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1he Cne 1hlng l von't Lut

l don't cure how nlce you usk me there ls one thlng l won't eut.
l don't cure how much you udd to lt to try to muke lt sweet.
Not u glunt ot of honey. Not u dozen jurs of jelly.
Not u slxteenuck of sodu o wlll get one ln my belly.
Use u tunk of mule syru or u truckloud full of fudge.
8rlng u hundred cuns of frostlng but you wlll not muke me budge.
1ry u thousund ounds of chocolute or u mllllon tons of sugur.
l don't cure how much you sweeten lt, l wlll not eut u booger.






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Fluency Punctuation:
Have students highlight the periods in the text. Have them practice stopping
at the end of the sentence when they see the highlighted period.
Comprehension Activating background knowledge:
Ask students to think about one food they really do not like. Have them
write about the food and why they dont like it in one or two sentences on
the lines provided.
Vocabulary Number words:
Highlight each of the number words: dozen, sixteen, hundred, thousand,
million. Have the students write the number underneath the word.
Phonics Rhyme:
Students will highlight the rhyming words. Highlight sugar and booger
and talk about how these words are spelled differently, but when we say
them they sound the same. In another color highlight eat and sweet. In
a third color highlight jelly and belly. In a fourth color highlight
fudge and budge.
Comprehension Questioning the text:
Do you think that if the author really did any of those things to a booger
that he would be able to taste it? Why or why not? Have the students
discuss this with a partner.

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