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Is National Exam Still Necessary ?

As we know, every year in Indonesia always be held the National Examination. This exam is one tool of evaluation of education issued by the Indonesian government. However, lately known that there are policies of National Exam that cause pro-cons in the society. Some believe that National Exam is still very much needed. But, not a few of society who had rejected it. Obviously, each hand has its own reasons about their opinions. According to people who support the National Exam, this exam should still held because it has some important functions for increasing the quality of education. They argue that the National Exam is the national graduation standards for all students in Indonesia. Without this test, the government can not determine which students are eligible to graduate. In addition, the school also has no national reference value in graduating their students. National Exam is also necessary to hold in order to know the ability of a region in achieving the target of national standards that have been defined. In this way, the government will know which regions are already and not yet able to meet the target. For regions that have not been able, the government must find new solutions in the learning system so that that region can reach the standards set in the next year. On the other hand, people who oppose the National Exam requires the elimination of examinations. According to them, a National Exam - that only a few days - can not be a graduation standard because it may cause unfairness to students. Moreover, development of learning result can not be measured just by giving a written test at the end of the school year because the results of learning not only in the form of knowledge, but also include skills, attitudes, and motivation to learn. Then, the quality of education in each region is different both from the aspect of students, teachers, and facilities. So, it is not wise to apply the same standards to graduate. Besides, the implementation of the National Exam is not pure anymore because a lot of fraud done by the students and the school to achieve the best graduation. Pros cons about the National Exam is not supposed to be happened if all parties understand each other and put the National Examination in proportion, according to situation and condition in Indonesia. If the National Exam is still wanted implemented, the government should not make it as a graduation standard. However, the government should provide the opportunity for schools to determine their student's graduation. This is because who really know the progress of students during their learning process is their own teacher. By doing so, will be born graduate students who qualified in all fields.

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