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Madeline Johnson Topic: Injury Induced Hand Dominance Transfer (I-IHDT)

February 27, 2014

During the course of the week I have been enjoying my classmates presentations during class and at home I have begun to create my own presentation. I have been trying to choose which research paper to use and have filtered out the papers that are more of reviews and less of experiments. By choosing an article that actually reports an experiment I feel it will be easier to portray a funnel effect in my presentation. Also, now that I have all of Kathleen Yancoseks published works I feel confident and capable of composing a letter to her asking her questions about her work on the topic and what she is doing now. I hope to complete this letter and show it to Dr. Zung after all of the presentations. This week I learned this week that listening to other students presentations is helpful when creating my own. I have been able to get a better grasp on the funnel by watching other students incorporate it into their own presentations. I have also just learned from presentations in general. Everyone has such interesting topics and is so knowledgeable in their field that I come out from every presentation knowing so much more. Articles Read: Yancosek, Kathleen E. "Management of Dominant Upper Extremity Injuries: A Survey of Practice Patterns." Journal of Hand Therapy 211 (2012): 79-88. ScienceDirect. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. Yancosek, Katie E., and Dana Howell. "A Narrative Review of Dexterity Assessments." Journal of Hand Therapy 133 (2009): 258-70. ScienceDirect. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. Search engines used: ScienceDirect Keywords used when doing searches: Human handedness, injury, dominance transfer A question that comes to mind is what Kathleen Yancosek will be able to tell me about if she responds to my letter and if she is continuing her work on this topic as of the current time. I also am trying to figure out which article I want to use in my presentation. A difficulty that I think I will come across is figuring out what I can do with my knowledge and passion for this topic and what my experiment in this class should or could be. I think that working with Dr. Zung to formulate a letter to send to Kathleen Yancosek will be a helpful step in the right direction so that I can tell if I will be able to work with her or if I have to take a different path in my research and topic.

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