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Chapter 12 Review

Global History & Geography

th 9

Grade || 24 February 2013

Names & T erms

Italian Wars Leonardo da Vinci Christine de Pizan Masaccio Fresco Humanism Petrarch Christian Humanism Desiderius Erasmus Vernacular

Names & T erms

Baldassare Castiglione The Book of the Courtier Venice MIlan Machiavelli the Prince Francesco Sforza Mercenaries Martin Luther Indulgences

Names & T erms

John Calvin Huldrych Zwingli Anabaptists Lutheranism Peace of Augsburg Charles V Henry the VIII Ignatius of Loyola Jesuit Movement Consistory

Names & T erms

Council of T rent Geoffrey Chaucer the Canterbury T ales

Answer the Following Questions

When did the war between France and Spain end in Italy? How did Leonardo da Vinci exemplify the social ideals of renaissance Italy? women? What were the Protestant views of family and

Answer the Following Questions

Why did the parents of renaissance Italy carefully arranged the marriages of their children? important work? Why is the Canterbury T ales considered an Who were the High Renaissance artists of Italy? What were their important works?

Answer the Following Questions

How did both the Catholics and Protestants view the Anabaptists? What were the characteristics of Renaissance? What type of works were performed by the renaissance artists of Northern Europe?

What subjects were taught by the humanist educators? learn? What subjects did the renaissance women What did Machiavelli believe about human nature?

Answer the Following Questions

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