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The SCERA Centei was founueu in 19SS anu is celebiating its 8u

anniveisaiy this yeai. This non-piofit chaiitable aits oiganization aims to euucate
people in the aits anu cultuie thiough wholesome anu affoiuable family
enteitainment. The oveiaiching goal of SCERA is cleaily stateu on the website: "0ui
goal is to eniich the minu, touch the soul anu unify the family."
SCERA has uone a faii amount of ieseaich on its publics anu the maiket it is
seiving. 0vei the yeais it has collecteu anu saveu many statistics that will be useful
as fuithei ieseaich is conuucteu to continue the success of SCERA. It will continue to
seive families in the Piovo anu 0iem aiea as well as taiget visitois incluuing uonois
anu college stuuents. Theie aie a numbei of unique oppoitunities foi people of all
ages to enjoy what SCERA has to offei.
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SCERA is a fixtuie in the 0iem community foi clean, family enteitainment
incluuing inuooi anu outuooi conceits, plays anu movies. SCERA places a laige
emphasis on euucation anu has ait anu home school piogiams foi ovei 17,uuu
stuuents. They aie enteiing theii 8uth yeai of opeiation anu have a iich histoiy of
quality peifoimeis.

SCERA woulu like to focus its effoits foi the upcoming fall season on the 8uth
yeai commemoiation. The cuiient public ielations stiategy incluues minimal social
meuia tactics that ieach a laige potential public in college-ageu stuuents anu
seconuaiy publics incluuing young anu miuule ageu paients of stuuents. Social
meuia is a fiee, effective tool that neeus to be implementeu. Potential challenges
incluue local competition foi movies, plays anu conceits, as well as ceitain
auuiences not cuiiently involveu in SCERA who may lack inteiest.

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SCERA will implement a campaign taigeteu specifically at college-ageu auults, a
public that is cuiiently being unuei utilizeu, in oiuei to engage a public with
potential to boost attenuance anu activity at events at SCERA.


uoal: Implement a social meuia anu event-baseu campaign to engage college-ageu
auults in SCERA.

1. Inciease numbei of followeis of the SCERA Facebook page fiom 6,S92 to 1S,uuu
in the next yeai.
2. Inciease the numbei of Twittei followeis fiom S7u to 1,uuu in the next yeai.
S. Inciease numbei of visitois attenuing events at SCERA by 1u peicent in the next

?64 @-830(
College-ageu auults in 0tah County.
1. Bemogiaphics
a. College-ageu auults aie noimally between the ages of 18 anu 2S. They
noimally uon't make much money, anu live in apaitments with
ioommates oi theii spouses. In 0tah County, most college-ageu auults
aie membeis of the Chuich of }esus Chiist of Lattei-uay Saints anu
attenu chuich fiequently. They also tenu to seek enteitainment often
with fiienus oi on uates. Nost college-ageu stuuents in 0tah County
have a goou foim of tianspoitation, whethei it's a cai, bicycle, oi
public tianspoitation. They iely on social meuia foi infoimation anu
socializing. They enjoy events anu activities.
2. Psychogiaphics
a. College-ageu auults in 0tah County aie veiy awaie of how ieligion,
specifically the LBS chuich, affects the aiea. A lot of them aie
membeis of the LBS chuich, so this can be a positive thing. Because
the LBS chuich is so pievalent, many follow its teachings anu aie
looking to seiiously uate anu get maiiieu. They believe in making the
woilu a bettei place anu want to be spiiitually anu financially
successful in theii life. They use social meuia to socialize anu look foi
inexpensive but fun events thiough social meuia.
S. Notivating Self-Inteiests
a. Low piices, enteitainment, availability of enteitainment, whethei oi
not the enteitainment is clean.

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Paients of school-ageu chiluien in 0tah County.
1. Bemogiaphics
a. Paients of school-ageu chiluien in 0tah County aie noimally pait of
the woiking miuule class. They make enough money to live
comfoitably, but still neeu to watch theii spenuing. Nany 0tah County
paients aie membeis of the Chuich of }esus Chiist of Lattei-uay Saints
anu holu callings in theii chuich. Nany of them woik in the aiea oi the
suiiounuing aiea (Salt Lake City) anu have a minimal uiive to woik.
They often go out as a family anu tiy to finu quality clean
enteitainment. They noimally have sufficient tianspoitation anu can
get anywheie in the aiea in which they live.

2. Psychogiaphics
a. Paients of school-ageu chiluien in 0tah County want what's best foi
theii chiluien. They want clean enteitainment anu to spaie them the
complications ceitain images anu enteitainment can cause. They want
to save money, but also want to keep theii kius enteitaineu. They
want theii chiluien to be successful anu want to pioviue well foi
them. They aie incieasingly using social meuia to finu anu shaie
S. Notivating Self-Inteiests
b. Low piices, quality of enteitainment, availability of enteitainment,
whethei oi not the enteitainment is clean.
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In 2u1S, SCERA celebiateu 8u yeais of being pait of the 0tah valley community. The
tiauition anu histoiy of SCERA is something that ieally iesonates with oluei auults,
but seems to almost skip ovei college-ageu (18-2S) auults. This coulu be because
youngei auults tenu to focus on the heie anu now as opposeu to tiauition anu
histoiy. They also tenu to piefei seek out cutting-euge technology anu whatevei is
new at the time. We iecognizeu that college-ageu auults is a seiiously misseu
uemogiaphic, anu ueciueu to taiget oui big iuea towaius them. This is something
that will seiiously benefit SCERA, howevei, the tiauition anu histoiy of the
oiganization is something that we uon't want to oveilook. . Aftei much thought on
how to incoipoiate SCERA's histoiy anu tiauition into a big iuea that is taigeteu
towaiu a youngei uemogiaphic, we came up with !"#$%& 8109+:+,- ./.01+/2 2+,3/

