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Success Skills

How to do well in high school.

Sunday, March 2, 14

Putting the Binder Together

1. Write each of!your classes at the top of each folder !!!! A. On the left side of each folder pocket, write "Homework". !!!!!!! This is where you put worksheets and project handouts. !!!! B. On the right side of each folder pocket, write "Returned." !!!!!!! This is where you put the papers your teachers return to you

Sunday, March 2, 14

2. Place the folders in your binder in the order of your daily schedule 3. Behind each folder, place a stack of loose-leaf notebook paper. !! The paper at the front should be used to take daily notes.!! When you get a written assignment, like an essay or math problems, take the paper from the back. When you complete your homework, put it in the front pocket of your folder for that class to turn in the next day.

Sunday, March 2, 14

4. Place the Priority Folder at the front of your binder Always place missing assignments that need completed, makeup work from absences, or notes home in here. When you get home, items in this folder should be!your highest priority. Give notes home, permission slips, or papers that need signed to your parent or caregiver as soon as you get home. !!! Check this folder in every class to be sure you don't miss turning in an assignment.
Sunday, March 2, 14

5. Place the zipper pouch at the very front of your binder !! Always make sure you have a good supply of sharpened pencils, working pens, a highlighter, and a calculator. !!! If you ever run low, tell your parent or caregiver as soon as possible so they can be replenished.! If they can't help you with new supplies, let the ofce know and they will give some to you.

Sunday, March 2, 14

6. 3-hole punch important papers and handouts from each class and place them behind the notebook paper.! Save these until your teachers tell you to throw them out.! You will likely need them to study for tests and exams. 7.!Use your binder!! After the rst day of properly using your binder, you will see how much easier it is to keep track of your assignments and to turn them in on time.! If your binder ever gets too full, take a few minutes in ICE to clean it out.!

Sunday, March 2, 14

When you get home: Make sure everything is in the right folder Give papers that need signed to your parent or caregiver Complete priority assignments rst Do your homework before anything else (if possible)

Sunday, March 2, 14


1. DO NOT write down everything your teacher says 2. DO write headings and subheadings 3. DO look over your notes after class 4. DO Highlight, underline, circle, and connect

Sunday, March 2, 14


A quick read-through will help you understand what they're talking about during class.! As you're reading, write down questions and confusing parts so you can ask your teacher in class.!

Sunday, March 2, 14

Cues to look for: ~Notes written on the board, overhead, or through a PowerPoint ~Repetition of information ~Emphasis on the subject through voice volume, body language, number of examples, time spent on the subject ~Word signals that indicate time, importance, or steps (First, The results are/were, On ____ date) ~Any indications of summaries, reviews, or lists.! Or if a teacher asks a question, then gives the answer.

Sunday, March 2, 14


~Note-taking is one of the few times in school where using "text language" is appropriate! ~Shorten notes with abbreviations like b/c, w/o, w/, +, etc.! Leave out unnecessary words like "a", "an", and "the" to save time. ~Write headings and short phrases instead of complete sentences (but write enough that you understand what you wrote later)

Sunday, March 2, 14

~Use colored highlighters, boxes, underlining, and/ or circling to indicate different topics ~Use arrows or lines to indicate relationships ~Use stars or circling to indicate important information ~Write on every other line so you can ll in additional information later when studying

Sunday, March 2, 14

~Write question marks next to parts you need help with, circle or underline very important information, draw arrows for connections ~Your notes should start off looking like an outline !!!! -with subsets of information below each heading !!!! -doing this will help you see relationships ~Draw mind-maps when you get home to help you study (see test-taking section for more information)

Sunday, March 2, 14

Reading Effectively

~Find a quiet space ~Turn off your phone! Put it in a different room.! ~Turn off the television ~Music is ne!!Just keep the volume low.

Sunday, March 2, 14

~Have a highlighter (if the book is yours or you're reading from printed handouts) ~If you're reading from a textbook, have paper, a pencil, and a highlighter ~Use your note-taking skills to write down the important parts of the chapter ~Write headings, subheadings, a bullet list of facts, and questions you need to ask your teacher

Sunday, March 2, 14

Before you start reading Scan the chapter Read titles, headings, and subheadings Read photo captions, graphs, and charts Read the introduction and summary
Sunday, March 2, 14

As youre readingTurn titles, headings, and subheadings into questions What do I need to know about______? Read the questions at the end of the chapter -Theyll help you focus on the topic
Sunday, March 2, 14

Ask yourself: What did my teacher already say about this? What do I already know about this?

Sunday, March 2, 14

Read a section at a time Slow down for difcult passages Summarize what youve read after each section Answer the questions at the end of the section

Sunday, March 2, 14

Fill in study guides as you go Be sure to understand graphics Write down questions for your teacher if you get stuck

Sunday, March 2, 14

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