The Conception of Islam To The Development of Science

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The conception of islam to development of science & technology

Firstly lets we say thanks to allah king of the king, lord of the world,and the master of everithing,so we can gather together in this time. And than shalawat and salam to our prophet muhammad saw.who has changed this world from the darkness to the like ness,from the stupid era to the smart era,like we fill now. Honorable juries,commite,and audience. Ok,i want to prepare my speech in front of you all,with the title is the conception of islam to the development of sience and technology. As we know the development of sience and technology is not also bring a big advantage for our life, but also bring a cons.we can see the activity of youth nowadays.they are take advantage of technologi. Such as see the phornographi, play game for long time. And the sequence is they are lazy to stay at home.They are lazy to study well and some times .They do a moral. Islam as religion of Allah ,oblige to moslem people for learn the science and technologi more and more boastful.Because, islam have a big source of science that is Al_Quran. So, islam must be a pioneer in the development of science and technology. But in fact, nowadays the moslem people on the contrary be brougt down on big accident that is a madness to the technology that be quite confused of moral and label of youth in nowadays. Now,i want to ask you, do you know what happen on islam or this nation in next era, if the leader is a youth without moral,akhlak,and label........????? The answer is,you can see the youth in the nowadays.. In more and more development of world,it bring many kinds of problem.that must be faced by man.and most influence of nowadays develophment is youth.therefore it must have full attention of parents,leader of society and goverment.

So, the education of islam is very requere. Because only islam that beable to anticipate trisis of the world and only islam that will make cold the global warming. As the end of my speech, i just want to say one importand think, if you realize your important role as a youth i belive our life in this country, will be peace without blood shed. May be thats all my speech in front of you all, if i have some mistakes for give me finally i say. Assalamualaikum wr. wb

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