MF636 Windows 7 Drivers Installation Guide

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MF636 Windows 7 Drivers Installation Guide

This document outlines the steps to install Windows 7 drivers for MF636 USB data card. IF YOUR CONNECTION M N GER I! "RE DY "O DED GO TO !TE# $ !te% &' Plu the MF636 data card into !our P". The installation starts automaticall!. !te% (' "omplete the "onnection Mana er installation wi#ard. !te% 3' $fter installation% "onnection Mana er will launch automaticall!% Windows will search and load drivers. &ue to the lac' of Windows 7 drivers% Windows 7 will not (e a(le to load the drivers successfull!. !te% $' From the downloaded files dou(le clic' )*T+&rvSetup.e,e- to start the Windows 7 drivers installation. !te% )' $fter startin the installation wi#ard !ou will see the two pop.up windows shown (elow /See fi ure 0 and fi ure 12. When !ou see fi ure 1 the new drivers are installed and Windows 7 will complete the installation.

Fi ure 0

*T+ $ustralia

Fi ure 1 !te% 6' 3ow Windows 7 will start to load the drivers. 4nce all of the drivers are loaded successfull! the "onnection Mana er will switch to read! status and !ou will (e a(le to "onnect and use !our modem normall!.

15P a *T+ $ustralia

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