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Project Charter Template

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Document Approvals
Role Project Sponsor Project Review Group Project Manager ualit! Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) Procurement Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) "ommunications Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) Project O##ice Manager (i$ a%%&ica'&e) Name Signature


"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

Table of Contents
TEMP !TE "#IDE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% % E&EC#TIVE S#MM!R'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$( ( PR)*ECT DE+INITI)N$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(
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"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd


Template Guide
What is a Project Charter? ( Pro)ect *+arter is a document w+ic+ out&ines t+e %ur%ose o$ t+e %ro)ect, t+e way t+e %ro)ect wi&& 'e structured and +ow it wi&& 'e success$u&&y im%&emented. ,t descri'es t+e %ro)ect .ision, o')ecti#es, sco%e and de&i#era'&es (i.e. w+at we +a#e to ac+ie#e) Sta/e+o&ders, ro&es and res%onsi'i&ities (i.e. w+o wi&& ta/e %art in it) "esource, $inancia& and 0ua&ity %&ans (i.e. +ow it wi&& 'e underta/en).

+e Pro)ect *+arter may a&so 'e re$erred to as a 1 erms o$ "e$erence ( O")2 or 1Pro)ect De$inition "e%ort (PD")2. When do I use a Project Charter? +e Pro)ect *+arter is usua&&y %resented 'y Senior Management wit+in t+e 'usiness to an identi$ied 3usiness S%onsor. ,t is com%&eted a$ter t+e 3usiness *ase and 4easi'i&ity Study +a#e 'een a%%ro#ed 'ut 'e$ore t+e Pro)ect eam is $orma&&y a%%ointed. 4urt+ermore +e Pro)ect *+arter de$ines t+e 'oundaries $or t+e %ro)ect. ,t descri'es in detai& t+e sco%e o$ t+e %ro)ect, wit+in w+ic+ a&& de&i#era'&es must 'e %roduced. (cti#ities s+ou&d 'e underta/en outside t+e de$ined sco%e o$ t+e %ro)ect on&y i$ a #a&id 5c+ange re0uest $orm6 +as 'een a%%ro#ed 'y t+e Pro)ect S%onsor +e ne!t stage $o&&owing a%%ro#a& o$ t+e Pro)ect *+arter is t+e $orma& a%%ointment o$ t+e %ro)ect team.

How to use this template +is document %ro#ides a guide on t+e to%ics usua&&y inc&uded in a Pro)ect *+arter. Sections may 'e added, remo#ed or rede$ined at your &eisure to meet your %articu&ar 'usiness circumstance. 7!am%&e ta'&es, diagrams and c+arts +a#e 'een added (w+ere suita'&e) to %ro#ide $urt+er guidance on +ow to com%&ete eac+ re&e#ant section.

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

1 Executive Summary
Sum up eac$ o# t$e sections in t$is document concisel! ;! outlining t$e project< De#inition Organisation and plan Ris=s and issues 0ssumptions and constraints)

2 Pro ect Definition

.$is section descri;es w$at t$e project sets out to ac$ieve) It outlines t$e vision #or t$e project> t$e =e! o;jectives to ;e met> t$e scope o# wor= to ;e underta=en and t$e delivera;les to ;e produced)

2!1 "ision
Descri;e t$e overall vision o# t$e project) .$e vision statement s$ould ;e s$ort> concise and ac$ieva;le) -?amples o# vision statements include< .o deliver a ro;ust> scala;le #inancial management s!stem to t$e ;usiness .o procure new wor= premises wit$ ade@uate capacit! and #unctional surrounds .o success#ull! introduce new customer service processes to t$e mar=etplace)

