Instruction Sheet For Participant: 1 - Connect The Tablet To The Wifi

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Instruction Sheet For Participant

1 . Connect the tablet to the wifi

tap here

Wifi On Off button if it is off Press to on

Click this to show list of wifi available

Select Wifi which is available for you and press connect

2 . Open the Clickerv4 apk

)ap this icon to open the Clicker*4 application

3 . fter you open the application you can see the lo!in screen in this screen you need to enter the "nroll#ent $% and Server $P ddress &Server $P was !iven by your 'e#ote Center Cooridnator(
"nter Participant $%&"nroll#ent $%(

Press 'e!ister button to lo!in

"nter the $P ddress &ask Cooridnator for this $Paddress

4 . $f everythin! works fine+ ho#e screen will be displayed alon! with active workshop $%&i.e )"S)WS,,1( then+ tap on -ok. button.

/.$f you are in the screen than you are ready for attendin! the 0ui1

2or viewin! your 'eport tap Report button )ap on -Poll. for attendin! live Poll fter 3ui1 is launched at 'e#ote center server when Co4oridnator infor#s you to take up the 0ui1 then+ tap .Quiz. button

5.Once you tap on 0ui1 button+ the 0ui1 will be displayed on your tablet screen6
3uestion 7u#ber+if you have #ore no of 0uestion you can navi!ate by directly pressin! the 0uestion no

fter Co#pletin! all the 3uestion then only press this sub#it button

)his is 7e8t button+press this button to !o to ne8t 0uestion

Once the ti#er over the response will be sub#itted auto#atically or you can Press the sub#it button Note : Only Press the Submit button After giving response for all uestion! "a#e sure you given response for all uestion before submiting! $on%t e&change the tablet till workshop is over.

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