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Departement of Earth Sciences Visitors Budapestlaan 4 3584 CD Utrecht Post address P.O. Box 80.

021 3508 TA Utrecht T: (030) 253 50 50 F: (030) 253 50 30 E:

Other departments Visitors Willem C. van Unnik building Heidelberglaan 2 3584 CS Utrecht Post address P.O. Box 80.115 3508 TC Utrecht T: (+31) 30 253 2024 F: (+31) 30 254 0604 E:

The Utrecht University Partners (UUPs) in Europe are the 22 members of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Research Utrecht University participates in numerous research projects conducted by consortia of European research networks, often in the context of EU-(subsidy) programs such as the Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. Read more about EU cooperation and examples of EU research cooperation projects in Utrecht.

Education Within Europe, the university-wide educational co-operation mainly through:

The Utrecht Network, especially exchange of staff and students Erasmus Programme of the European Commission (EC), including exchange of staff and students. Read more at the EC Education & Training website Erasmus Mundus Program of the EC. The programme aims to enhance quality in higher education in Europe. In partnership with other EU universities, Utrecht University offers 2 Erasmus Mundus Master programmes: 1. 2. Applied Ethics GEMMA: Women's and Gender Studies

More information Collaborating with international universities is fundamental to providing excellent teaching and research. Additional funding is available for specific activities with UUPs. Read more at the Open Calls page. Send a mail to the Academic Affairs Office for more information about international collaboration.

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