PNB Workshop Objectives

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1. 1o lnLroduce n8 as an alLernauve Lo dellver reglonal anesLhesla,
lncludes Lhe followlng:
A. Why (safeLy prole eLc....)
8. Who (pauenL prole)
C. Where (seL-up)

2. 1o demonsLraLe n8
lncludes Lhe followlng

A. Where (cllnlcal / anaLomlc landmarks / posluonlng)
8. WhaL (nS & ulLrasound, needles, anesLheucs)
C. Who (anesLheslologlsL & sLa complemenL)
u. Pow (dellvery of Lhe anesLheuc agenLs)
3. 1o deLermlne compllcauons
A. AcuLe (LAS1)
8. Chronlc (nerve ln[urles)

1. LengLh of workshop, ln hours
2. recepLors
3. aruclpanLs
4. Llve demo ln Lhe C8
3. SLauons for Lypes of blocks

* Llve demonsLrauon may be posslble dependlng on pauenL avallablllLy.
re-Congress Workshop
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Aprll 3, 2014, Mahogany 8oom, !lCA 8ldg,
SouLhern hlllpplnes Medlcal CenLer

Mornlng Sesslon: 8am Lo 12nn, 30 sloLs
Aernoon Sesslon: 1pm Lo 3pm, 30 sloLs

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