2!2 #$ ectives
List t$e =e! o;jectives o# t$e project) O;jectives are statements w$ic$ descri;e in more detail w$at it is t$at t$e project is going to ac$ieve) 0ll o;jectives listed s$ould ;e Speci#ic> Measura;le> 0c$ieva;le> Realistic and .imeA;ound BSM0R.C) +usiness O;jectives List t$e ;usinessAspeci#ic o;jectives to ;e ac$ieved) For e?ample< .o deliver new accounts pa!a;le and receiva;le and pa!roll processes> t$ere;! reducing #inancial processing timescales ;! at least '8D .o ;uild ;rand new wor= premises wit$ 28D more space> '8 more car= par=s and &8D #ewer operational costs t$an t$e e?isting premises .o provide a new customer complaints service to ena;le customers to issue complaints onAline and receive a direct response #rom t$e compan! wit$in &/$rs)

.ec$nolog! O;jectives List t$e tec$nolog!Aspeci#ic o;jectives to ;e ac$ieved) For e?ample< .o install new accounts pa!a;le and receiva;le and pa!roll s!stem modules wit$in t$e e?isting accounting s!stem> t$ere;! ac$ieving 77)2D s!stem upAtime .o relocate e?isting tec$nolog! in#rastructure at t$e new ;uilding premises wit$in & da!s elapsed time and wit$ no impact on customer service deliver! .o ;uild a new we;site w$ic$ allows customers to enter and trac= complaints t$roug$ to resolution)

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd


"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd


2!% Scope
De#ine t$e scope o# t$e project in terms o# t$e ;usiness< Processes w$ic$ will c$ange Organisationa& areas w$ic$ will ;e a##ected 8ocations w$ic$ will ;e impacted on Data w$ic$ will ;e altered (%%&ications w$ic$ will ;e installed andEor altered ec+no&ogies w$ic$ will ;e deplo!ed andEor decommissioned

F$ere relevant> identi#! t$e related ;usiness areas w$ic$ will not ;e a##ected as a result o# t$is project)

2!& Delivera$les
4ig$lig$t t$e =e! project delivera;les in t$e #ollowing ta;le Bincludes e?amplesC< Item
New p$!sical premises


%&88 s@ m premises near cit! centre wit$ outdoor #acilities> par=ing and signage Open plan environment wit$ 2 o##ices> ' meeting rooms and a sta## games room *oice E data telecoms in#rastructure and video con#erence #acilities 0 new s!stem module w$ic$ ena;les sta## to @uic=l! enter accounts pa!a;le transactions 0 new s!stem module w$ic$ ena;les sta## to @uic=l! enter accounts receiva;le transactions 0 new s!stem module w$ic$ ena;les sta## to @uic=l! enter pa!roll in#ormation New we;site wit$ customer complaints #orms> a complaint trac=ing page and compan! contact in#ormation New #ullAtime sta## complaints role and process #or resolving complaints made New process #or assessing complaint c$aracteristics Bsuc$ as num;ers> ;usiness areas and resolution timescalesC

New p$!sical ;uilding Interior #itAout .elecommunications

New #inancial s!stem

0ccounts pa!a;le module 0ccounts receiva;le module Pa!roll module

New customer complaints process

"omplaints we;site "omplaints resolution process "omplaints measurement process

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

% Pro ect #r'anisation

%!1 Customers
Descri;e t$e customers w$o will use t$e delivera;les produced #rom t$e project) "ustomers ma! ;e individuals or groups wit$in or outside o# t$e compan!) .$e success o# t$e project will ;e primaril! ;ased on w$et$er or not t$e delivera;les produced matc$ t$e re@uirements o# t$e customers identi#ied in t$is ta;le) Customer
*ustomer 9rou%

*ustomer Name

%!2 Sta(e)olders
List t$e =e! sta=e$olders #or t$is project) 0 Gsta=e$olderH is simpl! a person or entit! outside o# t$e project w$o $as a =e! interest in t$e project) For instance> a compan! #inancial controller will $ave an interest in t$e cost implications o# t$e project> a "-O will $ave an interest in w$et$er t$e project is conducted in accordance wit$ t$e vision o# t$e compan!) -?amples o# sta=e$olders include< "ompan! -?ecutives Legislative ;odies Regulator! ;odies)

"omplete t$e #ollowing ta;le Bincludes e?amplesC< Sta3ehol4er

"-O Financial "ontroller 4ealt$ and Sa#et! O##ice Government ;od! Industr! ;od!

