CV CristianMartinez

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Cristian Martnez Espada Avenida Primero de Mayo n16 2E. 30120, Murcia, Spain. +34 626 97 28 09 martinezespada.cristian@gmail.


2013 - 2014. Living in United Kingdom from July 2013 to February 2014. 8 months. 2013 July to February 2014.Working as an Au Pair in Oundle, Peterborough. 2013 October to February 2014. Volunteer at Oxfam Charity Shop. - Pricing, sorting items, placement... 2009 - 2013. Bachelor Degree of Business Administration at University of Murcia. 2012. Assistant at Department of Applied Economics at University of Murcia. 3 Months 2012. Internship at Comarth Engineering, S.L. - 3 Months as Accountant assistant 2012. Internship at Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. - 3 Months. Quality and costs management While carrying out the projects, he has shown a high level of personal initiative and dedication, being evident his trustworthiness, compromise with the set objectives, his high level of motivation and ability to work as a team member. Pablo Alarcon Sabater, Head of Economic Administration of Murcia's Health Service.

Languages Spanish: Native English: Advanced (C1)

Skills Reliable Attention to detail


Emotional Intelligence
Initiative, creativity and innovation

Others Driving license B1. Experienced driving in Spain and UK. Upper intermediate level of offimatic suites like Microsoft Office and computers in general. Basic knowledge of eViews and SPSS.

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