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Conclusion 1
At this point, Id _______________________________
the main findings of the study....
Giving recommendations:
1. ...will be a major need for new computer applications. So, ______________
______________________________ is to leave them as they are....
2. ...problems of duplication. We therefore ______________________ a
thorough reorganisation.
Recapping options:
Weve ____________________________________________________.
First, .....
Making a final recommendation:
..the time factor. So, the option which we ____________________________
for more detailed consideration.....
Referring audience to documentation:
Ive detailed cost breakdowns for the three options, which Ill be ____________
Inviting questions:
And, of course, Ill ________________________________________________

Closing formalities:

Conclusion 2
To ___________________________.
Firstly, .......
Referring to what was said previously:
1. ....category has not been good, due, _______________________________
to general economic factors.
Emphasising main point:
Fourthly, and this _________________________________________________
Of concern.
Referring to what was said previously:
2. the Independent Grocer sector. As _____________________________
3. .... because its priced so high. For ________________________________
Asking for input from the audience:
...back onto the shelves of Independent Grocers, and I would ______________


Put the following into 4 groups: responses to good questions, difficult questions,
unnecessary questions and irrelevant questions.




1. Im afraid I dont see the connection.

2. Sorry, I dont follow you.
3. I dont know that off the top of my head.
4. Can I get back to you on that?
5. I think I answered that earlier.
6. Good point
7. Interesting. What do you think?
8. Well, as I said
9. Im afraid Im not in a position to comment on that.
10. I wish I knew.
11. Im glad you asked that.
12. Well, as I mentioned earlier
13. To be honest, I think that raises a different issue.
14. Thats a very good question.
15. Im afraid I dont have that information with me.


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