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Topic/Title of Paper: Group Name: Unsatisfactory (60-69%) or!

at ("%) #anguage $echanics (10%) Position paper is not in paragraph form. Poor transition was used. everal spelling and/or grammatical errors can be identified in the paper. The language used was incomprehensible. Issue identified does not concern the students and education sector NG$s in the Philippines. It is irrelevant. &rguments in favor of the position ta'en are not well( supported or well(referenced. &rguments against position ta'en are not bac'ed(up b% evidence or not properl% referenced. Position ta'en is inconsistent with the anal%sis of arguments and counter(arguments. Basic (70-79%) Position paper is in paragraph form. Proper transition was used in the development of ideas. !inimal spelling and/or grammatical errors can be identified in the paper. The language used was incomprehensible. Issue identified concerns the students and education sector NG$s in the Philippines. It ma%# however# be too old# or irrelevant. &rguments in favour of the position ta'en are well(supported but lac' some important citations. The% do not effectivel% refute counterclaims. &rguments against position ta'en are well supported b% evidence but lac' some important citations. Position ta'en is consistent with the anal%sis of arguments and counter(arguments. Its relevance to *ilipino students is not clear. & specific proposed plan is presented. Plan does not include a timeline of actuali+ation and required resources or manpower. Proficient (80-89%) Position paper is in paragraph form. Position paper is concise. Ideas were presented in a logical sequence. No spelling and/or grammar errors can be identified in the paper. imple and comprehensible language was used. Distinguished (90-100%) Position paper is concise and comprehensible. Transition from one idea to another is excellent. "xcellent spelling# grammar and sentence structure. imple and comprehensible language was used. Score

%ssue (&0%)

Issue identified is relevant but ma% not be timel% or unique. It promotes the interests of the students and education sector NG$s in the Philippines. &rguments are bac'ed(up b% supporting evidences and are well(referenced. The% do not# however# refute the counter( claims effectivel%. &rguments against position ta'en are well supported b% evidence and are well( referenced. Position ta'en is consistent with the anal%sis of arguments and counter( arguments. Its relevance to *ilipino students and nation(building is clear. Proposed plan of action identified probable dates and resources needed.

'rgu!ents for (osition (1"%) 'rgu!ents against (osition (1"%) Position) *onc+usion (1"%)

Pro(osed P+an of 'ction (&0%)

Proposed plan is vaguel% described.

Issue identified is unique# timel% and relevant. It concerns the interests of the students of the Philippines and the NG$s representing various advocacies in the education sector. &rguments in favour of the position ta'en are solidl% bac'ed(up b% valid evidences and are well(referenced. &rguments refute the counter(claims effectivel% and exceed expectations. )ounter(arguments are addressed and refuted b% author in a clear and concise manner# exceeding expectations. Position ta'en exceeds expectations and is consistent with the anal%sis of arguments and counter(arguments. It promotes a culture of nationalism and educational development. It raises the welfare of ever% *ilipino student. Proposed plan of action is feasible. It includes a well(defined timeline# list of quantifiable resources and identified organi+ations needed for its actuali+ation. ,-,'#

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