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Lasana Trawally 3-20-13 A4

Facebook is a social network that allows you to stay connected with your families that you dont get to see very often and your friends, its the most use social networking. facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook started in February of 2004. Facebook has over 945 million users and about one-fourth of those people check their facebook. The average time that a person spends on facebook is 20 minute, for some its more and for some its less. Some people claims that Facebook is evil well other disagree. Facebook has more positive effects than negative effects, it all depends on the way you use the website, so people use Facebook for cyber-bullying, while others use it for businesses and stay connected to friends and families.

Negative Effects
One negative thing about facebook is cyber-bullying, here is the definition of cyberbully from the dictionary to bully online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously.( Cyberbullying is basically the bullying someone online without them knowing who is doing it. Cyberbullying is an issue that can leads to death. Heres some stories about cyberbullying that helped in real life. This the story of Alexis Pilkington who was bullied online. She committed suicide because of the nasty comments online Her parents said they don't believe the messages led to her suicide, but her friends have been distraught over the creepy, insensitive messages about her, many of them posted anonymously. Some nasty comment can lead to death, here is what people are doing about it. More than 15 states have laws making cyberbullying a harassment crime or making it easier to investigate or prosecute, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. New York does not have such a law ( Another negative thing about facebook is the addiction, facebook even has its own disorder called F.A.D. which stands for Facebook Addiction Disorder. f course I don't have time to sit at the computer all day to keep up but I just can't resist as I pass by my PC, just taking a wee peek at what others have written By Toni Hart. FAD is even getting worse because of the smartphone which allows you to take facebook with you wherever you go. About 41% user of facebook users are addicted to it, thats a lot of people. More of those people spends more time on facebook than any other websites. If you know that you have FAD than you need to get some help. First step is to admit it, then ask you every time you log out, what did i gain?, then the final test try to not use

facebook for a whole a day, if you can do this then you can probably do it for a whole week but if you cant then you have so serious problem. FAD is a serious probably and Facebook is just a waste of time. Its also bad for privacy, they do not realize the instant they post something to Facebook (or MySpace or YouTube, etc.), they have just lost control and ownership of that content By Doug Fodeman and Marje Monroe. This means that once you have posted something online you have no control over it, meaning anyone can comment on it. People you dont even know can comment on your status which is not a good thing.

Positive Effects
Now lets talk about the good stuff about facebook. Facebook has some good effect, like connecting with long distance friends and families that live far away from you. Facebook provide a great way to keep in touch with loved ones who are far away ( But there's also Gmail and lot of other email that you can use, but facebook is better because you can share pictures and actually stay in connected with friends and families. There a reason that many people pick facebook over email and this it The pictures, the status updates, the postings all render a better picture of what's going on You can post happy birthday on there walls and you can write crazy stuff all over it and that is one of the main reason many people like facebook than Email. Another good thing about facebook is an opportunity to make new friends, which can be great if you love making friends and which we all do Facebook a great tool for making friends said author Toni Hart But there is also a bad side to that because those new friends that you make can stake you with you knowing it so, its better to make friends with those kid at you school and try to make sure you dont have any friends that live like in a different country that far away and you dont know them. Some people that you add because yall have a lot in come doesnt mean yall have a lot in common, you have to keep in mind that some of those people might be making all of those stuff out and they can lie to you just to be you friend and then they try to get you to meet them. Facebook really is a great place to make friend just make sure that you dont add people you dont know. "If you're not careful, the self-esteem boost you get can turn into attention-seeking and narcissism online," says Jean Twenge. Facebooks negative and positives are really equal depending on the way you use the site. When using facebook try to stop yourself from cyberbullying because cyberbully is a real problem that can lead to suicide and make sure to make friends with people you dont know and dont talk to strangers. Many people have facebook and they use for business and for family and friends and then there are those who use it for molesting others and making them feel so bad that they kill themselves. Try not to get to addicted to the site because it can be really hard to stay FAD free.

Taylor, Alex. "" May, 31, 2012. <>. Hart, Toni. "HelpFacebook Is Stealing My Life ." HelpFacebook Is Stealing My Life . 2010. < "WHY FACEBOOK FEELS SO GOOD. ." WHY FACEBOOK FEELS SO GOOD. . Dec 2012. < Cyran, Pamela. "Facebook Gifts: Great for friends, bad for privacy?." Facebook Gifts: Great for friends, bad for privacy?. 2012. <

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