Intereste4 in
0lignment wit$ compan! vision and strateg! 0lignment wit$ compan! ;udget 0lignment wit$ $ealt$ and sa#et! standards "ompliance wit$ legislation "ompliance wit$ codes o# practice

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

%!% *oles
Identi#! t$e roles re@uired to underta=e t$e project) -?amples o# t!pical roles include project< Sponsor Review Group Manager .eam Mem;er

For eac$ role identi#ied> list t$e resource li=el! to #ill eac$ role and $isE$er assignment details ;! completing t$e #ollowing ta;le<
Role "o&e )rganisation Organisation

Resource Name Person

!ssignment Status :nassigned ; (ssigned

!ssignment Date !!;yy;<<

For larger projects wit$ more t$an %8 resources> list onl! t$e =e! roles in t$e a;ove ta;le) Include a detailed listing and description o# all roles wit$in a separate "esource P&an document i# re@uired)

%!& *esponsi$ilities
List t$e generic responsi;ilities #or eac$ role identi#ied) 0 #ull list o# t$e responsi;ilities> per#ormance criteria and s=ills re@uired s$ould ;e documented wit$in a separate =o' Descri%tion #or eac$ project role) Project Sponsor .$e Project Sponsor is t$e principal GownerH o# t$e project) 3e! responsi;ilities include< De#ining t$e vision and $ig$ level o;jectives #or t$e project 0pproving t$e re@uirements> timeta;le> resources and ;udget 0ut$orising t$e provision o# #unds E resources Binternal or e?ternalC 0pproving t$e project plan and @ualit! plan -nsuring t$at major ;usiness ris=s are identi#ied and managed 0pproving an! major c$anges in scope Receiving Project Review Group minutes and ta=ing action accordingl! Resolving issues escalated ;! t$e Project Manager E Project Review Group -nsuring ;usiness E operational support arrangements are put in place -nsuring t$e participation o# a ;usiness resource Bi# re@uiredC Providing #inal acceptance o# t$e solution upon project completion)

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

Project Re2ie5 "roup .$e Project Review Group ma! include ;ot$ ;usiness and ' rd part! representatives and is put in place to ensure t$at t$e project is progressing according to plan) 3e! responsi;ilities include< 0ssisting t$e Project Sponsor wit$ t$e de#inition o# t$e project vision and o;jectives 1nderta=ing ualit! Reviews prior to t$e completion o# eac$ project milestone -nsuring t$at all ;usiness ris=s are identi#ied and managed accordingl! -nsuring con#ormance to t$e standards and processes identi#ied in t$e ualit! Plan -nsuring t$at all appropriate clientEvendor contractual documentation is in place prior to t$e initiation o# t$e project)

Project Manager .$e Project Manager ensures t$at t$e dail! activities underta=en on t$e project are in accordance wit$ t$e approved project plans) .$e Project Manager is responsi;le #or ensuring t$at t$e project produces t$e re@uired delivera;les on time> wit$in ;udgeted cost and at t$e level o# @ualit! outlined wit$in t$e ualit! Plan) 3e! responsi;ilities include< Documenting t$e detailed Project Plan and ualit! Plan -nsuring t$at all re@uired resources are assigned to t$e project and clearl! tas=ed Managing assigned resources according to t$e de#ined scope o# t$e project Implementing t$e #ollowing project processes< time E cost E @ualit! E c$ange E ris= E issue E procurement E communication E acceptance management Monitoring and reporting on project per#ormance Bre< sc$edule> cost> @ualit! and ris=C -nsuring compliance wit$ t$e processes and standards outlined in t$e ualit! Plan Reporting and escalating project ris=s and issues Managing project interdependencies Ma=ing adjustments to t$e detailed plan as necessar! to provide a complete picture o# t$e progress o# t$e project at an! time)

