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Teacher School/#istrict S&./ect Area(s) Grade Le(el(s)/Co&rse Lesson/Unit #&ration #ate S&.


Samantha Stolz, Carolyn Venable, Angelica Ochoa-Mayo

Mathe'atics Grade 2 1e.r&ar) 1", 2+10

Instructional Lesson Plan

(Coded per MA Professional Standards for Teachers)

Lesson/Unit Title I. Goals and Objectives A. Lesson Goals $ith and %itho&t 'anip&lati(es, st&dents %ill (A1, A2, A , A!, A", # ) de'onstrate a (ariet) of %a)s to for'&late *1.++. The goal of this lesson is for students to be able to recognize and sort coins to come up with different ways to make one dollar. Students are learning how to work with money which is involved in every day life. These goals are suitable for !nd graders because it is teaching them how to count using higher numbers. ,. Lesson -./ecti(es
(A!, ,1, ,2, , , ,0)

Students will be able to identify at least " different ways to make a dollar using nickels dimes and #uarters in the group activity.

C. C&rric&l&' 1ra'e%or2s Standards Addressed3

(List 4 and te5t of stds.)

Sol(e %ord pro.le's in(ol(in6 dollar .ills, 7&arters, di'es, nic2els, and pennies, &sin6 * and 8 s)'.ols appropriatel). $%ample& If you have ! dimes and " pennies how many cents do you have'

#. Technolo6)/9eso&rces :eeded
(A , A;, A<, ,2f)

(ontent )esources *books articles speakers handouts community resources etc.+ =ario&s coins and *1 'anip&lati(es >To&chMath? @Mone) $hite.oards 4ardware *computers T1 .1. player etc.+ (heck all that apply

Software,-eb )esources *(./)O0s .1.s 2)3s etc.+

Other media video satellite etc.

A. Le(els of Critical Thin2in6

(A1, A2, A , A!, ,2e, #1, #2)

B5B9e'e'.erin6 B5BAppl)in6


B5BUnderstandin6 BBBAnal)Cin6 B5BCreatin6 1. 21st Cent&r) Learnin6 and Dnno(ation S2ills33

(#1, #2, #0)

(heck all that apply B5B Creati(it) and Dnno(ation B5B Critical Thin2in6 and Pro.le' Sol(in6 B5B Co''&nication and Colla.oration BBB Dnfor'ation, Media, and Technolo6) S2ills

II. Instructional 5lan A. PreEDnstr&ction

(A0, ,1, #1E , A1E2 )

-hat student needs,interests,prior learning will be a foundation for this lesson' (ounting and using money *coins+. 4ow will you engage students in lesson content' As2in6 7&estions d&rin6 lesson (#oes an)one see si'ilarities of differences .et%een To&chMath and Mone)F) S2ip co&ntin6 .) !Gs to 1++. Usin6 (is&al aids of To&ch Mone) and 'ath 'anip&lati(es. -hat curriculum connections can you make to broader content area knowledge' 2sing a vending machine buying penny candy dollar stores

,. Dnstr&ction
(,2, # )

5resentation of new material 6 teacher role Acti(ators @ S2ip co&ntin6 %hile passin6 o&t

Student role St&dents %ill en6a6e in s2ip co&ntin6 .) !Gs to

'aterials. $hite ,oard acti(it).

1++. St&dents %ill %or2 independentl) &sin6 their %hite .oards to ans%er fastEpaced 7&estions 6i(en .) the instr&ctors.

Teachers introd&ce To&chMath and Mone) lessons. After the lessons, the teachers %ill ha(e st&dents %or2 in s'all 6ro&ps to %or2 %ith 'anip&lati(es. St&dents %ill then co'plete the %or2sheet >LetGs Ma2e a #ollarH?

