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A new look at the Great Depression

Joseph Castro Senior Division Individual Website

As I was trying to figure out what topic for this years History Fair project theme of Right & Responsibilities, I knew I wanted to do something that everyone knows about, but knows based on biased perspectives not the full truth of what happened. At first I was unsure whether to do it on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962, the Vietnam War in 1965, or the Berlin Wall Collapse in 1989. I then decided to do my topic on the Great Depression which began on October 29, 1929, because the stock-market collapsed. I find the Great Depression an interesting topic; not because we get told its a part of Americas history, because it changed the lives of others forever. Some people say today we live in a depression ourselves. By doing this project I wanted to educate my audience that there was more to it than just people who invest in too many stocks or the banks dont have enough money at the time for everyone, no matter if you are rich or poor the past repeats itself. One historical question that I proved to argue was during this whole experience with History Fair was that Whose fault is it and who is responsible for was it to blame for all of this? I first conducted my research by checking out a large variety of different primary and secondary sources in local Chicago Public Libraries that are related to my topic. With the sources in my holding I was able to analyze and gather information about the Great Depression to prove as evidence within my argument. I then started to watch actual footage of the time period in the eyes of the government, the people, and the leaders in power to get a better understanding on how they felt and stood upon the crisis in history. From there, I browsed through a series of different websites to add onto gathering information relating to the topic of my choosing. Primary source websites such as the Chicago Metro History Fair, the Encyclopedia of Chicago, and Library of Congress were supportive on how time changed overtime for the

worst until the New Deal Programs led by former President FDR helped resolve the Great Depression and how it effects in both America and Chicago today. Lastly, I listened to multiple audio recordings (songs, speeches, interviews) to support each component of my project. The reason behind on why I decided to present my project by creating a website is that I for am well with technology. I am proficient with all different Microsoft engines, different online website builders such as Prezi. So once I got told the options to do for History Fair, before I even knew my topic of choosing I decided on that I will be building a website. As well, there are more fundamentals you can include on creating a website such as inputting audio, video, documents, visuals, ect. catching your audiences attention and having them to want to know more about your topic. My topic relates to this years NHD theme of Rights & Responsibilities, because during the Great Depression the people of the United States had their rights taken away from them due to the lack of government involvement. It is portrayed today that it was the peoples fault for why the Depression began. It wasnt until President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who stepped into office proposing his New Deal Programs in which help build Americas self-esteem back to reach The American Dream. The actions of FDR are seen as him whom fulfilled his responsibility in meeting the needs of the citizens of the United States to end the Great Depression.

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