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Level 3 Media Cambridge Technical

LOCATION PA16 LOCATION ADDRESS Priestley College, Loushers Lane, Warrington, WA4 6RD TYPE OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE/LANDSCAPE N/A WHY IS THIS LOCATION SUITABLE FOR YOUR PROJECT? reen s!reen "ro#i$es a "ro%essional &a!'groun$ %or (y (aga)ine Lo!ation o% *here the !ourse*or' *as set Easy to a!!ess e+ui"(ent ACCESS TRAN,PORT LIN-, TO LOCATION Net*or' Warrington &uses, e.g. 6 / 0 1us Route Warrington Train station near&y

P23,ICAL ACCE,, TO ,ITE 4ront entran!e 1a!' entran!e

GENERAL INFORMATION Peo"le *ho (ight &e a%%e!te$ &y re!or$ing in this lo!ation5 Pu"ils, tea!hers o% the !ollege Pre!autions/(easures ta'en to (ini(ise the i("a!t o% your re!or$ing5 Ensure "eo"le aroun$ the lo!ation are a*are o% the "ro6e!t that is going on. 4or e7a("le, ha#e a "erson letting "eo"le *al'ing "ass to &e a*are or "ut u" signs Po*er sour!es a#aila&le Plug so!'ets in roo( Catering 3es Toilets 8ale an$ 4e(ale Tele"hones 3es Daylight ti(es 9i% re!or$ing N/A outsi$e: Lo!als/Authorities to &e !onta!te$ ,tu$ents an$ tea!hers using the roo( 8easure(ents o% s"a!e use$ on lo!ation5 9;se "a!es i% ne!essary: N/A Des!ri&e any restri!tions/ha)ar$s in the i((e$iate #i!inity5 Not too (any "eo"le surroun$ing the area to a#oi$ $a(age to e+ui"(ent, %or e7a("le lights. Where *ill the !re* *or' on this lo!ation< In %ront o% the !ast Where *ill the !ast *or' on this lo!ation< In %ront o% the reen s!reen


9N.1. this $oes not re"la!e the Ris' Assess(ent %or( *hi!h (ust &e !arrie$ out %or any "ra!ti!al "ro6e!t:

Peo"le tri""ing o#er e+ui"(ent or ta&les an$ !hairs, not &eing a*are o% the s"a!e aroun$ the(. Lights &e!o(ing lose or &ro'en, !oul$ har( "eo"le in the roo(. The green s!reen &e!o(ing inse!ure =

Descri e !"e #es!"e!ics $% !"e &$c#!i$' 9e.g. Des!ri&e the "otential !a(era shots or $es!ri&e the a!ousti! #alue o%
the lo!ation:

;sing this lo!ation allo*s "hotogra"hs to &e ta'en %ro( all angles an$ not ha#ing to *orry a&out sha$o* $ue to the lighting in the roo(. This (eans all "hotogra"hs loo' "ro%essional an$ allo*s the &a!'groun$ to &e use$ in

Level 3 Media Cambridge Technical

the %inal "ie!e. The green s!reen also allo*s the !olour or the &a!'groun$ to &e !hange$.

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