Overall Syllabus 2009

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CSCI 3380 Computer Architecture Spring 2009

Catalog Description: Topics include arithmetic and logic unit, control unit, memory system, I/O system, instruction format, instruction implementation, and program flow control. Course Goal: In this course, students will study the organizations, architectures, structures and functions of modern digital computer systems. Covered topics include Digital Logic Circuits, Digital Components, Data epresentation, egister Transfer and !icrooperations, "asic Computer Organization and Design, !icroprogrammed Control, C#$, #ipeline and %ector #rocessing, !emory Organization and !ultiprocessors. $pon completion, students should master &asic 'nowledge re(uired to understand the architectures and organizations of modern digital computer systems. )tudents should ac(uire the a&ilities and s'ills to design, implement, and evaluate a computer*&ased system. )tudents should also o&tain an a&ility to use current techni(ues, s'ills, and tools for designing and testing the digital systems that are used to &uild computer systems.

Computer Science Program Outcomes This course contri&utes to the students+ a&ility to demonstrate, Outcome i, an a&ility to use current techni(ues, s'ills, and tools necessary for computing practices Outcome will &e assessed &y homewor' and pro-ect assignments and e.am (uestions
Te t!oo": Computer System Architecture 3rd Edition, M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall Course Content: The following topics will &e studied #art I presents the various digital components used in the organization and design of digital components. Chapter / Digital #ogic Circuits Chapter 0 Digital Components Chapter 1 Data $epresentation Chapter 2 $egister Trans%er an& 'icrooperations #art II shows the detail steps that a designer must go through in order to design an elementary &asic computer Chapter 3 (asic Computer Organi)ation an& Design Chapter 4 'icroprogramme& Control #art III deals with the organization and architecture of the central processing unit and memory Chapter 5 CP* Chapter 6 Pipeline an& +ector Processing Chapter /0 'emor, Organi)ation

Chapter /1 'ultiprocessors Assignments: #ro-ect assignments are essential to achieve course o&-ectives. There will &e several pro-ect assignments in this semester. 7t least the following su&-ects will &e covered, Digital Logic Circuits #ipeline and %ector #rocessing !emory Organization Latest esearch 8or' in Computer 7rchitecture Course Gra&e: There will &e two 9.ams :0;< each= and a final 9.am :03<=. There will &e fre(uent >uiz and ?omewor's during the semester, which are worth a total of 1;< of your grade. 8ritten home and pro-ect reports are to &e su&mitted on the assigned due date. Late assignments are not accepted. @ou are to wor' alone on all assignments and e.ams. @ou are encouraged to consult with other students a&out assignmentsA however, any su&mitted wor' must &e yours alone. , Items >uiz ?omewor'/#ro-ect assignments Test / Test 0 Binal 9.am 7ttendance Total -eight /3< /3< 0;< 0;< 03< 3< .00 /

@our numeric score will &e translated to a letter grade at the end of the semester according to the ta&le &elow. 0umeric Score 6; C /;; 5; C 56 4; C 46 D; C D6 ; * 36 #etter Gra&e A ( C D 1

Atten&ance an& Drop Polic,: 7ttendance of every class is mandatory. Class attendance contri&utes 3< of your final grade. The Last day to withdraw from this course with a 8 grade is Briday, 7pril 2, 0;;5 Statement on Aca&emic &ishonest,2plagiarism: 7cademic misconduct is defined in the section of 7cademic #olicies in your Student Handbook. )tudent who engaged in such misconduct will &e penalized. @ou are encouraged to familiarize with all policies listed in the Student Handbook

The Uni ersity o! Central Arkansas adheres to the re"uirements o! the Americans #ith $isabilities Act. %! you need an accommodation under this Act due to a disability, please contact the UCA &!!ice o! $isability Ser ices, '()*3+3(

CSCI 3380 Computer Architecture 3Spring 20094 Class Polic,

Instructor: Dr. "ernard Chen O%%ice: !C) 1;2, 5mail: &chenEuca.edu Class Sche&ule: !.8.B./,;; C /,3; p.m. at !C) 11/ O%%ice 6ours: 6,;; am* /;,;; am and //,;; am*/,;; pm, !onday, 8ednesday, Briday, or &y

9.tra instruction is availa&le and encouraged when your own attempts to understand the su&-ect matter are unsuccessful. Come prepared with specific (uestions or areas to &e discussed.

