Assignment 1 (SCM)

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Assignment 1 Supply Chain Management(MBA -031) MBA -2nd Year Note Attempt any !


1. What do you understand by supply chain and supply chain management? 2. Discuss the main features of supply chain management? 3. Elaborate on the phases of supply chain management? 4. Explain push-pull ie! of supply chain? ". What are the arious ad antages of supply chain management? #. Explain arious flo!s in $%&? '. Explain different types of supply chains? (. What are the ob)ecti es of supply chain management? *. +,rganised retailing has changed the !ay to manage a supply chain-. %omment. 1../riefly describe the dri ers of $%&? 11.Diffrentiate bet!een Efficient and 0esponsi e supply chain? 1i e examples. 12.Explain cycle ie! of supply chain management? 13.+0eturn management is a ery essential feature of supply chains-. %omment. 14.Discuss the process to achie e strategic fit an organi2ation?

1".+%ost factor in the supply chain ma)orily affects the supply chain capability to be Efficient or 0esponsi e-. %omment. 1#.Elaborate ho! supplier relations are important for successful $%&? 1'.What is role of demand forecasting in planning part of $%&? 1(.What are the benefits of $upply chain management? 1*.Explain the role of purchasing management in $%&? 2..+%ustomers are the 3ey to success for $%&-. %omment.

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