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United Nations General Assembly

Open Working Group

Sustainable Development Goals
From MDGs and Rio+20 to a post-2015 sustainable development agenda

MGCY Youth Blast - OWG9 March 2014 - Ralien Bekkers

2000: Millennium Declaration 2015: Achieved? Not there yet!

Sustainable Development Goals High Level Political Forum on
Sustainable Development (UNGA/ECOSOC) Relevant decisions: & UNGA Open Working Group

Open Working Group


Mandated to develop SDGs Co-chaired by Kenya & Hungary

(H.E. Kamau & H.E. Korosi)

30 seats, 70 members: Member

States sharing seats (troikas)

8 stocktaking meetings on content

(March 2013 - February 2014) document (now - July 2014)

5 more meetings for drafting nal

What happens after MDGs? New development goals


September 2013: 1 set of goals (post-MDG/SDGs together)

Secretary Generals High Level Panel of

Eminent Persons on Post-2015 Agenda

Various reports and proposals (HLP, SDSN) Many consultations (WorldWeWant2015,

MyWorld, UNDP, regional/national/local)

Overview of processes

Processes so far & right now

Processes/events during 68th UNGA

Open Working Group on

Sustainable Development Goals (now until June): creating SDG proposal Debates on Post-2015, UNGA President for Sustainable Development: work until August, report to UNGA

High Level Meetings & Thematic Expert Committee on Financing HLPF will meet at the beginning of July Online consultations (ongoing)

Processes in the near future

Processes/events during 69th UNGA

Synthesis report on post-2015 by

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Intergovernmental negotiations
on document with nal post-2015 goals current MDGs and post-2015 SDGs?!

Mobilizing action for achievement of

Young people!

What do we want post-2015? What do we currently miss? What do we do?

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR SAY! The time is now. Demand a voice at the UN.

Several relevant websites

UN Website on SD: SD post-2015: MGCY: Global Partnership for Youth: IISD Reporting Services: World We Want:
Questions/suggestions/contact: Ralien Bekkers -

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