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monsoon design
12/2, banaswadi main road, cooke town, bangalore 560 005 (080) 2580 6139

12/2, banaswadi main road, cooke town, bangalore 560 005

monsoon design

Feasibility Checklist
1 C eck t at Client as confirmed !esigners" and ot er cons#ltants a$$ointments %re$are &ffice $rogramme and allocate staff 2 'old meetings wit design team and $re$are $rogramme 3 &btain from Client all information necessar( relating to brief b( means of meetings, letters 4 Carr( o#t researc into all $ossible constraints and a$$l( for an( $reliminar( consents, if necessar( 5 )#r*e( )ite as far as necessar( for work stage 6 +nal(se similar rele*ant $ro,ects 7 Carr( o#t design work to ada$t conce$t to act#al site conditions 8 %re$are re$ort and $resent to Client #sing a$$ro$riate tec ni-#es 9 &t er a$$ro$riate action not listed abo*e 10 &btain Client instr#ctions to $roceed to ne.t stage C eck t at an( essential consents for $ro,ect a*e been obtained C eck t at all ot er essential actions a*e been com$leted

Related Lists to e!e to" #ake$%& time' ate (stimated )ct%al

Cost Rs (stimated act

tel/ ( 080 ) 25806139 fa./ ( 080) 25806533 e0mail/ rao1mandrekar2*snl1com

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