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Ruling Planets and Krishnamurtipaddhati

One of the most important tenets of Krishnamurtipaddhati, especially in timing events, is the concept of Ruling Planets. According to classical thinking in K.P.Astrology, the ruling planets are planets that rule a particular moment in time. These are: a) The ord of the !tar in "hich the #oon is deposited $) The ord of the !ign in "hich the #oon is deposited c) The ord of the !tar in "hich the agna is rising d) The ord of the !ign in "hich the agna is rising e) The ord of "eek day %&indu day is to $e follo"ed "hich e'tends from one !unrise to the ne't !unrise) (t is said that, the ruling planets play a vital role in determining the timing of events. The ruling planets "hich rule the time of )udgment "ill $e %"ill $e among) the ruling planets "hen a particular even fructifies. Among the ruling planets, the order of importance is as follo"s: a) The agna !tar follo"ed $y $) The agna !ign c) The #oon !tar d) The #oon !ign e) The +ay ord ord * is considered as the most po"erful ruling planet, ord, follo"ed $y ord, follo"ed $y ord, and finally,

(t is also to $e understood that in recent times, many illustrious students of Krishnamurtipaddhati have also included the follo"ing planets as ruling planets: a) The planets "hich are con)oined "ith the a$ove mentioned ruling planets, or, those that as aspected $y them $) The agna !u$ ord %some also consider the su$ su$ lord) c) The #oon !u$ ord %again some consider the su$ su$ lord also) Also note that, in every case, if either or $oth of the nodes represent any ruling planets in the a$ove list, then the ,ode should $e considered as a ruling planet. (n fact, as said in an earlier article, a node is more po"erful than the planet it represents and can $e included -instead of- the concerned planet. ,o event in this "orld, including the thinking of human $eings is e'empt from the influence of planets. .uru)i has said -/uddhi Karmaanusaarini-, i.e., the mind of a person "orks as per his Karma and the thoughts that arise are a conse0uence of the karmic $urden "hich everyone carries. Thus in &orary Astrology, "hen someone utters a num$er for a 0uestion he1she poses, the num$er is influenced

$y the collective planetary influences at that time, "hich in turn is dependent on the Karmic $urden of the individual. Thus "hile assessing almost every 0uestion in Krishnamurtipaddhati one should make use of the ruling planets. (n some cases, "hen the 0uerist2 urge to ask a 0uestion is very strong or the astrologer gets a very po"erful urge to ans"er a 0uery, .uru)i has said that one need not consider anything other than the ruling planets at the moment to analy3e the matter at hand. (n all cases, "ithout fail, if the urge is sincere and the intent is $enign, the ruling planets "ill guide the receptive astrologer in understanding and )udging a pro$lem. 4limination of Ruling Planets: 5hen deciding the time of an event, one considers the ruling planets. (f one is )udging a horary chart, then one should take the planets "hich are common $et"een the significators of the matter concerned and also the ruling planets at the time of )udgment. &o"ever, one must e'ercise caution in this. Those ruling planets "hich are in the star of a retrograde planet or in the su$ of a retrograde planet, have to $e re)ected as they never vote for the positive result in any manner. &o"ever, if a ruling planet is itself retrograde, $ut is in the star and su$ of a planet in direct motion, then one need not re)ect the same. /ut one should note that the retrograde planet "ill not give favora$le results until it $ecomes direct again and also crosses the point at "hich it turned retrograde. 6or e'ample, if 7upiter is retrograde on a given date and it "as in 89 i$ra :9 "hen it started retrograding, then one has to "ait for the time until 7upiter resumes direct motion and also crosses 89 i$ra :9 for it to give favora$le results. 7yotishya +eepika makes it possi$le to get this information at the push of a $utton. ;ou may select a planet "hich is retrograde and get to kno" "hen the planet turned retrograde and "hat its longitude "as at that time. ;ou "ill also get information on "hen the planet resumes direct motion and across the point of retro gradation . Also one should note that ruling planets "hich are detrimental to the matters signified $y a $haava have to $e eliminated as they do not give positive results. Thus if one is )udging the results of the 89th $haava and one finds that the < of the planets among the ruling planets at the time )udgment are significators of the =th $haava, then these t"o planets have to $e eliminated in )udging the results. >se of Ruling Planets in Rectifying /irth Time: Professor !hri K.!.Krishnamurti)i has noted that the planets ruling the time of )udgment "ill $e among the ruling planets at the time of $irth of an individual. This simple rule helps us to rectify $irth times accurately. 7yotishya +eepika >ltimate implements this rule and makes it easy for you to rectify $irth times $ased on the ruling planets at the time of )udgment. 5e "ill study more of /irth Time Rectification in another article in this reference.

Thus, to conclude, ruling planets are a vital tenet of Krishnamurtipaddhati and every 0uery should $e )udged after taking these into consideration.

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