Project Team Member 0 Project .eam mem;er underta=es all tas=s necessar! to design> ;uild and implement t$e #inal solution) 3e! responsi;ilities include< 1nderta=ing all tas=s allocated ;! t$e Project Manager Bas per t$e Project PlanC Reporting progress o# t$e e?ecution o# tas=s to t$e Project Manager on a #re@uent ;asis Maintaining all documentation relating to t$e e?ecution o# allocated tas=s -scalating ris=s and issues to ;e resolved ;! t$e Project Manager)

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

%!+ Structure
Depict t$e reporting lines ;etween eac$ o# t$e =e! roles descri;ed a;ove wit$in a Project Organisation "$art) 0n e?ample #ollows<

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

& + Pro ect Plan

+!1 Approac)
Descri;e t$e approac$ to ;e ta=en to implement eac$ o# t$e p$ases wit$in t$e project) Phase
Initiation Planning -?ecution "losure


Outline t$e met$od ;! w$ic$ t$e project will ;e #urt$er de#ined> t$e project team appointed and t$e Project O##ice esta;lis$ed) De#ine t$e overall planning process to ensure t$at t$e p$ases> activities and tas=s are underta=en in a coAordinated #as$ion) Descri;e t$e generic p$ases and activities re@uired to ;uild> test and implement t$e delivera;les o# t$e project) Descri;e t$e steps re@uired to release t$e delivera;les to t$e ;usiness> close t$e project o##ice> reallocate sta## and per#orm a Post Implementation Review o# t$e project)

+!2 #verall Plan

Provide a summariIed plan outlining t$e se@uence o# eac$ o# t$e p$ases listed a;ove)
ID % & : %' %6 && &5 &: &6 &7 '6 2' 2: 26 27 58 5% 5& 5' 5/ :: :6 :7 68 6% 6& 6' 6/ 62 65 6: C )S#RE Register 0ssets in Financial S!stem Per#orm "ustomer Signo## Release Documentation ( -@uipment Release Project Resources Per#orm Supplier "ontract "losure Document Project "losure Report Post Implementation Review Project Closure %1<;( E&EC#TI)N 6uil4 Deli2erables +uild Project Delivera;les .est Project Delivera;les Implement Project Delivera;les Monitoring an4 Control Approval to Proceed 0<;( P !NNIN" De2elop Project Plan De2elop :ualit7 Plan +omulate Supplier Contracts Approval to Proceed (<;( .as= Name INITI!TI)N De2elop 6usiness Case Perform +easibilit7 Stu47 8 Establish Terms of Reference !ppoint Project Team Set9up Project )ffice Approval to Proceed (;<;% ar! 2E8% %&E8% %7E8% &5E8% Fe;ruar! &E8& 7E8& %5E8& &'E8& Marc$ %E8' 6E8' %2E8' 0pril &&E8' &7E8' 2E8/

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd

0 more detailed Project Plan will ;e drawn up during t$e JPlanningK p$ase o# t$e project) Milestones List t$e major project milestones and t$e re@uired deliver! dates) 0 GmilestoneH is a signi#icant event or stage to ;e completed) -?plain w$! eac$ milestone is critical to t$e project> as #ollows< Milestone
Mi&estone it&e


7!%&ain w+y mi&estone date is critica& to 'usiness


Depen4encies List an! project activities w$ic$< Fill im%act on anot$er activit! e?ternal to t$e project Fill ;e im%acted on 'y t$e nonEdeliver! o# anot$er activit! e?ternal to t$e project Impacts on
7!terna& (cti#ity

Project !cti2it7
P&anned (cti#ity

Impacte4 on b7
7!terna& (cti#ity




+!% *esource Plan

SummariIe t$e duration and e##ort re@uired #or eac$ project team mem;er> as #ollows< Role
Pro)ect "o&e

Start Date

En4 Date

= Effort

0 detailed Resource Plan will ;e drawn up during t$e JPlanningK p$ase o# t$is project)

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd


+!& ,inancial Plan

SummariIe t$e project ;udget approved Bwit$in t$e +usiness "aseC as #ollows< Categor7


?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! Descri'e

Salaries o# project sta## "ontractors and outsourced parties .raining courses +uilding premises #or project team -@uipment and materials .ools Bcomputers> ca;ling> p$onesLC 0dvertising E ;randing Promotional materials PR and communications Operational downtime S$ortAterm loss in productivit! "ultural c$ange




