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Your Spiritual Diary

1. When did you get up from bed ? 2. How many hours did you sleep ? 3. How many Malas of Japa ? 4. How long in Kirtan ? . How many !ranayamas ? ". How long did you perform #sanas ? $. How long did you meditate in one #sana? %. How many &ita 'lo(as did you read or get by heart ? ). How long in the *ompany of the wise +'atsanga, ? 1-. How many hours did you obser.e Mouna ? 11. How long in disinterested selfless ser.i*e ? 12. How mu*h did you gi.e in *harity ? 13. How many Mantras you wrote ? 14. How long did you pra*ti*e physi*al e/er*ise ? 1 . How many lies did you tell and with what self0 punishment ? 1". How many times and how long of anger and with what self0punishment ? 1$. How many hours you spent in useless *ompany ? 1%. How many times you failed in 1rahma*harya ? 1). How long in study of religious boo(s ? 2-. How many times you failed in the *ontrol of habits and with what self0punishment ? 21. How long you *on*entrated on your 2shta 3e.ata +'aguna or 4irguna 3hyana0 with5without form, ? 22. How many days did you obser.e fast and .igil ? 23. Were you regular in your meditation ? 24. What .irtue are you de.eloping ? 2 . What 6uality are you trying to eradi*ate ? 2". What 2ndriya+senses, is troubling you most ?


2$. When did you go to bed ?

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