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Team Redundant Redundancy

2012 CMIS Case Competition

Gary Nelson Nygel Wallace Callen Trail

Central Issue
Increased number of medication errors
Collection System Shortage of pharmacists High level of unreported errors

Preferred Approach
Integrated Pharmacy

Voluntary Reporting System

Web-based anonymous reporting

Expected Benefits
More consistent policy and action Positive ROI

Provide fail-safe for medication administration Increase voluntary error reporting

Improved patient safety and quality of care

Expected Financial Cost

Update infrastructure (technology) Cost of 1.5 full time pharmacists (Justify) Increased drug expenses due to the discontinuation of recycling unused pills (unit dose) Federal and provincial grant funding towards infrastructure projects (How much?)


Risk Analysis
New technology systems
Integrity of data input System Downtime

Cost and ROI

Federal and provincial grant funding towards infrastructure projects

Change Management

Alternatives Considered
Bar-Code Medication Administration System (BCMAS)
Pros Cons

Automated pharmacy
Pros Cons


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