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List of recommended books for GD/PI Prep

1. Author Malcolm Gladwell Blink Outliers The Tipping Point

2. Author Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Black Swan Fooled By Randomness

3. Author Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast & Slow

4. Author James Surowiecki Wisdom of Crowds

5. Author Steve Levitt & Stephen Dobner Freakonomics

6. Author Eliyahu M Goldratt& Jeff Cox The Goal

7. Author NaviRadjou, Dr.JaideepPrabhu, Dr. Simone Ahuja Jugaad Innovation

8. Author Ethan Rasiel The McKinsey Way

9. Author Abhijit Banerjee Poor Economics

10. Author - C K Prahalad Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid

11. Author Jeff Cox & Howard Stevens Selling the Wheel

12. Author Sheldon Bowles Kingdomality

13. Author Lou Gerstner Who Says Elephants Cant Dance?

14. Author RaghuramRajan Fault Lines

15. Author Edwin Lefevre Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

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