Wake Forest Essay

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Wake Forest Essay: Please use the optional essay to address anomalies that may exist in your application

and/or special requests for the Admissions Committee to consider as they review your application (i.e. poor academic performance, gaps in your educational/work history, special requests, appeals, needs, etc.)
Education is a never ending perpetual process in which I find comfort in not knowing what I dont know. Towards the start of my undergraduate career this statement was inaccurate. I assumed college would teach me all I needed to be a successful professional. In hindsight, it seems rather silly and a bit injudicious. Nonetheless, I continued my education as a diligent scholar. During the end of my sophomore year I realized that campus involvement was just as significant as classroom instruction. I began to become involved in a host of activities: dance, psychology club, honor societies, conferences, and competitions, to the point where it became overwhelming and placed a high demand of physical, mental and emotional resilience. Assuming that the participation would be ideal resume builders, I insisted on remaining dynamic. As a senior, I inevitably met my threshold, having to be everywhere at once as well as enduring everyday life circumstances. Contrary to popular belief, it is at the close of the undergraduate education where students begin to understanding their selves, both strengths and weaknesses and appreciate their journey. I am just now honing my skills and blooming as an interdisciplinarian. Ive always had multiple interests, was never satisfied by clear cut answers and wanted to be challenged by probing questions, but Interdisciplinary Studies has prepared me for the Masters in Management Program like no other liberal arts major could. Not only do interdisciplinarians passively digest academic material, they take on the role as the educator, actively adding onto the rhetoric and exploring multiple frameworks that a single instructor may not have addressed. Biologists reason within a biological framework, sociologists are concerned with social perspectives, and business moguls adhere to business models. Alone they are disciplinary; when integrated they become interdisciplinary. At some point, other disciplinary perspectives will be addressed in the masters program, and I will be prepared and willing to think critically, thoroughly and comprehensively about the texts, how its currently utilized and practical future applications. Despite all my obstacles and countless opportunities to give up, I am still holding my head up high, welcoming the perpetual cycle of education to shape and mature my thought process. My knowledge base has come from traditional means and personal experiences. From both methods of learning I am more focused than ever on gaining insight on what I dont know.

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