7pplication *moving from guided scaffolded practice to increasingly independent practice,gradual release of responsibility+ 6 teacher role Teachers %ill scaffold .) .rea2in6 &p the lesson into different parts (acti(ators, lesson %ith (ideo, 6ro&p %or2 and application) and pro(idin6 the necessar) 'aterials for each part (%hite .oards, 'ar2ers, 'ath/coin 'anip&lati(e, and %or2sheet). Teachers %ill 6&ide st&dents to 'a2e a dollar and then allo% the' to %or2 %ithin their 6ro&ps to appl) the lesson. C. Clos&re
(, )

St&dents %ill en6a6e %ith teachers d&rin6 the lesson .) follo%in6 alon6 %ith the To&chMath and %ritin6 n&'.ers on their %hite .oards and co'pleted the to&ch points. -nce the lesson is co'plete, st&dents %ill .e .ro2en &p into 6ro&ps and %ill %or2 to6ether to co'plete pro.le's &sin6 To&chMath and Mone) to deter'ine %a)s to 'a2e *1.++. Student role Usin6 the 'aterials pro(ided, st&dents %ill reco6niCe the (al&e of each t)pe of coin and co'e &p %ith different %a)s to 'a2e a dollar %ith the class and then %ith their 6ro&ps.

4ow will you wrap up the lesson and anticipate future learning in the unit' -hile students are passing in borrowed teacher materials ask /8-hat could,would you buy if you had a dollar' -ould 9: be enough';

#. Assess'ent
(A2, A , , ., ,0)

4ow will you know students reached lesson goals' (ompleting the handout 83et<s 0ake a .ollar=; and participating in the group activity. -hat formative and,or summative assessment strategies will you use' 1or'ati(e Assess'ent E Ia(in6 direct contact %ith 'one) (coins) %ill help st&dents reco6niCe 'one) (al&e indicatin6 6ood for'ati(e s2ills. This %ill allo% teachers to 6i(e feed.ac2 on 7&estions and co''ents st&dents 'a2e re6ardin6 the (al&e of 'one). S&''ati(e Assess'ent E A hando&t 6i(en at the end of the class %ill 'eas&re st&dent achie(e'ent. 4ow will students be involved in ongoing assessment' The) %ill &se a %hite .oard to hold &p and sho% their ans%ers d&rin6 the acti(ator and instr&ction. The) %ill then co'plete 6ro&p %or2 and a %or2sheet. 4ow will students assess themselves' Predict and chec2 &sin6 'anip&lati(es.

III. Strategic 7nalysis of Instruction A. Mana6e'ent -hat strategies will you employ to successfully manage (C1E0) student learning and behavior during this lesson' Pacin6E &se of a ti'er $or2 in pairs $hite .oards/'ar2ers 4ow will the learning environment support planned activities' Seatin6 arran6e'ent Li'ited 'anip&lati(esE%or2 in 6ro&ps ,. -ptions for #ifferentiation
(A , A", ,2., ,2d, , ., #2)

4ow will you provide for students with special needs and,or $nglish 3anguage 3earners' Pro(ide (is&al s&pports ('anip&lati(es d&rin6 6ro&p %or2 and lar6er pict&res d&rin6 instr&ction)@ introd&ction of >To&chMath? 4ow will you modify lesson for individual learning needs' The %or2sheet %ill not contain as 'an) pro.le's and %ill onl) as2 for 2 e5a'ples, instead of 0. Also, %ritten notes %ill .e pro(ided for the' instead of the' ha(in6 to ta2e notes.

4ow will you integrate additional resources to e%tend lesson' C. 9eflections on Lesson

-hat are ne%t steps for student learning related to lesson,unit goals' St&dents %ill ne5t .e a.le to 'a2e chan6e for a dollar. The) %ill also .e a.le to appl) the s2ills learned in To&chMath (&sin6 addition) to sol(e pro.le's &sin6 s&.traction. -hat is your self/assessment of your instructional practice and effectiveness in this lesson'

3 Massach&setts C&rric&l&' 1ra'e%or2s fo&nd at httpJ//%%%.doe.'ass.ed&/fra'e%or2s/c&'l 33 Partnership for 21st Cent&r) S2ills, P21 1ra'e%or2 #efinitions fo&nd at httpJ//%%%.21stcent&r)s2ills.or6/doc&'ents/P21B1ra'e%or2B#efinitions.pdf Massach&setts Technolo6) Literac) Standards and A5pectations fo&nd at httpJ//%%%.doe.'ass.ed&/edtech/standards/itstand.pdf

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