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20 Medico-legal questions Test your knowledge

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20 Medico-legal questions

Question 12: Informed discharge

A 70-year-old female with presumptive giant cell (temporal) arteritis is started on corticosteroids pending urgent temporal artery biopsy. What information should the physician provide to the patient before she leaves the office? Choose the best answer: > I N D E X > A) B) C) D) E) Every risk and benefit of the steroid therapy A detailed explanation of the pathophysiology of the condition with the appropriate basic science diagrams and treatment algorithms Only the less serious side-effects of the steroid therapy Only information related to the possibility of loss of vision or stroke The symptoms and signs that would indicate either a complication in her condition or a side-effect of the medication

The answer to this question is: E

Informed discharge There are increasing expectations that physicians educate patients to recognize the symptoms and signs that should alert them to seek further medical attention. The information should be tailored to each patient and each clinical situation. It is a fine balance between frightening patients and giving a false sense of security. Patients also have certain duties and responsibilities for their own health. This includes a duty to give their health information to the health care professionals assisting in their care, to follow instructions and generally to act with their own best interests in mind. This patient duty would also include seeking medical attention when required or when sensible to do so. In the informed discharge process, patients should be advised how to recognize: the symptoms and signs indicating complications may be developing; the urgency of the response required; and where best to seek medical attention.


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