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DEEPAK DATTATRAY LEKAWALE 2+1/2, Amardeep cly, Shrinagar, Rahatni, Pune-411 017

Mo ile ! +"1#mail !
Career Objective: $ %o apply continuou& and ne'er-ending impro'ement in the (ield o( )et*or+ing , -n(ormation Security

Work Experience: Co pan! "a e Year #oine$ $ $ $ : .ipro %echnologie& /0endor 1 -mpact in(otech2 : 3an-2011 to pre&ent /145 yr2

.or+ing a& %echnical Support #ngineer 614 %raining at Rooman training center on -% -n(ra&tructure *hich include& 7omputer )et*or+ing, 6inu8,0M*are, .indo*& &er'er 20054 7ompleted 77)A certi(ication &ucce&&(ully

Re%pon%ibi&itie%: $ $ $ Monitoring Router& ,S*itche&,&er'er&, ac+up de'ice& 24 9 7 monitoring o( in(ra&tructure and application&4 7hec+ing )A:-;S,-PM;) and <P ;pen 0ie* alert& generated (or the &er'er& and net*or+

Tec'nica& (i)'&i)'t% : $ $ $ $ $ Routing Protocol /;SP=, #-:RP, R-P2 S*itching, 06A),0%P, S%P,-nter 'lan Routing4 Pa&&*ord reco'ery o( Router Monitoring tool&4 /R#M#>?,)A:-;S,-P M;),<P ;pen 0ie*2 Monitoring @ac+up tool&

E$cationa& *+a&i,ication Sr4) #9AM-)A%-; o4 ) 14 24 44 @Sc/7omputer Science2 9-9 )AM# ;= -)S%-%A%#

Anantrao Thopate College, BHOR

%<# )AM# @;AR> pune Ani'er&ity Pune Pune

;= ?#AR 200" 200C 2005

P#R7#)% A:# B0400 C14B7 B0400

Shi' hum 3r4 7ollege Shri Shi'aDi 0idyalaya )a&arapur/Pune

Certi,ication an$ Trainin) atten$e$: $ 77)A /7-S7; 7erti(ied )et*or+ A&&ociate2 /E72/10002

Stren)t'%: $ $ $ 7an handle e&calation& e((iciently 7an gra&p ne* technologie& , product Fuic+ly4 >ynamic team player

Per%ona& Pro,i&e: $ $ $ $ $ $ >ate o( @irth ! Se8 ! Marital Statu& ! )ationality ! 6anguage& Gno*n ! <o ie& ! 5rd March 1"EE Male Single -ndian #ngli&h, <indi and Marathi Sol'ing puHHle&,%rec+ing,Painting4


- here y declare that the a o'e-mentioned particular& are true to the +no*ledge4

e&t o( my

>A%#! P6A7#! Pune

>eepa+ >attatray 6e+a*ale

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