOS (P 511 11) to t2e current a"ree% rental ?ay/ A1 ACKNOWLE,+MENT: n this agreement the Sin"ular nu3@er where %sed will also incl%de the Plural, the Masculine "en%er will incl%de the =e3inine, the terms O'ner# O'ners# an% O'ner(s) will incl%de )andlord, )esser, and the terms Resi%ent# Resi%ents# an% Resi%ent(s) will incl%de Tenant, )essee/ The below>signed parties ac,nowledge that they ha$e read and %nderstand all of the pro$isions of this agreement/ This contract is bo%nd by all heirs, e=ec%tors, s%ccessors and.or assigns/ A: LE+AL CONTRACT: This is a legally binding contract/ f yo% do not %nderstand any part of this contract, see, competent legal ad$ice before signing/ A0 R!+HT TO S!+N: The indi$id%al*s+ signing this 2o%se &ental 6ontract as to &esident*s+ stip%lates and warrants that he.she has the right to sign for and to bind all occ%pants/


D T1E::

D T1E::

&E'U<) 6 -0 T2E '2 ) '' 1E:G 6 T; -0 M#1 )#G


<E0-&E ME, a 1otary '%blic, for and in Manila personally appeared the following persons: 1#ME 6-MMU1 T; T#H 1-:. '#::'-&T 1UM<E& ''0!"070" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE II0CC!A"" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 9#TE.')#6E ::UE9 1o$ember A0, 200B. Manila EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #%g%st A4, 2004. Manila EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Antonio Levy S !n"les# $r +eral%ine - +alitano

,nown to me and to me ,nown to be the same persons who e=ec%ted the foregoing instr%ment and ac,nowledgement to me that the same is their free and $ol%ntary act and deed/ This instr%ment refers to as 2o%se &ental 6ontract of a two>bedroom residential %nit located at )ot 6, <loc, 20, &oyal :o%th Townhomes, Marcos #l$are7 #$en%e, Talon 4, )as 'iJas 6ity, Metro Manila, consisting of fi$e *4+ pages incl%ding this one wherein this ac,nowledgement is written and has been signed by the parties hereto and their instr%mental witnesses at the %pper portion of this page and left hand margin of all other pages hereof/ D T1E:: M; 2#19 #19 :E#), this EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, 2007


!# +ERAL,!NE - +AL!NATO, &esident*s+, of legal age, with residence and postal address at 6 Manganese &oad, 'ilar (illage, )as 'iJas, Metro Manila, '&-M :E9 T- G (E #)) T2E E)E(E1 *AA+ '-:T 9#TE9 62E6?: on or before the 20th of K%ne 2007, payable to ANTON!O LE>Y S !N+LES# $R , -wner*s+, as monthly rent payments from K%ne 20, 2007 to May 20, 2007 of the -wner*s+8 ho%se located at Lot .# Bloc/ 01# Royal Sout2 To'n2o3es# Marcos Alvare4 Avenue# Talon 5# Las Pi6as City# Metro Manila SCHE,<LE O= PAYMENT of AA '96s from K%ne 20, 2007 to May 20, 2007: 'ayment in '96s 0rom To '96s 6.20.2007 7.20.2007 'hp 6,400/00 7.20.2007 C.20.2007 6,400/00 C.20.2007 ".20.2007 6,400/00 ".20.2007 A0.20.2007 6,400/00 A0.20.2007 AA.20.2007 6,400/00 AA.20.2007 A2.20.2007 6,400/00 A2.20.2007 A.20.200C 6,400/00 A.20.2007 2.20.200C 6,400/00 2.20.200C !.20.200C 6,400/00 !.20.200C B.20.200C 6,400/00 B.20.200C 4.20.200C 6,400/00

A 6.20.2007 2 7.20.2007 ! C.20.2007 B ".20.2007 4 A0.20.2007 6 AA.20.2007 7 A2.20.2007 C A.20.200C " 2.20.200C A0 !.20.200C AA B.20.200C

0ail%re to 0U0 )) T2 : '&-M :E9 #: :T#TE9 #<-(E will res%lt to &esident*s+ and other occ%pants to 7reely an% voluntarily sel7 evict t2e3selves 7ro3 t2e O'ner(s)C 2ouse The &esident*s+. -cc%pant*s+ hereto ha$e set their hands this 20 th day of May, 2007, at )ot 6, <loc, 20, &oyal :o%th Townhomes, Marcos #l$are7 #$en%e, Talon 4, )as 'iJas 6ity, Metro Manila EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE +ERAL,!NE - +AL!NATO &esident EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CELEST!NO AL=ARO -cc%pant EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE M!A AL=ARO -cc%pant EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE $E, AL=ARO -cc%pant

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