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Communication is the process of exchanging information. People

communicate in order to share knowledge and experiences, give or receive orders, or cooperate. Common forms of human communication include sign language, speaking, writing, gestures, and broadcasting. Communication can be interactive, intentional, or unintentional. It can also be verbal or nonverbal; Internal communication or intrapersonal communication (within oneself) and interpersonal communication (between two individuals). t larger scales of communication, small group communication takes place between few individuals such as organi!ational communication in settings like companies or communities. t the largest scales, mass communication can be from a single source to a huge number of individuals using various communication media such as newspapers, television or computers

How do we communicate?
"e all use different methods at different times to communicate. "e can communicate b# making gestures with parts of our bod#, for example shaking of our head or hands, winking, making faces etc. "e also communicate b# speaking or making sounds like laughing, weeping or sobbing. t a more advanced level we communicate b# writing and reading. $ut, there is #et another wa# we can communicate. %hat is b# using electrical gadgets, invented b# scientists and technologists, for example, radio, telephone, television and computers.

Role of Technolo ! in Enhancin Communication

%echnolog# in Communication allows people to send messages to each other, even if the# live on different continents. Can #ou imagine life without a radio or a television& 'lectronic e(uipment such as radio and television help us transfer information to one another. %echnolog# allows people to interact over long distances. %echnolog# has pla#ed a significant role in people)s lives since the *+th centur#.

"iffe#ent a$$lication% of Technolo ! in Communication

%elegraph %elephone o ,ixed -andline o .obile o ,ax /adio %elevision o Cable %elevision o 0irect $roadcasting 1atellites o Interactive %elevision

Internet o 'mail via computers, mobile o 1ocial 2etworking sites o 1earch engines (3oogle, 4ahoo) o Compan# "ebsites o 1treaming .edia o 5ideo Conferencing

2etworks o $roadband o -ocal rea 2etworks o %eleconferencing

A$$lication% of Technolo ! in Communication

%here are man# advantages of %echnolog# and b# understanding %echnolog#; we can use these advantages to our benefit. %he field of %echnolog# has advanced a great deal over the ages, and knowing how to use these new %echnolog# devices has man# benefits.

Ad&ance% in Technolo ! in Communication%

%elegraphs and .orse code allowed people throughout the countr# to communicate and even allowed for international dialogue. %he telephone and radio broadened the %echnolog# industr# even more, opening up a host of new forms of %echnolog# options. %elevision changed the landscape again, and the advent of the internet made %echnolog# more interactive then ever before. %hese advances allowed more people to both send and receive data, which are the two essential elements of %echnolog# in Communication. %hese new mediums of %echnolog# also greatl# extended the advantages of %echnolog#

Ad&anta e% of Technolo ! in Communication

%here are a great man# advantages of %echnolog# in Communication that caused it to spread across almost ever# field of dail# life. %echnolog# has improved people)s abilit# to sta# in touch with friends and famil#. 3randparents can receive pictures, emails, and videos of their grandchildren over the Internet. ,amilies spread across continents can communicate inexpensivel# via email or with phone cards. %echnolog# has changed the landscape of entertainment. People can access hundreds of television stations with the push of a button, getting instant access to en6o#able information. %he information contained in .P7 files can be transmitted in seconds over the Internet, enabling listeners to en6o# music an#time and an#where.

%echnolog# has also changed the wa# in which people work. It is now possible to commute from a beach in ,lorida, from home, or from an#place where a computer, a phone or Internet service is available.

%hese advances in %echnolog# have made it possible for people who might traditionall# be unable to be in the workforce8 such as those who are caring for children, or those who are disabled8 to have exciting 6obs and contribute to the business communit#.

Technolo ! in Communication Method%

%he more reliable a %echnolog# in Communication method is and the more people who can transmit and receive data via the method of %echnolog#, the more valuable that method of %echnolog# is. ,or example, television and the internet are relativel# reliable means of %echnolog#. s a result, the# are valuable tools for disseminating information. If the# could not reach a wide network of people or transmit messages reliabl#, their use would be limited and the advantages of %echnolog# would not be full# reali!ed using these methods. In addition, the more people reached b# a method of %echnolog#, the more valuable the %echnolog# is. network8 which consists of transmitters and receivers8 should be as wide as possible in man# cases in order to be valuable. ,or example, the more people who own %5s, the more popular advertising on television becomes, since the network can transmit the message to a wider audience. %his isn)t alwa#s the case8 for example, business networks need to be closed networks so information can be transmitted onl# to select people8 but it is often true that the advantages of %echnolog# increase as a network widens.

Info#mation Technolo !
9ur world toda# has changed a great deal with the aid of information technolog#. %hings that were once done manuall# or b# hand have now become computeri!ed operating s#stems, which simpl# re(uire a single click of a mouse to get a task completed. "ith the aid of I% we are not onl# able to stream line our business processes but we are also able to get constant information in )real time) that is up to the minute and up to date.

%he significance of I% can be seen from the fact that it has penetrated almost ever# aspect of our dail# lives from business to leisure and even societ#. %oda# personal PCs, cell phones, fax machines, pagers, email and internet have all not onl# become an integral part of our ver# culture but also pla# an essential role in our da# to da# activities. "ith such a wide scope for the purpose of this article we shall focus on the impact of the internet in information technolog#.

Info#mation Technolo ! ' Communication

"ith the help of information technolog#, communication has also become cheaper, (uicker, and more efficient. "e can now communicate with an#one around the globe b# simpl# text messaging them or sending them an email for an almost instantaneous response. %he internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing.

Role of (i#ele%% in Enhancin Communication

,or providers of mobile computing and communication devices, fleets ma# want to use wireless onboard communication technolog# to control the following areas to ensure profitabilit#:

Cost of fuel88Planning routes and rerouting vehicles help to maximi!e fuel consumption. ttracting;retaining drivers883iving drivers communication devices makes their lives easier and helps maximi!e their time. 5ehicle e(uipment cost88.aximi!ing e(uipment b# optimi!ing deliveries helps eliminate unnecessar# purchases. Customer satisfaction88Providing updates on loads keeps customers happ#. %here are other significant benefits to wireless communication between driver and fleet operations departments. ,or example, there can be rapid reporting of deliver# information, which speeds billing and driver pa#. 1o this optimi!ation of the flow of information from driver to the back office benefits both the fleet and the driver.









'8mail is an important communications service available on the Internet. %he concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a wa# analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. In recent #ears man# 5oIP s#stems have become as eas# to use and as convenient as a normal telephone. %he benefit is that, as the Internet carries the voice traffic, 5oIP can be free or cost much less than a traditional telephone call, especiall# over long distances.

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