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Lasana 2-1-14 A3 Act 6, scene 1 Thunder and Lightning.

Enters THE THREE WITCHES WITCH ONE: Tis hast been done, Birnam wood hast move toward Dunsinane Hill where Macbeth hast fallen WITCH TWO Macduff, a child born of no woman hast defeated Macbeth WITCH THREE Tis hast been defeat by the Thane of Fife, Macduff HECATE Well done my babe, thou have done me proud WITCHES ONE Thou art lord of me and my babe HECATE Alway my babe, work be here be done, Macbeth is dead, thou made him thinketh, he was bettered than destiny and hast been defeat, well done thou art done, away from here, away, thou go away ALL Away we go Exeunt. Act 6, Scene 2 Enter MACDUFF, MALCOLM


Lasana 2-1-14 A3 Beautiful time, thou thinketh MACDUFF The people of Scotland are happeth fort the king MALCOLM I Thanks thee, Honorable Macduff, thou shalt follow me to the throne Exeunt Act 6, Scene 3 Bells ringing and drums and trumpets, Enter FLEANCE,MALCOLM, MACDUFF, PEOPLE, SIWARD PEOPLE All hail Malcolm, King of our Mother All All hail Malcolm MALCOLM Thou shalt thanks Macduff, the Thane of Fife Now the Thane of Cawdor, which once belong to Macbeth, All hail the Thane of Cawdor All All hail Thane of Cawdor

MALCOLM The Prince of Cumberland shall the loyal son of Banquo who hast been killed by Macbeth, the Prince of Cumberland shall belong Fleance.

Lasana 2-1-14 A3 FLEANCE Thank thee my honorable Lord, If only my father hereth to seeth with tis eyes. MALCOLM Siward, thou cant be payed my me nor anyone thou hast lost thy son and thou are the bravery, Be but arm of my right and command the army of Scotland as if thy own. SIWARD I thanketh thee, my lord ALL ALL HAIL THE KING, THE KING OF SCOTLAND MALCOLM (Speaking to Macduff, Siward, Fleance) Come, Thane of Cawdor and arm of my right, Prince of Cumberland let go drink till we puketh. Exeunt all

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