Atten&ance an& Drop Polic,

/. Atten&ance is man&ator,7 7ttendance will &e ta'en in the form of a short answer related to the class. If you are a&sent on a day when homewor', la& assignments or programming pro-ects are due, you will automatically forfeit any points assignedA the course assignment late*policy shall not apply. In addition, missed in*class daily wor', (uizzes and e.ams cannot &e made*up. If you do not attend class, you automatically forfeit any points given that day. Only Exceptions, a. )chool related functions such as &and, orchestra, sports events, etc. 7 note from the coach, instructor, supervisor, etc. must &e provided. 7ny homewor', la& assignments, or programming pro-ects due during the planned a&sence must &e turned in to the instructor prior to the missed class, unless prior approval is o&tained from your instructor :via written re(uest= to su&mit the wor' after you return. 7ny missed e.ams must &e made*up &y the first class*day following the return from such an e.cused event. &. !edically related a&sence. Bor all medically related a&sences proper documentation from a physician including the physician+s name and phone num&er included on the document must &e provided. c. Bamily related emergency. )uch emergencies must involve an immediate family mem&er :father, mother, &rother, sister= or other mem&er identified in advance to the professor. 0. It is the student+s responsi&ility to find out any information they missed due to an a&sence. 1. The students are allowed to miss three classes during one semester. ?owever, if the students miss more than 1 classes, for each class the students missed, it will result in one point reduction from the final score of the class. 2. If the students a&sent from the class for consecutive two wee's :2 classes for T,T? classA D classes for !,8,B classes=, the students will receive a F8G without notice. 3. 7ll computers need to &e shut down during the class. If the computer is turned on when it is not necessary, students will &e considered a&sent for the class.

6ome8or" Polic,
/. ?omewor' shall &e su&mitted on the date due. 0O #AT5 ASSIG0'50TS S6A## (5

ACC5PT5D7 0. $nless specifically stated otherwise, you may colla&orate on homewor'A however, the wor' su&mitted must reflect the individual effort of the person presenting the wor'. 1. If it is necessary for a student to &e a&sent, it is still their responsi&ility to determine if there are any changes in assignment due dates, schedule changes, etc. and to su&mit all assignments when due. 2. )ave all wor' on a floppy dis'ette or $)" flash memory device for &ac'*up purposes. :The computers on campus are reloaded periodically and anything you leave on them will &e erased.= 3. In case of a discrepancy in recorded grades, it is suggested that each student 'eep a portfolio of his/her graded wor'.

5 am Polic,
/. !issing an e.am is a very serious matter. There are only 1 valid reasons for missing an e.am :see 7ttendance and Drop #olicy a&ove=, a. )chool related functions such as &and, orchestra, sports events, etc. 7 note from the coach, instructor, supervisor, etc. must &e provided. &. 7n illness which re(uires a doctorHs care :you must provide documentation from your physician for the a&sence, which includes the physician+s name and phone num&er.= c. 7 documented family emergency such as a death or surgery. 0. !a'e*up tests will &e conducted at the instructor+s discretion.

Classroom 2 #a! Con&uct

/. 0. 1. 2. Io food/drin' in the classroom or la&. Io cell phone use in the classroom or la& :tal'ing, te.ting, calculating, etc.=. Io music/pornography in the classroom or la&. )tudents must &e provided with an environment conducive to learning. Distur&ance of class &y inappropriate tal'ing, laughing, &eing loud, inappropriate images on your computer screen, etc. shall result in the student+s dismissal from the class. 3. Class and la& time are to &e devoted to learning the material outlined in the course policy and sylla&us. This time shall not &e utilized for chec'ing email, visiting Bace"oo' or !y)pace sites, or engaging in chat or any other non*course related activities. %iolation of this policy shall result in the student+s dismissal from the class.

Academic Misconduct
/. The conduct of students in this course is e.pected to &e in compliance with the ethical standards detailed on pages 2;*2/ of the $C7 0;;D*0;;4 )tudent ?and&oo' in the section entitled FDefinition of 7cademic !isconductG. 0. Dishonesty in any form C including plagiarism, turning in assignments prepared &y others, unauthorized possession of e.ams, copying assignments from other student+s wor'/storage media, allowing other students to copy or view your wor' C shall result in the student &eing penalized for the violationA such penalty may result in that student &eing dismissed from the course and assigned an F at the end of the semester. If assignments are copied, both students involved will &e penalized e(ually.

University Policies
It is important that you familiarize yourself with the university policies descri&ed in the $C7 0;;D*0;;4 )tudent ?and&oo'. a. Computer *se Polic,: efer to the section starting on page 1/ of the $C7 0;;D*0;;4 )tudent ?and&oo'. &. Se ual 6arassment Polic,, efer to the section starting on page //4 of the $C7 0;;D*0;;4 )tudent ?and&oo'. c. Aca&emic Policies, efer to the section starting on page 15 of the $C7 0;;D*0;;4 )tudent ?and&oo'.

The University of Central r!ansas adheres to the re"uirements of the mericans #ith $isabilities ct. %f you need an accommodation under this ct due to a disability& please contact the UC Office of $isability 'ervices at ()*+,-,).

Dr. "ernard Chen, #h.D. 7ssistant #rofessor Computer )cience Department $niversity of Central 7r'ansas

CSCI 3380 Computer Architecture Spring 2009

-" 6ours Topics259ents
0 1 2 3 D 4 5 6 /; // /0 /1 /2 /D 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 Digital #ogic Circuits Digital Components Data $epresentation $egister Trans%er an& 'icrooperations eview J 9.am / (asic Computer Organi)ation an& Design 'icroprogramme& Control CP* Pipeline an& +ector Processing eview J 9.am 0 'emor, Organi)ation 'ultiprocessors A&9ance& Computer Architecture #ro-ect #resentation and eport Ch/0 Ch /1 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6

Ch/ Ch0 Ch1 Ch2

0OT5: This sylla&us represents a general plan for the course and deviations from this plan may &e necessary during the duration of the course.

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