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Chicago Union Stockyards

Analeslie Vega Senior Divison Indiviual Website

My history fair project as on !he Chicago Union Stockyards" I chose this topic because I a# against ani#al abuse and I believe that peole should follo and obey their rights just like they have to obey to our rights" I also chose it because it i#pacted Chicago along ith the rest of the country" I relied #ost of #y research on books and the internet" I also ent to the $arold Washington library and I ent to the Chicago $istory Museu# to find #ore research about #y topic" I got and looked at pri#ary sources relating to the Stockyards of %&'(" I used the )ibrary of Congress for #ost of #y pictures" Also* I used internet sites ending ith "org and "gov becuase they both are #ore reliable and accurate" I did #y roject on a ebsite because I thought it as easier to present #y infor#ation and also present evidence to back up all the infor#ation I present" A ebsite can also sho and de#onstrate #ore things that so#eone ouldn+t be able to de#onstrate ith a paper or a play" My project relates to the ,ational $istory Day the#e because I talked about ho irresponsible the Stockyards ere to ards the neighborhoods around the#" Also ho they ere irresponsible in taking care of their orkers and their ani#als that ere on the grounds at the ti#e"

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