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Earthquake Edition

with: Justin Highbarger

Our Original Tower Designs

My drawing (labelled) Partners drawing (labelled)

Partners drawing (labelled)

Our Tower : Before

Positive Features
Long side support, were hoping it will hold. Styrofoam top.

Long side support could collapse. Not very stable in the middle.

Drawing of your tower

Photo of you tower (with team members in it)

Our Tower: After

How many sand bags did it hold? 0 What wave made your tower fall? S-Wave What actually made it fall? The S-Wave shake. What could you have done differently? Made it more stable.

Drawing of your tower AFTER!

Photos of your tower AFTER!

Ryan and Nate T.

Positive Features
Level at 20 inches tall. Nice double bottom base to help hold it up. If the sandbags fell, they could catch on the side sticks on the bottom base. Ingenious!

Really tall support. It has a foam top, it could collapse.

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

Nate E., Kennedy, and Lucy

Positive Features
Couple of popsicle sticks platforms to hold out the side support. Nice! Lots of bases, maybe that will help hold up.

Already collapsing, even before shaking. The platform at the top is not that wide, it will not hold the sandbags.

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

Colton, Drew, and Natalie

Positive Features
Nice lots of sticks taped together middle support. Base at the top for holding things.

Very skinny top base. Not very stable bottom support, compared to the middle support.

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

Autumn and Sophie

Positive Features
Multiple bottom features. Side stick platforms

No platform at 24 inches. It collapsed after the P Waves.

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

An Earthquake: Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Four Ws...And a bonus When: Sunday Where: Off the west coast of America. Why: The Pacific and North American tectonic plates collided. Damage: Tidal waves, and destruction of houses. How Strong: Earthquake Magnitude Level: 2 Pictures!

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