This big iuea helps us accomplish oui objectives in multiple ways. Fiist, it's shoit
anu to the point. This will uefinitely help on social meuia sites because it allows
followeis to unueistanu what the oiganization uoes without having to spenu a
significant amount of time finuing infoimation. It will also be peifect foi Twittei
because of the chaiactei limit associateu with the social platfoim. Seconuly, while it
mentions SCERA's histoiy, it uoesn't completely focus on it. Insteau, it focuses on
looking foiwaiu to futuie memoiies that will be maue theie, while hinting at the fact
that SCERA has been aiounu foi a long time, anu knows how to help customeis have
expeiiences that will last a lifetime. Thiiu, it hints that all customeis neeu to uo in
oiuei to make memoiies is show up anu SCERA will uo the iest. By cateiing moie to
a youngei auult uemogiaphic thiough college-themeu events, SCERA is pioviuing
the founuation of lifelong memoiies. College-ageu auults who choose to paiticipate
in those events, even if it's just simply by showing up, will be able to make memoiies
that they can pass on to futuie geneiations. Lastly, by mentioning the yeai SCERA
staiteu insteau of the teim "8u yeais," the slogan can be useu yeais aftei the 8u-yeai
anniveisaiy comes anu goes.

This big iuea is a goou way to combine the iich anu full histoiy of the oiganization
with new themes taigeteu at a youngei geneiation. !"#$%& ()*+,- ./.01+/2 2+,3/
4566 will help the oiganization auapt to a changing woilu that tenus to focus on the
futuie moie than it appieciates the past.

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College Stuuents

81+.)1; ./22)-/ 4& SCERA is a big pait of the community. We pioviue clean, low
cost high piofile anu high quality enteitainment almost eveiy night of the week.
Come anu join us.

!/30,:)1; ./22)-/2:
-We offei a uiscount foi stuuents foi oui plays, conceits anu movies.
-The atmospheie at SCERA is peifect foi an inexpensive, fun, classy uate.
-We have a vaiiety of shows, incluuing music, stanu-up comeuy, movies anu plays.
-Be oiiginal anu cultuieu. Come see something new.
-Take a bieak fiom the college giinu anu come expeiience SCERA.

81+.)1; ./22)-/ <: We have things specifically tailoieu foi you.

!/30,:)1; ./22)-/2&
-Come to oui stuuent movie nights wheie we show new movies at a piice you won't
finu anywheie else.
-We host monthly events foi you, such as uances, speeu uating, holiuay-themeu
paities anu othei social events.
-These events aie low cost anu convenient.

81+.)1; ./22)-/ 6& SCERA is a spot foi music.

!/30,:)1; ./22)-/&
-SCERA is a music venue foi local aitists
-Come to oui monthly summei conceit seiies anu enjoy music anu the weathei

Paients of school-ageu chiluien
Piimaiy message: SCERA offeis a wiue vaiiety of uiffeient oppoitunities foi paients.
Theie aie a numbei of low-piiceu, family-fiienuly options available foi chiluien anu
paients to spenu time togethei.
Seconuaiy messages:
-We have low-cost anu fiequent events foi you. Come as a couple oi biing the whole
-Clean, family-fiienuly movies shown weekly.
-SCERA Centei is locateu in a convenient cential spot foi visitois in 0tah valley.

!1+'16*065 './ C'(10(5

!=1)=/-; 4: Notivate college-ageu auults (18-2S) in 0tah valley to attenu events,
shows anu classes at SCERA using social meuia.

1. Tweets anu Facebook posts befoie eveiy event anu eveiy two uays uuiing events
2. Tweet anu Facebook post one "uate night ueal" pei week featuiing SCERA events
S. Weekly Instagiam posts with pictuies of events anu sets
4. 0ne Twittei monthly tiivia tweet featuiing an event cuiiently at SCERA with
ticket piizes
S. Pictuie contest encouiaging fans to shaie pictuies of them at SCERA events acioss
Instagiam, Twittei anu Facebook with ticket piizes
6. Incluue hashtag #makingmemoiies on all social meuia activity

!=1)=/-; <: Notivate college-ageu auults (18-2S) in 0tah valley to visit SCERA by
planning anu executing new events taigeteu moie towaiu theii uemogiaphic.

1. Bance paities at SCERA helu quaiteily..
2. Speeu uating events helu at SCERA biannually.
S. 0pen mic nights helu at SCERA monthly.
4. Nuiuei mysteiy paities helu at SCERA monthly.
S. 0utuooi monthly summei conceit seiies.
6. Nonthly uollai stuuent night

!=1)=/-; 6: Infoim college-ageu auults (18-2S) in 0tah valley about upcoming
events, shows anu classes pioviueu by SCERA thiough piinteu meuia.

1. Bang posteis with upcoming event infoimation on local college campus bulletin
2. Banu out flyeis with upcoming event infoimation to stuuents anu faculty on local
college campuses.
S. Banu out flyeis with upcoming event infoimation to college-ageu (18-2S) auults
leaving local events at othei venues aiounu 0tah valley.
4. Bang posteis with upcoming event infoimation in iestauiants aiounu 0tah valley.

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