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The Ohio State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 743 Spring 2 ! Quiz #1

April 9, 2009

Name (print) ____________________________________________


" #ote " There are 2 $uestions on the follo%ing pages& 'lease read the $uestions carefully&

(#o aid is given) received or o*served+


1. How many tate !aria"le are ne#e ary to de #ri"e t$e dynami# o% t$e y tem $own in &i'ure 1( ) -ns. ,,,,,, /3 points0

&i'ure 1 ) *le#tri#al +y tem 2. ,rite dynami# e-uation %or t$e y tem $own in &i'ure 1. /7 points0

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