Best Actor (W/N) : o o o o

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Best Actor (W/N) o Russell Crowe- A Beautiful Mind (1/2) o Sean Penn- I am Sam (0/2) o Will Smit - Ali

(1st) !en"el Was in#ton- $rainin# !a% (1/&) o $om Wil'inson- In t e Bedroom (1st) Best Actress (alle Berr%- Monster)s Ball (1st) o *udi !en+ - Iris (1/,) o -i+ole .idman- Moulin Rou#e (1st) o Siss% S/a+e'- In t e Bedroom (1/0) o Rene1 2ellwe##er- Brid#et *ones)s !iar% (1st) Best Supporting Actor *im Broad3ent- Iris (1st) o 4t an (aw'e- $rainin# !a% (1st) o Ben .in#sle%- Se5% Beast (1/2) o Ian M+.ellen 6 $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s (0/1) o *on :oi# t- Ali (1/,) Best Supporting Actress *ennifer Connell%- A Beautiful Mind (1st) o (elen Mirren- ;osford Par' (0/1) o Ma##ie Smit - ;osford Par' (2/0) o Marisa $omei- In t e Bedroom (1/1) o .ate Winslett- Iris (0/2)
Cinematography o Am1lie o Bla+' (aw' !own $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o $ e Man w o wasn)t $ ere o Moulin Rou#e Costume Design o $ e Affair of t e -e+'la+e o ;osford Par' o (arr% Potter and t e Sor+erer)s Stone o $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s Moulin Rou#e

Foreign Language Film o Am1lie- 9ran+e o 4llin#- -orwa% o 7a#aan- India -o Man)s 7and- Bosnia o Son of t e Bride- Ar#entina Best Director Ron (oward- A Beautiful Mind (1st) o Ridle% S+ott- Bla+' (aw' !own (0/2) o Ro3ert Altman- ;osford Par' (0/&) o Peter *a+'son- $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s (1st) o !a<id 7%n+ - Mul olland !ri<e (0/2)
Makeup o A Beautiful Mind $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o Moulin Rou#e Animation o *imm% -eutron8 Bo% ;enius o Monster)s In+= S re'

Art o o o o

Direction Am1lie ;osford Par' (arr% Potter and t e Sor+erer)s Stone $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s Moulin Rou#e

Film !iting o A Beautiful Mind Bla+' (aw' !own o $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o Memento o Moulin Rou#e Music(Score) o A= I= Artifi+ial Intelli#en+e o A Beautiful Mind o (arr% Potter and t e Sor+erer)s Stone $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o Monster)s In+= Music (Song) Monster)s In+=- >If I didn)t (a<e ?ou> 6 Rand% -ewman o $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s - >Ma% it Be>- 4n%a o Pearl (ar3or- >$ ere ?ou)ll Be>- 9ait (ill o .ate @ 7eo/old- >AntilB>- Stin# o :anilla S'%- >:anilla S'%> 6 Paul Ma+Cartne% "isual ##ects o A= I= Artifi+ial Intelli#en+e $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o Pearl (ar3or Soun! o Am1lie Bla+' (aw' !own o $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o Moulin Rou#e o Pearl (ar3or Soun! !iting o Monster)s In+= o Pearl (ar3or

Writing(A!apte!) A Beautiful Mind o ; ost World o In t e Bedroom o $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o S re' Writing ($riginal) o Am1lie ;osford Par' o Memento o Monster)s Ball o $ e Ro%al $enen3aums Best %icture A Beautiful Mind o ;osford Par' o In t e Bedroom o $ e 7ord of t e Rin#s8 $ e 9ellows i/ of t e Rin#s o Moulin Rou#e

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