Rok Sample Unit

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2 for 1, buy 1, get 1 free accessories all the bells & whistles baggy bargain bargain shopper big

selection brand name brand new cashier chain store champagne taste change cheap cheap merchandise cheap person cheap price convenience store customer service defective designer label discontinued dressing room fancy fits like a glove fitting room floor model frugal funky generic gyp, gypped haggle impulse buyer knock off (copy) looked all over town luxurious

deluxe, all the extras , , , , , , , casual, hip, cool ,

Mom and Pop store money back guarantee no return policy novelty shop odd sizes one-stop shopping out of stock pawn shop perfume / cologne plastic (credit cards) receipt refund sales clerk shop till you drop shopaholic shoplifting skin tight slightly used small selection souvenir shop spend money like a sailor street vendor tacky the old bait and switch thrifty tight wad too maw maw too rich for my blood top end try on try on for size used variety, various, vary wardrobe warranty, guarantee window shopping

(), () , ( ) ,

There's more Shopping vocabulary on pages 94-95


1 What are the most expensive clothes that you own?
The most expensive thing that I own is my heavy coat.


Who do you like to go shopping with?

I like to go shopping with my mother because she always pays. _______________________________________________________________________________

How often do you go shopping?

I go shopping about once a month. _______________________________________________________________________________

What is the most money you ever spent while shopping?

Once I spent 100,000 in the Lotte Department Store. _______________________________________________________________________________

If you were given a thousand dollars (1,000,000 won), what would you buy?
Hmmn, I would get a new color printer-scanner-copier, and some movie soundtracks. _______________________________________________________________________________

Do you have a favorite brand, such as Nike or Polo?

Yes, I really like Reebok and Calvin Kline. _______________________________________________________________________________

Do you like to haggle with the merchant?

No, I am too shy, but my older sister does it all the time. _______________________________________________________________________________

Did you ever bring something back because it was defective?

Yes, once I brought some pants back because the zipper was broke. _______________________________________________________________________________

Are you an impulse buyer? (impulse buyer = impulse hopper)

No, but my older sister once bought a hat that was too ugly to wear. _______________________________________________________________________________

10 Are you a bargain shopper?

Not really, but my mother likes to wait until there are sales. _______________________________________________________________________________


11 Where do you like to go shopping?

I usually either go to Myong dong or Apkujong dong. They have more variety. _______________________________________________________________________________

12 What is the last thing that you bought?

Last weekend I went shopping with my mom and she bought me some dress shoes. _______________________________________________________________________________

13 Where did you get your cell phone?

I bought it at Techno-mart last month. It was on sale. I really like the camera. _______________________________________________________________________________

14 How many credit cards do you have?

Three or four. Let's see, Samsung, LG and Hyundai. _______________________________________________________________________________

15 What is your favorite perfume? Your favorite cologne?

I like Channel and my boyfriend wears Calvin Klein. _______________________________________________________________________________

16 Do you go shop around to compare prices or do you buy the first thing you find?
I usually buy immediately. The price does not vary that much. _______________________________________________________________________________

17 Do you ever shop on the Internet?

Oh yes, I'm addicted. I love to shop online. I rarely go shopping anymore. _______________________________________________________________________________

18 Do you ever go to the midnight market at Tonddaemoon and Namdaemoon?

Sometimes. My best friend likes to go and I go with her. Now she likes to haggle! _______________________________________________________________________________

19 Do you buy a lot of things when you go on vacation?

I try to. But sometimes it does not all fit in my luggage when I come home. _______________________________________________________________________________

20 What is the best vacation souvenir that you ever bought?

I got a really cool beer mug when I was in Germany. Talk about big! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Write your own question.


Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad Britney Brad
Do you want to go to the mall? Sure, what do you want to buy? I need to upgrade my wardrobe. Why? You're always well dressed. My new job is at a law firm, and they like us to dress up for work. Cool, and I need some new jeans, and I want to look at music CDs. Then let's do it. How much money have you got to spend? Enough, today was payday. Where do you want to start? We'll park by the food court so we can eat first. And we can see what movies are playing at the cinema. I think they are having a sale at Dilliard's. Oh, I don't like their clothes, they look tacky. It's a half price sale. Yea, but usually all they have left are very odd sizes. That's true, but I might get lucky. You might think about buying baggy and loose fitting clothes, instead of anything skin tight. Why? In case you gain weight again. Say what? Are you saying that I was overweight? Uhh. Oh! Look at the cute puppy! Shop till you drop. Almost.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 American shoppers pay sales tax, usually 4 to 8%, which is added to the cost of the merchandise. Most American stores are big, some really big, with few sales people. Korea has many small shops, and the big stores have many many sales people. America has many giant stores, such as Wal Mart and K Mart that sell just about everything, under one roof. This is also becoming more common in Korea. American chain stores such as Circle K and 7-11 are similar to those in Korea, but usually much larger. There are seldom two stores in the same area. In Korea, if you handle the merchandise and ask questions, you are expected to buy. In America, you can handle all you want, ask questions and then just walk on. In America, the price of the goods is always displayed and haggling is rare. In Korea haggling with the merchant is more common. America has large shopping malls, which contain as many as 40, 60, or even 100 individual stores. Korea has some very large department stores, which can occupy an entire building several stories high. Most American shopping malls contain multi-screen movie theaters. That way, the husband can catch a movie while his wife shops. Most American stores, especially the larger ones, allow you to return merchandise with no questions asked. If you are not happy, bring it back and get your money back, no problem. Korean stores will rarely give back money but will sometimes allow an exchange. If an American store is out of a product, and they only have the display model (floor model) left, they will usually offer to sell that to you at a reduced price. The price is lower, but the warranty is just as long.

