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O GOD MY GOD GRIP ET TU ME Our Governments Our Destroyers Masticating Yahoos Gold Oil Dollar Golden Rule Illusion

Pyrite and You Me Bi lingual BI A ! Be"are Ides Am#ide$trous %lit!%ersonality anctimonious

htt%&''"""(scri#d(com'doc')*)+,+-*-' I.!ME!E P ane Insanity .ormalcy Motivational Emotional Enough aid Passiveness
/Et tu0 Brute1/ 2%ronounced 3t tu #rut45 is a 6atin %hrase meaning

"and you, Brutus?"

or /and you too0 Brutus1/( The %hrase is o7ten used %oetically to re%resent the last "ords o7 the Roman dictator 8ulius 9aesar to his 7riend Marcus Brutus at the moment o7 his assassination( :o"ever0 there is no evidence that 9aesar actually said these "ords0 and the 7ame o7 the ;uotation is entirely due to its occurrence in <illiam ha=es%eare>s %lay 8ulius 9aesar(3)43?4 The ;uotation is "idely used in <estern culture to signi7y the utmost #etrayal #y an une$%ected %erson0 such as a 7riend(

@acts must have root ? ta=e root God coherency /9atch ??/ must have sem#lance ? catch doG chase tail
PRI9A mi @IBIB Political Religious Illusion 9harlatan Ale%tocracy media inciting @ic=le Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss

I =no" I "ill never see a %oem as lovely as a tree nor a #righter li7e 7orm

hould =no" "hich side you died 7or eh1 @or .<O stay "ith .<O media %lease( DonBt let reality mess "ith your minds C rela$ let reality do it C "ith .<O #ac= Maintain tatus Duo Pee"ee :erman C <e =no" "hat you are C #ut "hat am I1 um thin Else eh1 <hen all said and done there "ill #e chi%s to unscram#le minds %erchance there are survivors U U. Britain Israel E)) """(E))(t=o?F)G(com """(Amen(In7idels?F)G(com """(oHTA A(Hustice)+(com Truth and ource Aill

GOD Gold Oil Dollars htt%s&''"""(youtu#e(com'"atch1vIDt*hT9eoJUM htt%s&''"""(youtu#e(com'"atch1vIhO"R!*Prv*M G:O T Gold :eist Olym%ic u#ter7uge Titanic htt%s&''"""(youtu#e(com'"atch1vInTe<"PMi;vs GOA6 Ghost O7 All 6iving Against .<O sort it out on YouTu#e %lease That "ould #e .O< eh1 Given that Russia is "ell a"are o7 .<O C i7 not 7or it C "hat can they do1 Iran and 9hina too <hat i7 they are 7or it and sim%ly Hust team "or= getting << III under"ay eh1 htt%s&''"""(youtu#e(com'"atch1vIerK?YidTK%G Ignorance our al#atross Truth

our Ammo .<O Alamo

Unite .O< L .e" Order <orld L 9ut the Middle#an=ster That "ill get them Hum%ingMM htt%s&''"""(youtu#e(com'"atch1vIlyUiJgt:RNE OIt is only the "isest and the stu%idest that cannot changeP Tis a thin line that I 7or one 7ail to see the di77erenceMMM """(9..!:A(com

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