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Lesson #1 (30 minutes) ASCA Standards: C:B1.

2 Identify personal skills, abilities and interests and related them to career choice. C:A1.3 Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, interests, and motivations. 1. Students will take pre survey for career self-efficacy. 2. Students will take the onet interest profiler and score it in order to determine their highest area of interest. Lesson #2 (30 minutes) ASCA Standards: A:A1.1 Develop skills to locate evaluate and interpret career information. C:B1.2 Learn about a variety of traditional and non-traditional careers. 1. Go over the Hollands different personality profiles Check to see if students scores match with what they feel their personality is. 2. Begin looking through potential careers that match their personality. 3. Students begin career plan worksheet. Lesson # 4 (30 minutes) ASCA Standards: C: B2.1 Demonstrate awareness of education and training needed to achieve career goals. C:A1.6 Learn how to set goals. 1. Discuss different types of post secondary options: Vocational programs and trade schools Apprenticeships Associates (2 yr.) Bachelors and/or Masters 2. Discuss different options in Portland area. Distribute and look over PCC booklet. 3. Complete Career Plan worksheet (students will do two if time). 4. Students take post survey.

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