1 2 4 5 6 7 3

4. Goes from side to side. 6. I'm sorry, it's out of ____ . 8. Stripes that go up and down 11. This is defective, I want a ____ . 12. ____ brands are cheaper 15. $10 on your birthday present? Your boyfriend is ____ . 17. I bought that stupid hat on ____ . 18. I bought it today. It's ____ new. 19. This gold cell phone is our top ____ model.



13 14





18 19

1. Merchandise from a street ____ . is usually cheap. 2. To steal instead of buy. 3. An illegal copy. 5. Buy and bring back from vacation 7. You're too short, ____ will make you look fat 9. That's a great price, don't ____ . 10. Only $5? You got a ____ . 13. It's on ____ . 14. Mom's not cheap, but she is ____ . 16. Sell your ring at the ____ shop.

WRITE ABOUT YOUR WARDROBE (clothing, shoes, & accessories)
AND MAYBE SOME SHOPPING. Here's an example: I have a lot of dressy clothes because I work in a bank. (Sometimes I miss high school because I only wore one uniform. Simple.) Anyway, I have only one or two sexy outfits and the rest of my clothes are mainly casual, t-shirts and jeans. Some of my jeans are tight, some are low-rise, and some are baggy. I have only a few short pants. I do have a lot of shoes though. Maybe 12 pairs, all kinds, high heels, shoes for work, open-toed sandals and hiking boots. I like bright colors, mainly pink and red, but I don't like plaids or stripes. No loud patterns, but I like floral prints. I like accessories and I have several handbags, purses and belts. Some match, some don't. I have a really nice looking heavy winter coat, but it is not too warm. So I must choose between being stylish or being warm. I have a great outfit to go mountain hiking, only I never go.

I mainly go shopping in Myong dong and Apkujong dong. However, lately I have been doing more shopping over the Internet. It's very convenient, especially for electronics. I never buy clothes off the Internet, but I surf a lot for other stuff before going shopping in person.

For example, find someone who's father has the same favorite brand name.

Find someone who has the same. . .

Has the same favorite sports brand name

Has the same favorite color as you

What is your favorite brand?

Likes solids more than stripes or plaids Likes flared jeans more than straight leg jeans

Favorite shopping district is Shinchone

Likes tight clothes more than baggy clothes

Goes shopping more than twice a month

Gets lost in big department stores

Has a pair of button fly jeans

Likes plaids more than stripes

Hates to go shopping

Has a V-neck sweater

Did you ever buy anything on the internet? Do you get lost in big department stores? Do you hate to go shopping? Why? Do you have a lot of colored t-shorts? Do you have a lot of jewely? Do you have any button fly jeans?

Do you have any formal dresses or suits? Do you have any V-neck sweaters? Do you like flared or straight-leg jeans better? Do you like tight or baggy clothes? Do you like turtle-neck sweaters? Do you prefer solids or stripes?

1 HOMEWORK Write the questions from the bottom of the page under the correct statement. An example is done for you. 2 CLASSWORK Ask your partner 2 or 3 questions, then switch partners. When you find someone who has the same data, write down their name.

Favorite shopping district is Myong-dong

Has at least 3 turtleneck sweaters

Has at least 2 formal dresses or suits

Has the same favorite perfume or cologne

Has lots of jewelry earrings, necklace, rings, bracelets

Have never bought anything on the Internet

Buys electronics on the Internet

Has bought something off the Internet recently

Prefer's shopping on the Internet

Has returned bad merchandise

Has at least 6 colored t-shirts

Has at least 6 pairs of shoes

Have you bought something on the Internet recently? Have you ever bought any electronice on the Internet?
Have you ever returned bad merchandise? How many pairs of shoes do you have? How often do you go shopping?

Do you prefer to shop on the Internet?

What is your favorite brand name? What is your favorite color in clothes? What is your favorite perfume / cologne? What is your favorite shopping district? Where is your favorite shopping district? Which do you like better, plaids or stripes?

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