0 detailed Financial Plan will ;e drawn up during t$e JPlanningK p$ase o# t$is project)

+!+ -uality Plan

+rie#l! descri;e t$e various processes to ;e underta=en to ensure t$e success o# t$e project) Process

Summary o$ +ow t+e %rocess wi&& 'e underta/en

ualit! Management "$ange Management Ris= Management Issue Management "on#iguration Management Document Management 0cceptance Management Procurement Management Financial Management .imes$eet Management Project Reporting Project "ommunications

0 detailed

ualit! Plan will ;e drawn up during t$e JPlanningK p$ase o# t$is project)

"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd


. Pro ect Considerations

.!1 *is(s
SummariIe t$e most apparent ris=s associated wit$ t$e project) Ris=s are de#ined as Jan! event w$ic$ ma! adversel! a##ect t$e a;ilit! o# t$e solution to produce t$e re@uired delivera;lesK) Ris=s ma! ;e Strategic> -nvironmental> Financial> Operational> .ec$nical> Industrial> "ompetitive or "ustomer related) "omplete t$e #ollowing ta;le< Description
Ina;ilit! to recruit s=illed resource .ec$nolog! solution is una;le to deliver re@uired results 0dditional capital e?penditure ma! ;e re@uired in addition to t$at approved



Mitigating !ctions
Outsource project to a compan! wit$ proven industr! e?perience and appropriatel! s=illed sta## "omplete a pilot project to prove t$e #ull tec$nolog! solution Maintain strict capital e?penditure processes during t$e project

*er! 4ig$





.o complete t$is section t$oroug$l!> it ma! ;e necessar! to underta=e a #ormal Ris= 0ssessment B;! documenting a "is/ Management P&anC) .o reduce t$e li=eli$ood and impact o# eac$ ris=Ms eventuating> clear Gmitigating actionsH s$ould ;e de#ined)

.!2 Issues
SummariIe t$e $ig$est priorit! issues associated wit$ t$e project) Issues are de#ined as Jan! event w$ic$ currentl! adversel! a##ects t$e a;ilit! o# t$e solution to produce t$e re@uired delivera;lesK) "omplete t$e #ollowing ta;le< Description

4ig$ Medium

Resolution !ctions
Re@uest #unding approval as part o# t$is proposal Design solution ;ased on current so#tware version and adapt c$anges to solution once t$e #inal version o# t$e so#tware $as ;een released Initiate t$e council approval process earl! so t$at it does not dela! t$e #inal rollAout process)

Re@uired capital e?penditure #unds $ave not ;een ;udgeted Re@uired computer so#tware is onl! at G;etaH p$ase and $as not !et ;een released live "ouncil approval must ;e soug$t to implement t$e #inal solution


"op!rig$t Met$od%&' Ltd ( Project Manager Online Ltd


.!% Assumptions
List t$e major assumptions identi#ied wit$ t$e project to date) -?amples include< .$ere will ;e no legislative> ;usiness strateg! or polic! c$anges during t$is project Prices o# raw materials will not increase during t$e course o# t$e project 0dditional $uman resources will ;e availa;le #rom t$e ;usiness to support t$e project)

.!& Constraints
List t$e major constraints identi#ied wit$ t$e project to date) -?amples include< .$e #inancial ;udget allocated is #i?ed and does not allow #or overAspending .$ere are limited tec$nical resource availa;le #or t$e project .$e tec$nical solution must ;e implemented a#terA$ours to minimiIe t$e operational impact on t$e ;usiness)

/ Appendix
/!1 Supportin' Documentation
0ttac$ an! documentation !ou ;elieve is relevant to t$e Project "$arter> including< "urricula *itae B"*sC #or =e! project sta## 0pproved +usiness "ase 0pproved Feasi;ilit! Stud! Researc$ Materials -?ternal @uotes or tenders Detailed #inancial planning spreads$eets Ot$er relevant in#ormation or correspondence)

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