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COURSE OUTLINES 6204. COMPANAY LAW II S. # 1 TOPICS DIRECTORS I. Company and Directors II. Position of Directors III.

Qualification and Disqualification IV. um!er of Directors V. "odes of Appointment VI. Removal of Directors VII. #erm of $ffice VIII. Po&ers of Directors CHAIRMAN, CHIEF EXECUTI E, SECRETARY OF THE COMPANY I. C(airman II. C(ief *+ecutive III. Company ,ecretary MEETING AND RESOLUTION V. Kinds of Auditor

VI. Removal of Auditor VII. Causal Auditor VIII. Qualification & Disqualification of Auditors IX. Remuneration of Auditors X. Duties of Auditors XI. Audit Report WINDING UP "eetin%s "odes of 'indin% up '(o can file a petition Consequences of 'indin% )p Provisional "ana%er -iquidator Proceedin% after &indin% up order ,tatement of Affairs Report !y $fficial -iquidator Control of Property PARTNERSHIP ACT, 1"!0 ame of Partners(ip Kinds of Partners(ip Relation of Partners to one anot(er Relation of Partner to t(ird parties Incomin% and $ut%oin% Partners Dissolution of /irms Re%istration of /irms RECOMMENDED #OO$S Relevant Acts &it( Commentaries !y different Aut(ors2 Coverin% Compre(ensive study of t(e Acts as amended up to date Company -a& !y "u(ammad -uqman 0ai%

Introduction Kinds of "eetin% ,tatutory "eetin% Annual .eneral "eetin% *+tra $rdinary .eneral "eetin% III. $t(er "eetin%s IV. Quorum for .eneral "eetin% V. C(airman of "eetin% VI. Pro+ies VII. Resolution ACCOUNTS AND ACCOUNTS AUDIT I. 0oo1s of Accounts II. 0alance ,(eet III. Annual Accounts IV. Auditor

I. II.


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