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Rule 5


SECTION 1. Uniform Procedure The procedure in Municip l Tri l Cour!" "h ll #e !he " $e " in !he Re%ion l Tri l Cour!"& e'cep! ( ) *here p r!icul r pro+i"ion e'pre""l, or i$pliedl, pplie" onl, !o ei!her o- " id cour!"& or (#) in ci+il c "e" %o+erned #, !he Rule on Su$$ r, Procedure. (n) The Rules on Procedure starting with Rule 6, the title of the subject matter is procedure in Regional Trial Courts. However, by e press provisions in !ection ", the procedure in the Regional Trial Court and the procedure in the #unicipal Trial Court is the same. The Rules on Civil Procedure which applies to RTC are also applicable to the #TC e cept when a particular provision e pressly applies only to either of said courts. There are provisions where it is very clear and intended only to apply to RTC or #TC. $ good e ample of this is paragraph %a& is Rule '( which governs appeals from #TC to RTC. )t is only applicable to #TC. )t does not apply to appeals from RTC to Court of $ppeals. The second e ample would be in civil cases governed by Rules on !ummary Procedure. That would be the last law that we will ta*e up. Rules on !ummary Procedure applied only to #TC. They do not apply to RTC. Sec. . Meaning of Terms. The !er$ /Municip l Tri l Cour!"0 " u"ed in !he"e Rule" "h ll include Me!ropoli! n Tri l Cour!"& Municip l Tri l Cour!" in Ci!ie"& Municip l Tri l Cour!& nd Municip l Circui! Tri l Cour!". (1 ) )n our structure, we already illustrated the hierarchy of courts. #etropolitan Trial Courts are only in #anila. #unicipal Trial Courts are in cities and municipalities. +hen the Rule says ,#unicipal Trial Court-, it already includes #etropolitan Trial Courts, #TCC, #CTC. !o that we will not be repetitious.


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