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Name: _____________________________________________________ How Much Can Each Container Hold?

Directions: Compare each container with the target container by circling whether you think it holds more, holds less, or holds about the same.

1. Cereal Box

holds more

holds less

holds about the same

2. Bread Crumbs Container

holds more

holds less

holds about the same

3. Pancake Box

holds more

holds less

holds about the same

4. Cookie Container

holds more

holds less

holds about the same

5. Tupperware

holds more

holds less

holds about the same

6. Water Bottle

holds more

holds less

holds about the same

Look at the containers you circled as holds more. Why do you think these containers hold more than the target container?

Look at the containers you circled as holds less. Why do you think these containers hold less than the target container?

Look at the containers you circled as holds about the same. Why do you think these containers hold the same amount as the target container?

Station #
Station #1 Target Container Station #2 Cereal Box Station #3 Bread Crumbs Container

How many cups can it hold?

Station #4 Pancake Box

Station #5 Cookie Container Station #6 Tupperware Station #7 Water Bottle

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