March 2014

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The Official Newsletter of the Bellport Teachers Association

The Lost Promise of Public Education

With increasing demands to instruct in a certain manner and to follow protocols, questions arise on who is really in control. Often it seems that we are working harder but not better. We check the standards, instruct using modules, and consistently need to look outward to instruct (when we used to look inward). Why is this our new life in education? Here are some answers. Decisions that impact the way we teach are made by our Board of Regents. You must get to know them. Who are they? What do they do? Th e 1 7-m e m b e r b o ar d, established in 1784 by the Legislature, has almost complete unhindered power on educational issues. There are no educational requirements to become a Regent and they are elected by a joint session of state Legislature. They are not paid but travel expenses and other expenses are covered. The regents set graduation requirements, testing regimens and curricula. The Regents authorized the rushed timetable for the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and the hurried assessments State Education Commissioner John King proposed. This board impacts our education so much that the Day of Action was geared to convincing them, to let us focus on teaching and student learning. Something, we believe should be our right, not an allowance granted.

March 2014

We are parents, educators and classrooms and how his

community members. Across New York state, decisions affect us. we are taking action as part of a national As educators, we can movement to reclaim the promise of public education. (Day Of Action, open letter). As also inform our legislatures an educator, we want to reclaim the when we agree or dont promise of public education. This promise is that all children should receive a high quality education where they can not only dream dreams but have the tools to achieve them.

agree with the decisions that Regents TIlles makes. If he runs again, his reelection

comes up next year and since the state Legislature Approximately 12,000 parents, has complete power in educators, and community members electing our Regent, we

signed the Day of Action letter. This letter should contribute our opinis calling upon the Board of Regents to ions. make the following actions:
Implement standards the right way Increasing educational funds A 3 year moratorium (hold) on highstakes consequences for students An emphasis on teaching and learning, not testing and consequences

As educators we must hold on to the promise of public education. We must see that all children get educated and that policies and

practiced that are put in to place, work for our stuThis is a great step in ensuring dents. We must stay diligent that we have an active role in the decisions to the decisions that others that are being made. Another step, is make that impact what we knowing who your local Regent is. do. We can not be bystandOur local Regent is Roger Tilles. ers and let this promise be
NYSUT encourages union members to lost. contact local Regents to tell them how Resources decisions they make affect our students. NYSUT also encourages members to watch the Board of Regents in action, in order to see first-hand what decisions are being made. We can even invite Regent Tilles to see first hand what we do in our
Here you can see videos of past meetings, email Regents Tilles, and find out educational decisions that have been made.

Letters from the Editor

Dear Loyal Readers, We are more than halfway through the school year. Many of us have the winter blues from being cooped up in our homes. Soon enough (although it doesnt feel like it) we will be outside enjoying the warm spring air. I wish everyone strength to get through this never ending winter season. As always I welcome Letters to the Editor where you can voice your opinion on the happenings in our district. Of course I will respect your anonymity if you wish. Contributions can be sent to Stephanie at Please send information from your home email address. I can also be reached by pony at Kreamer Street. Thank you for all of you support and contributions. Yours in UnityStephanie Pirozzi

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I hope this year we have more people attend the BTA retirement party. Every year the numbers seem to dwindle. It is a fun, affordable party where you can celebrate retirees and the beginning of summer vacation. Maybe we could have a point person from each building who makes it their mission to recruit people to attend. I think we need a party, this year, more than ever. Hey Mr. President! Maybe you could give a gift to the school with the most percentage of people going! Just a thought!! Sincerely, Ready for a Party

Important Information: Please be on the look-out for ways to contribute your time. There will be emails and texts. If you are not receiving them, please go to the BTA website or speak to your union representative.
BTA Website:

Save the Date: Retirement Party Please join us for the best party of the year. Come celebrate with those who have devoted many years to our students and our union. THURSDAY, JUNE 19th SUNSET HARBOUR

Executive Board: President and NYSUT Delegate: Wayne White Vice-President and NYSUT Delegate: Pat Brady 2nd Vice-President and NYSUT Delegate: Teri Palermo Treasurer and NYSUT Delegate: Don OHanlon Recording Secretary and NYSUT Delegate: Christine Napolitano Corresponding Recording Secretary and NYSUT Delegate: Donna Snyder NYSUT/Ed Delegate: Trish Gallina NYSUT/Legislative Delegate: Debbie Becht Building Representatives: Bellport High School: Matthew Feddern (Senior Rep) Lisa Conk, John Romanshko, Wendy Palladino, Joe Malandro Middle School: Matt Kinigson (Senior Rep) Eric Kramer, Heidi Devitoi, Ann Metz, Jason Burmeister Frank Long: Diane Etzel (Senior Rep), Bill Freda, Tracey Behl Brookhaven Elementary: Victoria Suarez (Senior Rep), Jeanine Madrigales Kreamer Street: Nicole Albrecht (Senior Rep) and Michelle Stiriz Verne Critz Karen Hughes (Senior Rep), Lori Klamut ,Judi Lindo Southaven: Drew Cameron BTA Website: Dave Perkins Beacon Editor: Stephanie Pirozzi Ed Problems: Christine Schlosser, Kevin Glynn, Erika Watson Chief Negotiator: Donna Snyder BTA Sickbank: Teri Palermo, Laurie OHara Grants: Rodney ONeal SCOSH: Chris Belford Budget: Don OHanlon Mentoring: Daria Hagemeyer Elections: Jamie Calise Community Relations: Mark Nolan Public Relations: Camille Masem Grievance: Sue Hartmann APPR: Ellen Plain, Aimee Volk, Debbie Becht Social: Mary Zaffarano and Glenn McAvoy

Bellport Teachers Association PO Box 443 Bellport, NY 11713 (631)286-7511

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