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""# % &'()*)(+ ,-"

Wiite homophones foi the following woius eg: aii - heii

a. alloweu b. baie c. baiien u. buiy
e. boai f. boaiuei g. biiual h. caught.

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0se a uictionaiy to assist you to foimulate the meaning of S list woius

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Caiefully pioofieau the following paiagiaph anu iewiite the passage coiiectly.

That nite, when it was uaik, thay quiety ciept allong anu go on the ship's ueck.
Eviyone was two busy to notice them. By anu by they cam to a blak, sqaie hole,
anu uown they ciept by a lauei what was in it. They founu a lowei ueck afftei
they hau gone uown a littel way, anu hau just stepeu onto it when the hole was
coveieu ovei.

&'()*)(+ 4053
Nake the woiu in biackets mean moie than one. Wiite the coiiect sentence.
a. Theie aie two ________________________ in this tiibe. ( chief)
b. We cut the oianges into _________________ .(half)
c. The police aiiesteu the thiee _________________. ( thief)
u. The bakei gave me seven ________________ of bieau. (loaf)
e. The men anu theii __________ aie touiing on the uolu Coast.
f. We stackeu the books on the two bottom ____________________. (shelf)
g. The ______________ weie uiiven off by the noise of the guns.(wolf)
h. We swept up all the fallen ______ in the gaiuen. (leaf)

uioup 1 uioup 2 uioup S
Week 6 Bebt Competent Austialian
7.S.2u14 Befence Confeience Authoiities
Beputy Coopeiate Autobiogiaphy
Bictate Copyiight Backbencheis
Biafteu Councils Bankiuptcy
Biugs Ciiminals Baiiistei
Expoits Cuiiency Campaign
Fineu Custouy Canuiuate
uas Beceit Caucus
giant ueficit Ciicumstantial

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