Character Building Handout

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Mr. Gravert Physical Education Grades 9-10 Dozier Libbey Medical High chool to!gravert"antioch.#1$ %9$&' ((9-(&)0 e*t.


Character Building Physical Education Mr. Gravert

A. Our philosophy for Dozier- i!!ey Medical "igh #chool P.E. is to !e $%it %or ife&. '. (o !e fit for life )eans you *ill e+ercise and eat properly for your entire life. ,. -n our P.E. class %.-.(. also stands for Fun Intense Tea)*or.. /. Our goal is to have fun respectfully0 get an intense *or.out0 and *or. together as a tea). 1. -f you are not practicing !eing %.-.(. for life - *ill give you a ver!al *arning or sho* you the %.-.( card as a visual *arning and you *ill lose participation points. B. Positive 2einforce)ent3 '. Character Counts Party3 our class can earn this re*ard !y participating *ith good character 4trust*orthiness0 respect0 responsi!ility0 fairness0 caring0 and citizenship5. 6e can earn a letter a day !y earning 78 positive points or !y not receiving a red light or red card for poor character. Once *e have earned all the letters necessary to spell out C"A2AC(E2 CO9:(# *e *ill have our party. %or our party *e *ill *atch a )ovie and you can !ring in your o*n snac.s and drin.s. ,. - *ill choose a Player of the Day 4;< e+tra credit50 Player of the 6ee. 4;'8 e+tra credit50 Player of the Month 4;'< e+tra credit50 Player of the #e)ester 4;,8 e+tra credit50 and a Player of the =ear 4;,< e+tra credit5 /. (ea)s that play *ell and *ith good character *ill also earn e+tra credit points. 1. Positive call ho)e 4one student out of )y > classes every *ee.5 <. Positive 2eferral 4one student out of )y > classes every *ee.5 >. ?er!al praise and relationship !uilding

Mr. Gravert Physical Education Grades 9-10 Dozier Libbey Medical High chool to!gravert"antioch.#1$ %9$&' ((9-(&)0 e*t. )0+,$

C. Class 2ules3 '. ,. /. 1. <. %ollo* -nstructions Co)e Prepared @eep hands0 feet0 and o!Aects to yourself :o teasing0 !ullying0 put do*ns0 or harass)ent 4se+ual0 cussing0 etc.5 Allo* others to teach and learn at all ti)es

D. ConseBuences '. ,. /. 1. <. >. D. 6arning C 2ules card or ver!al *arning (i)eout during activity or seating change in class Phone call ho)e Advisory Detention and call ho)e CP2 and call ho)e 2eferral and call ho)e Class #uspension and parent C student )eeting

E%ighting0 vandalis)0 e+tre)e defiance0 stopping the class fro) functioning0 and other )aAor pro!le)s *ill result in a referral and steps F'-F < *ill !e s.ipped. E- *ill .eep a !ehavior log for the entire year. E. (ardies 4!eginning of class5 'st (ardy C *arning ,nd (ardy C Advisory Detention /rd (ardy C Advisory Detention and call ho)e 1th (ardy C /8 )inute CP2 and call ho)e <th (ardy - >8 )inute CP2 and call ho)e >th (ardy C #aturday #chool and call ho)e E(ardy policy starts over for ,nd se)ester. %. --contract 6e do not have an --Contract for PE. -f you have e+cessive a!sences or non-suits0 you can co)plete )a.e-up coupons to raise your participation grade.

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