Analysis Sonnet 137

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Castillo 1 Karina Castillo Ms. Gardner English 2 12 September 2013 Sonnet 137 Analysis It is oolish to lo!

e a "oman #orr$pted by s#andal% &$r irrational hearts' ho"e!er' (eep $s ties to this $nre)$ited lo!e. In Sonnet 137' Sha(espeare*s $se o a demanding tone and #ompelling literary de!i#es #reates a #lear hate and rage to"ards +o!e' and his #rimes against the spea(er. ,he e-ploding #onsonan#e thro$gho$t the sonnet./ alsehood'0 / orged'0 and / o$l0. #on!$lses thro$gh the teeth o the reader. ,he re#$rring /10 #reates a or#e $l so$nd o resentment. Sha(espeare also $ses rhetori#al )$estions to e-press the spea(er*s intense emotions. ,he spea(er does not intend or C$pid to respond to his )$estion% /,ho$ blind ool' +o!e' "hat dost tho$ to mine eyes' 2 ,hat they behold' and see not "hat they see30 ,hro$gh rhetori#al )$estioning' the spea(er is blaming +o!e or his /eyes* alsehood'0 th$s e-pressing his anger. ,he $se o hyperbole to"ards the "oman in lines si- and ten./the bay "here all men ride'0 and /the "ide "orld*s #ommon pla#e40.e-presses the spea(er*s !iolent 5ealo$sy. 6is mistress' ob!io$sly' has not slept "ith all the men in the "orld as the #omments imply. In the rhyming #o$plet' Sha(espeare $ses a po"er $l metaphor'./And to this alse plag$e are they no" trans err*d.0 ,he spea(er eels that his heart and eyes no" belong to this /plag$e0 o a "oman be#a$se he is #onstantly loo(ing at and thin(ing abo$t her. 7arado-i#ally' the spea(er is e!ermore de!oted to his mistress. E!en tho$gh she de#ei!ed him' the spea(er #annot es#ape rom her s$btly #$nning trap o bea$ty. 6is mistress "ill ne!er ret$rn his lo!e' b$t he is tied to her% hopelessly de!oted. ,he 1o$l 7lay o Sed$#tion S#$m o the street disrobes me "ith his gape. Sa!age br$tes. +$st $l lo$ts. Cr$el animals. 8hy lea!e me' +o!e' "ith no hope o es#ape% My gra#e' de!o$red by #allo$s #annibals. 9n"illingly' the heart*s desire o pigs: I I displease' their ha;ard is my hell. ,hey mar me' <til I sin( li(e a "re#(ed rig. End my misery' +o!e. Sei;e this !ile spell= >o yo$ hear me' +o!e3 >o yo$ hear my plea3 I*m mat#hless. ,he bla;e smolders on yet. ,heir ate to be% a pile o debris. ,hey*ll not oresee' this is' to yo$' my bet. ,emptation traps "ith alse se#$rity. Abr$ptly #eased' they heal my p$rity.

Castillo 2

?y Karina Castillo

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